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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. Sweep, I bet that was the most appreciated stink eye EVER! Congrats!
  2. I have not! Fancy is taking Enalapril to help with her blood pressure but it can hurt the kidneys, so it is a balancing act. Her medication and diet regimen is rather convoluted and extensive at this time, but it seems to be working as her levels have been stable now for almost 6 months. She also gets VetriScience Bladder Support. We can several days of accidents while asleep and that has stopped. But, TBH, I also changed her Enalapril from the evening to the morning at the same time. But, I will have to look into that supplement myself. I am sorry that you are dealing with kidney issues. Happy to compare notes on treatment, if you want! Cindy
  3. Woot! New pictures are scheduled to be taken in November!
  4. Oh my! I wouldn't have even bothered to pretend to foster him lol. Congrats! He looks like a total doll and the name is perfect!
  5. My heart hurts for you. I am so sorry that your beautiful girl had to leave. Wishing you much peace and comfort.
  6. what raw bones? Some times my dogs hork up the joints from chicken quarters. It is more cartilage-looking, if that makes sense. If it aren't digested within 12 hours or so (based on my dog's personal digestive tract), up it comes. Usually on carpet lol.
  7. I am so very sorry that it was Katie's time. I hope Petunia is adjusting to the loss of her BFF and the new level of silence in your home isn't too deafening. Wishing everyone peace.
  8. I am so very sorry you lost your Charlie. I have lost two the same way and it truly stinks. I wish you peace, knowing you "did good by him."
  9. I am so sorry. The hits just keep on coming. Hugs.
  10. Oh, I am so sorry that she had to leave. She didn't get the quantity time, but you sure gave her the quality.
  11. I am so very sorry that you lost your handsome boy. Wishing you peace as you learn to navigate your new normal without Mr. Spock at your side.
  12. She is just lulling you into a false sense of security! Such a cutie - it masks the mayhem lol
  13. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, handsome! Enjoy your outdoor time and quest for all things inappropriate. At your age, the filters are gone and you get to do/say whatever you want! At least, that is what my father has told me, lol. Congrats on such a wonderful milestone!
  14. Lucy, I am late to this thread but am also one who has dealt with knowing when is enough. I got it right most of the time, but we were 24 hours late with Sherman and it was not fun. But, you have a plan and it is solid and feeling peaceful about it is wonderful. Indy's body failed him completely but when I let him go, he was still so pissed and my last look from him was so damning lol. But, that was Boo. Anyway, I have had good luck with gabapentin and with Adequan injections but I think you are past that point for Spirit. He is such a love and will stay here with you as long as he thinks you need. So, letting him know that it is OK that he go, may be helpful to you both. Lots and lots of hugs. Cindy
  15. Jerilyn, I am just so very sorry that it was Lila's time to go. Your tribute to your beautiful girl with the large personality was perfect. I can only imagine that she is now running around, digging holes with her pawpaws (that always made me laugh for some reason), and getting her ears rubbed by Big Momma. I hope that the outpouring of support helps to carry you through until your memories can bring a smile instead of a tear. Hugs. Cindy
  16. I finally got them all out in the mail today. Whew! Have been receiving such nice cards - my favorite part of the season! Thanks everyone for making this a success.
  17. Fancy has a corn that is really nasty and getting bigger. She has had it for a couple years. We have tried everything, including duct tape, and what works for some doesn't necessarily work for all. So, I just manage it as best as I can. She is 11 so the idea of putting her under for surgery scares me. Please keep us posted!
  18. nice! We don't use front license plates here and don't even have the holder. Looks like everything is now ready to go!
  19. If that doesn't work and you are definitely getting a new vehicle, I have a Mazda3 hatchback that has been able to accommodate the hounds with the back seat folded down. I do put a seat extender back there to block the gap between the back of the dropped seat and the back of the front seats. Everything is covered with an old opened sleeping bag. That car has worked well for me - low 30s for gas mileage and is just under 240,000 miles.
  20. Oh, I just saw this. I am beyond sorry and just so very sad that it was his time to go. Butt, it appears that he had Campers waiting for him on the other side to show him the bacon bar. Jan, I am so very sorry. Hugs.
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