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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Neither of my guys have fully adapted to Canadian winters. I don't think anybody fully adapts to our winters. It's not at all uncommon that dogs won't go outside in the cold, or especially brutal winds.
  2. Iker has done the same on my mom's bed (my mom doesn't particularly like him; she says that she can't love a dog that she feels sorry for ). Turned out he had a UTI. Now he wears disposable belly bands when I visit her, just to be safe.
  3. My guys won't go outside when it's really cold. I have to push them by their bums out the door.
  4. Took a while to housebreak Loca. I ended up tying her leash (she was attached to the other end) so that I could have easily monitor and watch for her for very subtle signs that she had to go out. Eventually I realized that if she made eye contact with me for longer than a few seconds, she was telling me that she had to go out. I just had to learn her language.
  5. Thanks, all. That's what we're thinking, too. Alabama rot seems far fetched to us, also.
  6. I'm looking for info on Alabama rot. I can't seem to find what I need online. Does anybody know if it's common in Canada? Can it be treated? Is it always fatal? Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  7. I use it because of the salt on the sidewalks it's really good.
  8. How awful! I'm so very sorry. Please, this was not your wife's fault. It was a tragic accident. Hugs to both of you. She was a special girl.
  9. Greyhounds are dogs. No need to overthink it
  10. What a handsome guy! Congrats to all!
  11. Yes! Just as good, but even more pathetic. Has supplements the pathetic look with his pathetic galgo sit.
  12. Thanks, Ellen. Iker's bandage came off Thursday. Vet said that he's healing well but I still need to keep him muzzled so he keeps away from the stitches. He's acting incredibly pathetic. He won't eat unless I bring the food over to him and his keeps staring at me. Nobody does pathetic better than Iker
  13. Good news! Went to my regular vet tonight. Iker's foot is looking good and the bandage could come off Thursday!
  14. Thanks everybody for your input and good wishes. Jen, I will certainly look into cold laser therapy. Clare, the vet mentioned that we should try to keep it wrapped but it might end up being better to unwrap it at some point.
  15. Oh yeah, I forgot to say that that his wound cut through blood vessels and they had to stitch from the tip of his toe to the base of his paw.
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