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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Older dogs are th best! I've adopted two senior greyhounds and wouldn't hesitate to do it again.
  2. Oh no, how awful I'm sorry that I don't have any info to give you.
  3. CLEARLY I did not get lucky, George of NE. . Loca was probably the most difficult greyhound ever. This was quite a bit before George New England's time on GT.
  4. I've circled one of the rings she's talking about. There are two; either will work.
  5. They're great first time dogs, they're laid back, calm, pretty disciplined and very sweet. They're dogs.
  6. Greyhounds are easy peasy. Most of all, they're dogs, not mythical creatures.
  7. I had a similar lifestyle. I had a friend come to walk them every day around noon, and a friend to look after them when I had to travel. Worked out fine.
  8. Good question! I haven't seen anything yet, either. We started just about a week ago, same dosage same weight.
  9. I've just recent,y been able to comfortably walk Iker, and that was five years in the making along the same paths! Be patient
  10. My vet recently prescribed Anxitane for Xavi to help deal with anxiety. Has anybody ever tried it? What are your experiences? Thanks
  11. I have seen a greyhound completely destroy a room when closed in a room. I don't believe in crating. If there's a room or area that's off limits, I put up a baby gate.
  12. This breaks my heart. I loved Beatrix like I love Iker and Xavi. She never failed to bring a smile to my face, even if I was laughing at her for being the fun police. RIP, sweetie. We'll miss you.
  13. I used a cooling coat for Treasure only, because she really felt the heat. Have never used one with other dogs. I don't believe in crating, and would only do so ir the dog's safety was at risk being loose. I use a slow feeder with Xavi, as he eats so quickly that he would also eat Iker's food without it.
  14. Oh no! Sweet, silly Passion. I'm so very sorry, Kari.
  15. One of my dogs responds better when the person doesn't make eye contact. Let Rufus decide when or if he wants to hang out with your son.
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