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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. If the Adequan helps, I wouldn't stop it. Also, ask your vet about adding Robaxin (a muscle relaxer) with the gabapentin. Brady will be 13 (!) next week and has a bad leg from an old injury. He gets the injections and gabapentin with Robaxin (generic is methocarbamol, or something like that). His muscles get tight from the imbalance and pain and the relaxer helps keep him comfortable. He gets his twice a day and I will bump him to 3 times per day if he needs it, but so far, so good. Scritches to your boy!
  2. Ouch! No suggestions, but did she have her new collar on by chance? Feel better soon, cutie-pie!
  3. Dante would grow hair during the winter and when he blew his winter coat, his tush would be bald again. His thyroid was fine. I love the look of monkey butts, though, so it doesn't bother me to see a nekkid hiney! Good luck!
  4. I am so very sorry. Your tribute for your beautiful girl moved me to tears. Oh, to be so loved and know it - what a gift for everyone.
  5. Jan, there is a chance of some dizziness when first starting gabapentin. As the body adjusts, that wears off. At least, that has been the experience of those I know who have taken the medication themselves or for their pets. Also, you start small. 100 mg every 8-12 hours and ramp up from there, if needed. Greyhounds can take it every 8. However, Brady is doing just fine taking it every 12, so that is what I do. He now gets 200 mg twice a day and spinal pain is the least of his issues. He is getting adequan and acupuncture, too, but he has so many health concerns and they help with most of them. Good luck!
  6. Have you considered gabapentin and robaxin? If she has spinal issues, it is likely, imo, that she has some nerve pain. The gabapentin would help with that. And, if she has some pain, she probably tenses her muscles and the robaxin is a muscle relaxer and can help with that. That combination has worked well for Brady. Wishing your sweet Zola well!
  7. What a doll! I remember her - your screen name always made me laugh. I hope your new addition brings you as much happiness as Asta did. My deepest sympathies.
  8. Ask your vet about Cholodin. It's an enzyme, I believe, and is used in conjunction with the Anipryl. I only used that with my whippet (I gave it to him daily) and it helped take the edge off with his sundowning. I also had timers for lights in the house so it never got dark until I was home with him. It is so hard to watch them age. Scritches to your sweetie.
  9. I have had 6 cat safe greyhounds. Of those 6, three have regularly played with stuffies and one plays with abandon on a daily basis while the other two would get their game on several times a week.
  10. I am so very sorry. Rest in peace, Carol. I hope Carol's mom can find peace and comfort.
  11. I am so very sorry. You both fought so hard. Wishing you peace and comfort.
  12. Your tribute was beautiful and fitting for your lovely Miss Isabella. I am sorry that it was her time to go.
  13. I so hope the injection works for your lovely lady. It is very hard when the spirit is willing but the body is not. Keeping you and Tori in my thoughts.
  14. Brady gets Adequan injections, as well, and they have helped him, too. Newgreymom, he takes 500 mg in the am and 500mg at night. You can (and it is suggested) that they get it every 8 hours instead of 12, due to their ability to metabolize the medication faster than other breeds. However, at this time, twice a day works fine for him. I hope Seamie feels better soon!
  15. Have you thought about Robaxin (methocarbamol)? It is a muscle relaxer and if they hurt, their muscles may stiffen up. Brady takes it along with gabapentin and doesn't even need the tramadol. Just a thought. I hope he feels better soon!
  16. When I gave them to my whippet, I used to sit in his bed with him while he was receiving fluids. He would lay down between my legs and I would just pet and love on him. He usually fell asleep. But, it didn't take that long at all, either. Poor guy.
  17. Well, the results are back. My vet ordered some additional testing to be done and all signs point to some type of neoplasm. His marrow is not producing cells as it should. A definitive diagnosis can be made with a bone marrow biopsy, but I am not going to do that. He will be given antibiotics and steroids and will continue to be a cherished hound until he lets me know that he has had enough. I am blessed to be able to make sure that each day is truly a gift, because it is. Thanks for your good thoughts, I really appreciate them and hope that he has a good while with me yet.
  18. Thanks for the suggestions and putting my fears on the back burner. I am waiting for the results of the tick test, which should be in by noon. I am still concerned about the trend of those lab values dropping, though. I don't have lab results from his first 11 years and don't really know what he received in his last placement. Mary Pat, if the tick tests come back negative, then he will be getting x-rays or ultrasounds today. The unknown really throws me for a loop. I would be so much better knowing what it is, regardless of how good or bad the results may be. On the other hand, I was freaked enough yesterday that my boss told me to just stay home from work today so I can hopefully get some answers and know the path to take. I am lucky to work in a very dog-friendly office! Cindy edited to get names correct! sorry about that.
  19. The entire report is below. A blood smear was reviewed. I appreciate the help! I was not thinking very clearly earlier. I have actually expressed concern about LP before due to his amount of panting. But, the weight loss and dehydration and over-all picture concerned her more at the time. His symptoms are also consistent with Ehrlichia. I just want to know what I am up against. He feels pretty punk and is very lethargic. But, he still eats like a champ. Thanks for all your suggestions and support. Superchem Total Protein 5.6 g/dL 5.0-7.4 Albumin 3.6 g/dL 2.7-4.4 Globulin 2.0 g/dL 1.6-3.6 A/G Ratio 1.8 Ratio 0.8-2.0 AST (SGOT) 28 U/L 15-66 ALT (SGPT) 39 U/L 12-118 Alk Phosphatase 34 U/L 5-131 GGTP 11 U/L 1-12 Total Bilirubin 0.2 mg/dL 0.1-0.3 Urea Nitrogen 22 mg/dL 6-31 Creatinine 1.4 mg/dL 0.5-1.6 BUN/Creatinine Ratio 16 Ratio 4-27 Phosphorus 4.0 mg/dL 2.5-6.0 Glucose 95 mg/dL 70-138 Calcium 9.3 mg/dL 8.9-11.4 Magnesium 1.9 mEq/L 1.5-2.5 Sodium 150 mEq/L 139-154 Potassium 4.8 mEq/L 3.6-5.5 Na/K Ratio 31 Chloride 115 mEq/L 102-120 Cholesterol 153 mg/dL 92-324 Triglycerides 31 mg/dL 29-291 Amylase 430 U/L 290-1125 Lipase 418 U/L 77-695 CPK 177 U/L 59-895 Comment Hemolysis 1+ No significant interference. CBC WBC 3.0 10^3/uL 4.0-15.5 LOW RBC 7.6 10^6/uL 4.8-9.3 Hemoglobin 19.5 g/dL 12.1-20.3 Hematocrit 54 % 36-60 MCV 71 fL 58-79 MCH 25.7 pg 19-28 MCHC 36.1 g/dL 30-38 Blood Parasites None Seen RBC Comment RBC Morphology Normal Platelet Count 155 10^3/uL 170-400 LOW Platelet count reflects the minimum number due to platelet clumping. Platelet EST Adequate ADEQUATE Differential Absolute % Neutrophils 2,610 /uL 87 2060-10600 Bands 0 /uL 0 0-300 Lymphocytes 300 /uL 10 690-4500 LOW Monocytes 90 /uL 3 0-840 Page 1 of 2 FINAL 4/17/2014 9:51:55 AM Accession No Doctor Owner PetName NYAC23764689 Schoepp, Kara Mcnealy Mrs Brady Test Results Adult Reference Range Eosinophils 0 /uL 0 0-1200 Basophils 0 /uL 0 0-150 Comment Blood smear reviewed by technologist. Urinalysis Collection Method Not stated Color DARK YELLOW Appearance CLEAR *CLEAR Specific Gravity 1.042 1.015-1.050 pH 6.5 5.5-7.0 Protein TRACE NEG Microalbuminuria testing is recommended (if sediment is inactive) to help determine the clinical significance of proteinuria. Glucose NEGATIVE NEG Ketone NEGATIVE NEG Bilirubin NEGATIVE NEG TO 1+ Blood NEGATIVE NEG WBC 0-1 HPF 0-3 RBC NONE HPF 0-3 Casts NONE SEEN LPF Crystals NONE SEEN HPF Bacteria NONE SEEN HPF NONE Squamous Epithelia 0-1 HPF 0-3 Urine Microalbumin (Canine Reflex) Microalbuminuria 0.9 mg/dL <2.5
  20. Susan, your response doesn't bother me. Sometimes, that is exactly what needs to be heard. I don't want to test him up one side and down the other, either. However, if it is something that I can fix without causing him much distress, then I want to do that. I don't want to do anything invasive or painful. I just don't think that he is ready to go yet and I want to give him more time, if I can. I am a believer in a day too early than a day too late, but today isn't the day. He is relatively happy, just tired. I believe he is comfortable, but it can be hard to tell sometimes. It is just hard - Saturday he was chasing another dog at playgroup and he still eats with gusto and demands a treat now and again. Thanks for your good wishes, I truly appreciate them. Also, my vet doesn't think the walk had anything to do with this. We had been out for maybe 20 minutes. But, it was enough to get him to the vet, so that is a good thing. She is perplexed with his presentation and values, too. I will post the entire lab results when I get home - I cannot do that at the office and wanted to get as much info as quickly as I could before I speak with her Thanks for all the good thoughts.
  21. Chris, leaving the ranges out really shows my inability to think straight! I would have posted the entire lab results, but cannot do so from my office. Here are the ranges WBC 4.0 - 15.5 RBC 4.8 - 9.3 hematocrit 36 - 60 platelets 170 - 400 lymphocytes 690 - 4500 I really don't do well with initial stressors! This is not what my vet or I expected to see. Gah.
  22. Okay, I am freaking out right now and am trying to educate myself. My vet is wonderful and sight hound savvy and is appreciative that I am throwing this out here for your collective brain power. This will be long and I apologize in advance. Please bear with me because I don't know what is important. Background - Brady will be 13 on June 3. I got him at age 11 in August 2012. He had corns, early LS and tendon damage to one hind leg from an attack a couple years earlier. He had also been treated for hooks during that summer by his group. I treated him again a couple times to make sure those nasty buggers were gone. His stool finally improved, so all was well. I raw feed. I routinely worm every fall, so he was wormed with the others last September. We have been battling soft stool again and it would improve with other protein sources than chicken, which is the staple of their diet. So, I played around and he is on a beef and potato kibble. He loves it, eats well. He is sensitive to sweet potato, too. Anyway, since October 2013, he has lost 6 pounds. My dogs all lose a little during the winter and this one was horrendous (Maryland-wise) so a little weight loss wouldn't concern me - except this is a lot. He has been slowing down and limping, but would improve with medications and hulling. I have never had a dog live to almost 13, so the slowing down didn't throw a red flag at me. I took the dogs for a stroll on the C&O Canal Sunday. It was in the upper 70s and the path is in dappled shade. Not hot. He was panting up a storm, so we immediately relaxed and then turned around and went home. He spiked a fever and it immediately came down. His urine was fine and he seemed ok, just a little lethargic. I took him to my vet on Monday. That is when I found out he had lost another 3 pounds since December, the last time he had been at the vet. She was concerned about what had happened and ran blood work. She was thinking kidney issues, since his values were originally on the side but we treated and had improved in October. He has had a couple UTIs, which were treated and resolved. Here are the results that has her concerned, with the values from Oct. 2013 and Oct 2012. Most recent is listed first and then 10/13 and 10/12 WBC 3.0 4.5 7.5 RBC 7.6 7.2 7.8 Hgl 54% 53% 53.7% plats 155 120 180 lymphocytes 300/ul1170 1500 We are most concerned about the bone marrow suppression and leukemia comes to mind. He is being tested for Lyme and ehrlichia - the results will be in tomorrow. If that isn't the answer, then x-rays of the spleen and long bones will be done. Are we missing something? Is there something else to check? Could his history of hooks be related? I am trying to be educated so I know what to ask and see if anyone else has experience/knowledge about this. I am one that much prefers to flip out ahead of time and do my homework so that if the worst case scenario is true, I have a better idea of how to plan. I do know, based upon personal experience with my son, that suppressed bone marrow makes one feel like cr@p. I am not going to do all kinds of things to him if he feels cruddy. He deserves better. Thoughts? My heart is breaking. Thanks. Cindy
  23. There are no words to express how very, very sorry I am, Jan. My heart breaks with and for you. Seamie, you were so very loved by so many who never got to even meet you. Hugs, Cindy Send your mom a sign, Seamie. She is going to need one.
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