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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. I had littermates and they had been apart for about two years when Maverick came home. It was obvious to everyone that they recognized each other immediately, walked off shoulder to shoulder and synchronized peed. They were opposites of each other in every way imaginable and were best friends. Lost them within 4 months of each other, too. Dante met one of his brothers. They looked exactly alike and their temperaments were similar. His brother had space issues, but when he met up with Dante, he immediately laid down next to him and shared treats. They acted this way when we met up annually for several years. I know others that met with siblings and they could have been different breeds according to the reaction. I am glad mine worked out the way it did. It is very special to have that.
  2. Welcome! I have been owned by 6 greyhounds so far. Of those 6, 4 have been joggers. One had a nasty break racing and one came to me at 13, so those two didn't jog. We don't go fast and their preferred distances have ranged from 1.5 - 5 miles, 3-5 times a week. My current grey is using jogging to overcome our very recent loss of my littermates, leaving her as an only child. Her coping mechanism has been good for me, too. She is happy to snooze the day away while I am at work. But, ready for another long 2-3 mile walk, when I get home. She is more active than others I have had and will be 7 in a couple weeks. My energizer bunny greyhound! As for temperament, we went to a winery over the weekend and one of the employees was telling me how excited she was to have greys in the winery because you can have a hundred there and it will be calm and quiet - unlike the other breeds. The winery is part of a wine tour in the spring for greyhound adoption and they are always excited to be included. Good luck and keep us posted!
  3. Wishing you many more good days and memories with your pups.
  4. I cannot believe that I am writing this. On March 26, 2016, Goose crossed due to a nerve sheath tumor that had been diagnosed 2 weeks earlier. Only 9. We finally got our new normal about a month later. Maverick celebrated his 10th birthday without his littermate and wingman Thursday. Everything looked good and he was a happy guy. Saturday morning, he was running in the yard with Fancy and his leg broke. I am without words to do my boys justice. They were so bonded to each other and to us. Miss Fancypants and I have a whole lot of healing to do. She has never been an only before and it is not her. Hug your hounds, please. I want my boys back, but I guess Goose needed Maverick more.
  5. I am so very sorry. I, too, unexpectedly suddenly lost my silly, shy boy this year and still am not able to post a proper tribute. I feel your pain. Many hugs. Cindy
  6. While I have not had this problem, I read somewhere that you can set your alarm to go off at 4:30 or whatever time she awakes. Then, after a few days, set the alarm 10-15 minutes later. Then, a few days after that, later again. The intent is to have her hear the alarm and use that as her cue to awaken and will get up with the external alarm instead of her internal one. I also wonder if it isn't exercise as much as her belly may be empty. Does she get a snack before bed? Just a thought.
  7. I am sorry. Goose had a nerve sheath tumor in his right front shoulder that initially presented as neck pain and rapidly worsened and I couldn't keep ahead of the pain. I am keeping you in my thoughts.
  8. I am so sorry that you are going through this as many of us have. It sucks. I had to let my whippet go in spite of his never-ending spirit. His body completely failed him. It took me a long time and I mean years before I was able to reconcile myself to it. He had the nerve lol to give me the stink eye when I let him go. But, he passed before the actual injection. As others have said, the greatest gift we can give to our beloved pets is the gift of a release from pain - taking it and making it our own. Wishing you peace as you grapple with your decision.
  9. When Dante's heart murmur got worse, we took him to the cardiologist for an echo. He wasn't sedated and did ok, fortunately. He didn't need medications, either, so it was a decent, but expensive, experience!
  10. Oh no! I have had 3 dogs with corns and had decent luck with using a dremel on them to file them even with the pad and then using the tip to create a divot in the top of the corn. It would relieve some of the pressure. I would also hull them as I could, which helped. Yes, they cannot be cured but sometimes you are able to manage them to a certain degree. Acupuncture has helped my dogs when they have a muscle tear. Hugs and scritches to Benny - hope he feels better!
  11. Ducky, could you add Goose? Gah. Thanks.
  12. I am so sorry. Wishing peace and comfort to those who loved pretty Bea.
  13. I am so sorry. The silence in the wake of losing a beloved is deafening. Wishing you peace and comfort.
  14. Perfect tribute for your perfect boy. He knew he was loved and cherished. Many hugs. Love the tie collars, too!
  15. I get my adequan from Valley Vet. Best price I have found and my vet provides the prescription. She told me about the site, actually. She would rather practice medicine than run a pharmacy, so she is always happy to write a script.
  16. I give the injections myself. Saves a fair amount of money and I don't have to take off work! Maverick gets them about every two weeks. That cycle works best in winter and about every 3 weeks in warm weather. Glad it's helping.
  17. Goose was just diagnosed with a muscle strain of the muscle that is between the shoulder blades. You can physically feel it spasming. Anyway, he received an accupuncture treatment and will be on Previcox and Robaxin for a week. Accupuncture will continue weekly for several weeks. Hope your sweetie feels better soon!
  18. I did not know that Dante had cancer until I came home to a broken leg. He had corns on several feet and those would cause him to limp at times. Obviously, in hind sight, some of that limping was probably due to the cancer, but I would dremel his corns and the limp stopped. So, who knows. I do know that they are incredibly stoic, unless a blade of grass gets between their toes and then all bets are off . I continue to second guess myself with Dante and it has been 3.5 years. I just hope that he forgave me for missing something. Gah. Many hugs.
  19. First, I am so sorry that you have to let your girl go. So, so hard. Goose is a lot like Finn. He absolutely craves attention from me. He has his spot on my bed and if it is not available, he throws himself on the floor in the hall and sulks. Anyway, he is always growling at someone - dog or human - because they have invaded his personal air space. The size changes daily. There doesn't need to be any physical contact or even looking at him. He just growls and growls and snarks. 99% of the time, I tell him to shut it. I will also rub his back and he stops. If he becomes really ridiculous, he is told OFF and he retreats to another space. Not sure what his real issue is, but it is the way he is and I have gotten used to it. I don't know if it would be different if I initiated the contact because he has never given me an opportunity to go to him, lol. He is my special flower.
  20. Mine are muzzled in the car, when I am at work and at greyhound playgroup. I read an explanation once that muzzles are like seatbelts - protective and hope they are never truly needed. I use that analogy when people ask and it tends to go over well. Plus, I explain that they can still drink and carry their stuffies around with them on. I also like knowing that they are comfortable with them just in case it is medically necessary that they wear one.
  21. If Logan gets cold faster (mine vary like that, too), can you just take Max out some more by himself? Heaven knows mine love their "just ME!" time. Poor guy. It's hard to see them mopey. I hope he bounces back quickly. Not eating 3 meals would worry me. I also wish I was capable of missing 3 meals, lol.
  22. looks like Sam has found himself a pet! Very very cute pictures! I currently have 3 greyhounds. I used to also have a whippet and he fit in well. I had my little guy and all was well in my world. All the dogs got along. They weren't best friends, but he was mourned when he passed. Good luck!
  23. Tricia, Burke and Holly, Words cannot express my sorrow for your loss. I also know the work that goes into a fearful dog and the invincible bond that forms as a result. Many hugs Cindy
  24. My whippet had doggie dementia. He was quite restless at night and would get very distressed at dusk (sundowners). He was clingier, too. There was a list of 10 things that pointed to canine cognitive dysfunction (I forget what it contained) and he had more than half. At the advice of my vet, I started him on Cholodin, which did seem to help. I also had timers for the house so it never got dark or shadowy before I got home from work and I put up nightlights in the halls. Otherwise, he would pace and circle and get lost in the house. He would also get stuck in corners. It is very painful to watch, but those adaptations helped. Good luck with your boy
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