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Everything posted by MerlinsMum

  1. I haven't even felt able to post here until now, even though I heard the news last night. I never even met Bee Wiseman, but somehow I felt as if she was part of the family. I have always loved your pictures of her and Murray so very much, Trisha. They told her story in a way that a one-thousand page novel never could. They seemed to turn me into a participant rather than a passive viewer; so yes, I feel that I have somehow been on the same adventures your sweet Bee was taken on. I laughed at her incredible jumps, and smiled at the beautiful sunsets she enjoyed; fell in love with her beautiful eyes as she smiled under a canopy of beautiful Fall leaves; and felt a lump in my throat as I admired the pictures of her with her daddy. The news of her diagnosis filled me with sorrow; and I cried bitter tears last night when I heard you had said goodbye. Bee Wiseman was such a personality on GT, and I can't imagine this board without her. I hope I get to meet you and Burke one day, Trisha, because I want to tell you just how much I remember about her, even though I never felt the softness of her fur or kissed her pretty head. In a way, it doesn't matter whether I did or not. Many on this board never met her in person. But her memory will live on in our hearts too. Her sweetness touched so many of us, more than you can imagine and more than we can say. Farewell, Bee. Rest in peace, sweetie. We will never forget you. Trisha and Burke ... and kisses to Murray.
  2. Oh Chris - I've only just been able to get online and I found this thread. I am so very sorry that Dorie had to leave. Even when we know it's coming, it doesn't make it any easier or any less painful. The one thing that makes me smile is knowing that she spent her final year in a terrific home with a family that gave her so much love. :grouphug Rest in peace, sweet Dorie.
  3. Make some beautiful memories with your pretty girl
  4. I am so terribly sorry, Chris. My heart has been aching for you. I am sending all the love and support I can muster your way. :grouphug We're here for you.
  5. Oh poor Lexie! It happened to us once too, DH accidentally closed the car window on Merlin's tail years ago. In our case, we had to go to the emergency vet and he got all stitched up. Don't feel too bad! Hope Lexie feels better soon!
  6. Merlin comes right up to my face after gphis meal and burps It's so stinking cute, and I always congratulate on a great burp Then I give him his pill and his cookie. It's a little ritual in our house now Sagan burps too, but his burps aren't as cute and actually sound quite loud and a tad gross
  7. I have always used Frontline. I don't like it much, and I REALLY don't like the price My vet recently told me about a flea collar that's different from your typical flea collar (which clearly I have stayed away from since flea collars are known to be unsafe for greys) and suggested it as an alternative to Frontline. It's not as messy and it's cheaper too. She gave me a brochure but I wanted to check it was definitely safe for greys first. I don't remember the name of it... Scalibor or something..?
  8. MerlinsMum


    I'm so very sorry :grouphug Rest in peace, sweet Bree
  9. MerlinsMum


    Thinking of you :grouphug
  10. I'm so freaking confused!! I vuess I'll gove him two this morning. I hope this is right. He's already had diarrhea this morning and he only had one pill yesterday evening. Aaaaargh! This kinds of mistakes really annoy me.
  11. Sagan had a dental today. When I went to pick him up, I also took Merlin in for shots and his annual visit, so my head was really jumbled when the vet gave me antibiotics for Sagan. She gave me Clindamycin (150mg capsules) and I can't remember what she told me The label says "Give 2 capsules every 12 hours after food for the next 5 days." Easy, right? Wrong. I gave him one capsule instead of two after his meal 3hours ago... and only just realized that now What's confusing is that I think they made some kind of mistake - because if I was indeed supposed to give him 2 capsules, then why was I only given 10 capsules? That's only enough for 2.5 days so either the dosage is wrong or the amount I was given is wrong. Sagan is currently 79lbs. Any vet techs here that might be able to help? I can call the vet tomorrow, but they only open after he will have had his breakfast. I don't want to give him the wrong dosage again. I certainly don't want to give him too much but I also don't want him to get an infection because I gavr him too little right off the bat Bummer. I feel stupid
  12. I'm so terribly sorry to hear about Rainy :cry1 You will be in my thoughts :grouphug
  13. What a beautiful photograph of Molly Lovely tribute, Linda. We'll miss you, Molly
  14. I am so very sorry for your loss of your sweet girl Piaget was so beautiful and clearly so very much loved :grouphug
  15. Oh, Linda, what a horrible shock, my heart just sank when I read this :cry1 We are here for you :grouphug :grouphug
  16. In a different thread, Chris (greysmom) mentioned that: I find this rather disconcerting, since Merlin has been on famotidine pretty much nonstop since the end of March, when he had his first IBD flare-up. I have often wondered whether continuing to give him Pepcid was even doing anything, since he has continued to have flare-ups and only increasing the dose of Metronidazole he takes daily seemed to help. I have an appointment with the vet next week, so I am definitely going to bring this up. I think I may have found a reference to the study in question: Omeprazole v. Famotidine. Problem is, it's a TINY study, nowhere near big enough to be conclusive, unless of course I am mistaken and the study I posted a link to is something different. Can anyone shed any more light on this? Thanks! (I'll leave the rant about causing vomit and diarrhea in perfectly healthy dogs for another day...)
  17. Glad to hear the belly swelling is going down. I'm continuing to keep you and Dorie in my thoughts :ohno Interesting. Merlin has been on 20mg Famotidine 1xday since the end of March. I am going to look online to see if I can find a copy of that study, so that I can bring this up with my vet next week when I take Merlin is for his annual exam and shots... I guess I will be keeping him on famotidine for the time being since I don't know if this research is the result of one or multiple studies, if it's conclusive, etc. ETA - I think I may have found it. I'll start a different thread.
  18. So glad Dorie is home! :yay I hope she feels like eating something soon Sending lots of love!
  19. Chris, I've been keeping Dorie and your whole family in my thoughts. I was so terribly sorry to read your latest post-endoscopy comments. Sending you lots of strength and friendship and support. ;grouphug
  20. I've been worried about Dorie all evening, glad to read an update.... I'm sorry it's not very good news. Poor Dorie and poor you The endoscopy will give you some answers... All our fingers are crossed. You're in my thoughts, Chris. Same here.
  21. I hear ya. This month alone we've spent over $650 on Merlin And on a monthly basis it's costing us at least $150-200 to feed him his prescription food and meds. We're both getting second jobs.
  22. I am so, so sorry :grouphug Run free, sweet Traveler.
  23. The Elizabethan collar! :rofl [Of course, on a less amusing note, it kinda shows him up for what he really is... a dog-behavior quack. It looks ridiculous and violent when done on humans because it IS ridiculous and violent.] Clever video
  24. Yup - that's my Sagan - jumps up the minute I even LOOK like I'm getting up Rarely falls into a deep sleep during the day, even after meals. And paces. But I love him to bits He's just Merlin's polar opposite. Merlin would sleep all day if he could. Getting him up from his bed in the morning (or the couch in the evening, to get him to go out for a last pee) takes us about 10 full minutes. That's 10 minutes of calling, and calling, and calling, until we finally give up and have to literally PUSH him off the bed/couch How long have you had him? It could well be his personality, in fact it's highly likely, but keep in mind that sleeping a lot may also be part of his response to finding himself in a new environment. Change is tiring.
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