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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. I am so very sorry. You all fought so hard. Wishing you peace and comfort - the hole they leave behind is huge.
  2. Keeping you in my thoughts. I know how hard this roller coaster can be. Gentle scritches to your cutie-pie.
  3. Hope things went well overnight. Thinking of you all.
  4. Thinking of your handsome boy this morning.
  5. There are lots of good threads about how to alone train. I am fortunate that the ones that had SA issues came into my established pack and the adjustment didn't require lots of effort on my part. In my opinion, I wouldn't, however, correct her if she had been destructive. Correction after the fact is useless and she isn't trying to do something wrong, she is stressed and cannot figure out how to settle or comfort herself. Hopefully, it will be easier than you think. Maybe muzzle her when you are gone? Mine understand that if the muzzles come out, I am leaving them to their own devices for a while. I have a routine that I use before I leave and that is part of it. Now, they all split up and settle down for a long nap before I even get out of the house!
  6. I am so sorry. My condolences to you and your friend.
  7. I am so very sorry that it was his time to leave. I cannot imagine how still your house must be. Hugs
  8. I am so very sorry for your loss. I was hoping your pillows wouldn't be safe for a long time yet.
  9. Has it always been 1 ml per 20 lbs? I thought it was 1 ml for 10 lbs. Brady had persistent hooks and this protocol cleared it up but I really whacked him good, I guess.
  10. You and Dante are in my thoughts. I am sorry. I had a Dante, too. Best.dog.ever, as I am sure yours is for you. Wishing you peace and comfort.
  11. It's impossible not to miss Seamie! He was truly one of a kind. Hugs to you, Jan.
  12. Mine have had them before, but it loosened someone's stool, but I don't remember who! I imagine it was Dante, but he had a sensitive gut. It would upset Maverick's system, too, I imagine, but Goose and Fancy would be fine. They both have iron guts.
  13. I hope he continues to improve and has lots more quality time with you. Growing old isn't for cowards!
  14. I am so sorry. I lost Dante the same way. Hugs.
  15. Keeping you and Huston in my thoughts. Glad to read that he is doing somewhat better.
  16. FYI - the Home Depots around here are now going to be carrying IAMS products. No idea about the cost, but thought that I would share that tibit.
  17. When my whippet had CCD, he took Cholodin and we had some success with it. However, he was sundowning and pacing and staring into corners. I also had lights come one before dusk which also helped. Good luck with your girl! It is so very hard to watch them age.
  18. Zoe was my dog to use her teeth instead of her words, lol. It took me several trips to the vet to figure that one out. Anyway, I muzzle my dogs (except Brady - he has no teeth and never gets off his bed anymore) when I am gone and in the car. We have a routine with the muzzles and they don't have an issue with them at all. Better safe than sorry! It is disheartening to have this happen, though. Good luck!
  19. That was a beautiful tribute for your beautiful Dory. I am so very sorry. I love your observation - she had cancer but it didn't take her life. Hugs to you and your family.
  20. Yay! I have been following this thread and am happy to hear that he is doing better and the US is positive, too.
  21. dante2zoe


    Deb and John - I am so sorry. There is something about those hard to keep ones that just take over such a huge spot in your heart. The brighter the light, the faster it burns. Run fast and free, Billy. You will be so very missed. Cindy
  22. If the Adequan helps, I wouldn't stop it. Also, ask your vet about adding Robaxin (a muscle relaxer) with the gabapentin. Brady will be 13 (!) next week and has a bad leg from an old injury. He gets the injections and gabapentin with Robaxin (generic is methocarbamol, or something like that). His muscles get tight from the imbalance and pain and the relaxer helps keep him comfortable. He gets his twice a day and I will bump him to 3 times per day if he needs it, but so far, so good. Scritches to your boy!
  23. Ouch! No suggestions, but did she have her new collar on by chance? Feel better soon, cutie-pie!
  24. Dante would grow hair during the winter and when he blew his winter coat, his tush would be bald again. His thyroid was fine. I love the look of monkey butts, though, so it doesn't bother me to see a nekkid hiney! Good luck!
  25. I am so very sorry. Your tribute for your beautiful girl moved me to tears. Oh, to be so loved and know it - what a gift for everyone.
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