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Everything posted by MerlinsMum

  1. Congrats! Your girl sounds like a sweetheart. I like Voyager K9 Apparel.
  2. MerlinsMum

    Icu Gale

    Rest in peace, Gale... I'm so sorry. :grouphug
  3. Rest in peace Jamey I am so very sorry
  4. Lots of good thoughts for Elsie Lou and also for Chloe, but YOU WON'T NEED THEM. :)
  5. Your dogs are absolutely stunning LOVE that photo of Rafferty! Welcome to GT (a bit late )! I'm from London, but I moved to the US in 2004.
  6. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write a proper update - week from hell. Enough said Well, it's official, DH is never taking the hounds to the vet again without me, because he can't report back and make sense The vet diagnosed arthritis in his toe (why couldn't he just say that? ) I spoke to her at length on Thursday evening. She says she is absolutely not worried by the calcification in his shoulder, that it is very slight and extremely common and that extensive manipulation did not result in any sign of pain. She offered to take a digital picture of the x-rays (they did do both legs for comparison) and upload them to VIN to see if anyone specializing in orthopedic trauma could provide additional comments. My vet's office apparently does not have the tools to take digital x-rays so can't send them to Dr. Couto, but at this point I feel good following our thorough conversation on Thursday, so for now I am happy to go with her suggestions. As mentioned above, my vet has been pretty much seeing us or talking with us every week since the end of March when Merlin had his first IBD flare-up, so she is familiar with his history of IBD and did not prescribe Deramaxx lightly. She was convinced it was the right choice for him because of the inflammation caused by arthritis, but wanted to make sure that the Metro was doing its thing before trying it. He's been taking Deramaxx since Thursday and his stools have not suffered in the least, which is a relief. However, I also have not seen a great improvement in his limp yet. The way we left it is that I am going to keep giving him half a tablet daily and then call her Tuesday morning (Monday is her day off) to discuss things again and re-evaluate his meds if necessary. THANK YOU for your continued advice and good thoughts!
  7. I am not a vet but I agree with the above comments suggesting against surgery. Unless of course the vet suspects stomach ulcers, but even if that's the case, there are other far less invasive tests that can be done. Surgery is a big deal and it requires an extended recovery period; if he has an anxious temperament as it is, I wouldn't do it unless absolutely necessary and above all if the symptoms suggest that something is indeed very wrong with his gut. And in Huck's case there doesn't seem to be anything wrong, since he has no diarrhea or vomiting. I can see you're reaching the end of your tether and you have my sympathy. Merlin has IBD and this month alone we have spent $650 on him. Our very modest savings are dissipating into thin air. Again, I am no vet, but it sounds to me as though there is something very different going on, from the symptoms you mentioned. I would cancel the surgery and explore options to get to the bottom of all the panting and pacing and wanting to be alone. One suggestion - if you aren't doing this already - is to watch him and write EVERYTHING down, including the time you observed the behavior, if it's before/after a meal, walk, or any other possible action or event that could be triggering his behaviour. Some dogs can have severe reactions to certain medications. I= would start by taking him off the Metro (he doesn't have diarrhea anyway, right...? So not sure why he's on it). Then watch him to see what happens. I am so sorry you're going through this. I know how stressful it is seeing him like this.
  8. Yes. Merlin took 500mg once a day for a long time for his IBD and it didn't stop the flare-ups, and his appetite would come and go. We only started to see a tangible improvement when we upped his dose to 1000mg a day (500mg twice a day). His appetite came back with a vengeance, his stools are AWESOME. Dosage, it seems, can be just as important as the type of medication used. If the dose is too low it's not going to do much. Merlin is a muscly boy, but he is still under 80lbs (74lbs to be precise). 250mg a day, even for a female, seems low to me.
  9. I am so sorry, Nancy :cry1 :grouphug
  10. It was DH's expression. My vet would never say that. First because it would be unprofessional, and secondly because she had a greyhound herself - a beautiful black girl called Goofball, whom she misses a lot. She knows what it's like to live with that fear. We weren't able to connect today - I left a message but didn't get a call back -- this is virtually unheard of for her (I've lost count of the times she's called me from her cellphone after a long day rather than have me wait until the next day to talk to her) so they must have had been incredibly busy or had some emergency case to deal with. I will speak with her tomorrow. In the meantime, though, I freaked myself out reading the instructions that came with Deramaxx and decided to wait one more day before starting him on it. I know she wouldn't have givn it to him if she thought there was a serious risk of a bad reaction, as she knows what we've been through with his IBD - we've practically lived thre since Merlin's fist flare-up in March! But I will wait until I've spoken with her directly, I guess I need to be reassured because I would hate for him to have another flare-up. As for Merlin - he tried to do zoomies in the yard at lunchtime I had to rush over and stop him
  11. No, you're not confused - he has IBD! The vet said to wait at least 24 hours before giving him Deramaxx to make sure his stools are okay and he didn't develop a flare-up from the anxiety of the visit. His stools have been awesome, so we are thinking of starting him on Deramaxx this evening, but I have a call into the vet and I am waiting to hear back from her discuss yesterday's proceedings with her over the phone, since I couldn't be there. I will mention about Tramadol. She told DH to try the Deramaxx and check in with her if he gets diarrhea from it. The last thing I need right now is for Merlin to develop a med-induced flare-up. He has been doing SO well in that department since we upped his Metro to 1000mg a day.
  12. Oh, I'm sorry Maggie is going through this, but glad to read that she is improving! I just got some Deramaxx from the vet today for the first time, too, so not sure about long-term use. My vet apparently described its effects as similar to what Advil does for humans. One of the side effects is diarrhea though, it seems. I'd be intrested to know more too. I hope Maggie's tear can repair itself! :gooduck
  13. Welcome from Maine! Can't wait to see more pictures of LucyLoo!
  14. Ok, now I'm worried But only because many of you are basically saying out loud what I was thinking in my head - I just need more answers. I am going to talk to my vet tomorrow, and first of all I'm going to ask for a digital copy of the x-rays so that I can send them to OSU. Secondly, I need to discuss the comments and options some of you mentioned - like NeylasMum's comments, gosh, half of it went over my head. I don't want to come across as a know-it-all when I'm talking to the vet - she is grey-savvy and had a grey of her own, and yes, she is not only familiar with Dr. Couto but attended a conference he held in this area a couple of years ago. Having said that, I am always more comfortable with a second opinion and I know she would be fine with that too. The words moth-eaten don't exactly inspire confidence I just feel really ignorant after reading some of your comments What?? OTHER clients? Blasphemy!! :lol
  15. It's NOT OSTEO!!!!! OMG I am so relieved I can hardly breathe. *Deep breath* However, it's puzzling. It's not arthritis, either. The x-ray showed some calcification on his shoulder, probably due to an old injury, but the vet wasn't overly concerned about that. His foot, on the other hand, is another matter. DH said it looks awful. I said,"Well, what do you mean exactly by awful?" and he said it looks moth-eaten He was sent home with Deramaxx and told not to give it to Merlin for at least 24 hours to make sure his stools are ok and he is not going to get a flare-up from the anxiety of the visit... because apparently Deramaxx can cause diarrhea. The vet asked him to have me call her tomorrow morning. So my reaction to all this was... that's it? I need more answers than that. The vet doesn't think it requires surgery at this point. It's not a weight-bearing toe, which would explain why he sometimes manages to trot for a few minutes and then he slows down and has trouble when he's stopped and starts walking again. I need to run home and check on him right now - I'll be back in a bit. I'm confused - but VERY thankful that it's not worse.
  16. Thank you. Nothing yet and it's 9:20am. That phone had better ring soon :riphair :riphair I'm sorry I keep coming here to vent with no update, it's just nerves - it makes me feel like I'm doing something...
  17. DH dropped me off at work (we just have the one car, so we carpool) and took the hounds to the vet. Sagan is going for moral support - well, truthfully he is going because he hates being away from his family and since he's never been alone, we don't want DH coming back with a groggy Merlin and finding that Sagan has turned the house into a war zone He is going to put me on speakerphone with the vet after the x-rays so we can all discuss the results together. I am sitting at my desk at work and the wait is killing me. He should be going in right now... be brave, wizard. He kept giving me his LOOK this morning - "But... why aren't you giving me breakfast?"... "But.. why can't I have a drink..?" I did give him some ice to lick. Oh gooooosh. It's ONLY 8:27???? Come ON!
  18. Oh that's terrific, thank goodness! You must be so relieved. Julie, I was holding my breath while I read your post! I have always hoped that my hounds would never get corns, and now here I am almost wishing for it to be just that... Thank you all for your good thoughts, they are so appreciated.
  19. Batmom, thanks, does that include his meds? He usually takes Metronidazole after every meal. Or should I wait to give it to him when I give him some kibble after the x-rays? Oh, I didn't see Chris' post about meds! Thanks!! The worry of another flare-up is very much on my mind. I am expecting it, in fact. So I am keen to give him his meds in the morning even though he can't have food. The appointment is at 8.30.
  20. Going through something similar (Joe's exam is tomorrow); I very much understand how hopeful you are for a touch of arthritis! Joe has also gotten a bit gimpy after zoomies, then recovered in a day or so; this time it seems weird, so to the vet we go! Hubby's upset that I want it to be arthritis -- he hasn't read GT! Fingers crossed for the "good" diagnosis for both boys! Best of luck for Joe's visit tomorrow as well :goodluck
  21. Sorry, I wrote 11am instead of 11pm. I've corrected it now. What I meant was, I will fast him tomorrow morning, but can I feed him now and then give him another snack at 11pm before we go to bed? Or does he have to be fasted for a full 12 hours? Thanks for the advice regarding water.
  22. I made a separate post because my other one is already quite wordy Merlin needs to be fasted for his x-rays because he is probably going to get a sedative (he gets anxious at the vet these days), as I am told that shoulder x-rays can be difficult if the patient doesn't stay still. Two questions: 1. Doe sa fast mean a full 12 hours, or can I give him some food at 11pm? I am concerned about him fasting because of his IBD issues and an accumulation of acid in his stomach if he has to go without food. 2. They told me to "pick up his water" tomorrow morning. Does that mean no water AT ALL tomorrow morning?? Or can he have a little drink around 6am? The appointment is at 8am. I hate the thought of him being thirsty, it's very humid here at the moment. Thanks for anyone who has any advice.
  23. Many of you know that Merlin has IBD and has had horrible flare-ups since March. He is now on 1000mg of Metronidazole (Flagyl) a day and WHAT a difference! His appetite has been wonderful, his energy is wonderful, his cheekiness is back with a vengeance. We haven't been able to catch a breath and celebrate, though. About a month ago, before his last flare-up, Merlin did zoomies in the yard and subsequently developed a limp on his front left leg. We thought nothing of it - it has happened before following zoomies, and in the past the limp disappeared after a week of no running and shorter walks. Except that, this time, the limp hasn't gone away. In fact, it's gotten worse - a LOT worse. We didn't talk about it in depth with the vet sooner because we had to deal with another flare-up a couple of weeks ago - his worst to date, as it took him so long to recover from this last one But last week I took him to our vet to have his leg examined - they were busy from an emergency so we rescheduled the x-ray for tomorrow. When she examined him, Dr. Katie was of the opinion that it was likely arthritis, and -- I know, it's crazy -- I am desperately hoping that tomorrow's x-ray will confirm that she is right. Two things give me hope: 1. I keep a journal of his medical issues (by the way, for any of you with iPhones, I use PawCard, which is free from the App Store - not sure if it's available on other platforms as well, but I LOVE it.), and looking through it, I noticed that he had the same issue with that same shoulder last November, than again in February. 2. Earlier this year he developed a protuberance on his left foot and we x-rayed it. Nothing there. But we noticed that he does NOT like us touching his left foot at all. He trembles sometimes when I'm squeazing it. What if he broke his toe or something? We thought it was his shoulder, because he stretches and then seems to feel better, but we could well be wrong. I don't know. The vet says that if it were cancer it would most likely have gotten worse, and it hasn't. Well, that was true of things until this last week. He used to limp every time he got up. Then he'd stretch, and he'd be okay on his walks. Over the last week, he drags and walks with difficulty and his limp is pretty much constant I just don't know what to think. I just need tomorrow to come fast and I need it to be over, because I NEED TO KNOW. I can't sleep, I have no appetite, I am one big messy knot of worry Please - I need lots of good thoughts. Keep Merlin in your thoughts tomorrow at 8.30am. My baby boy HAS to be alright. He just has to be. Thanks...
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