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Everything posted by MerlinsMum

  1. I am so very sorry :cry1 I thought Rascal was beautiful (and Ruby and Buddy too). One of my earliest memories of GT was the siggy you had with Ruby and Rascal lying on the couch next to each other Rest in peace, pretty girl... :grouphug
  2. I agree - though there are some places where they might be necessary, like parts of Canada. And they salt the roads and pavements/sidewalks in your area, in some cases the additives can be toxic, and in any case the salt can damage sensitive skin so it's advisable to wash paws if you don't use boots. Nope. Merlin DOES need boots. I hate putting them on him, he hates me putting them on him, and I don't put them on him all the time, but it can get extremely cold here in Maine in the winter, and when there is a lot of ice or snow on the ground AND it's brutally cold AND the wind is blowing, he needs them. Otherwise I have to stop every five minute son our walks to warm up his pads, because he holds a pad up and limps, walking on three legs. No fun for anyone. So booties it is. Sagan does fine without though (and would probably cry and yelp until I took them off!) To the OP - I would try ditching the boots and also not being out for an hour if it's 20F. 30 mins should be fine in that weather if it's a nice vigorous walk.
  3. Oh, Shannon, I'm only just seeing this now. So glad to read that all went well! :) Kisses to your beautiful Nellie from me please :kiss2
  4. I use the Brake Fast bowl. Sagan REALLY needs it (and I also add water to his food, because he INHALES his food ), Merlin doesn't really anymore, he's slow and picky with his food these days.
  5. We miss you, Bee :cry1 Happy Gotcha Day, beautiful girl. Many, many hugs to you and Burke, Tricia :grouphug :grouphug
  6. Jan, what a beautiful story, I have tears streaming down my face after reading your post. I know how much you miss your little girl :grouphug ... but clearly she never really left
  7. Pat, please check in here when you get back from the vet! I would have been concerned too. Hoping it's just a bruise she got from being a klutz
  8. Oh, how heartbreaking You must be absolutely devastated... I am so very, very sorry. :grouphug
  9. MerlinsMum

    Nov. 21, 2000

    Alan .... so hard to believe that he's been gone two and a half years I remember smiling at your lovely pictures and posts of him as if it were yesterday. I miss him. :grouphug Happy Gotcha Day, sweet boy.
  10. MerlinsMum


    So tragic :cry1 Poor little Mindy. I am so very sorry, Deb. It feels good to know that she knew love and caring and dedication before she had to leave. :grouphug
  11. Once a week? I'd be very concerned about their skin with that many baths. I'd definitely scale the bathing back drastically. Merlin has been with us since January 2007 and he has had about two baths. Sagan has been here since 2008 and has never been bathed. They both smell amazing. They do shed. The trick is to vacuum every single day. I hope your DH gets some relief soon. I am assuming he is on anti-histamines? Are they not helping?
  12. So glad to hear that Lexie's better this morning! :yay I know how worrying it is when they arch their backs like that Merlin has IBD and when the stretching and arching starts I know that it's possibly a flare up When it happens, it feels as though my own insides are all twisted up - I just get so worried that it makes me nauseous. Lexie
  13. I'm so sorry, Deb. Your tribute and remembrance offers such a vivid, loving portrayal of a very specia little girl who found her way into a truly wonderful home. Tila couldn't have asked for a better life. Thank you for sharing her with us. Rest well, sweetie..
  14. I love my Mr. Merlin

  15. I am so sorry, Heather Rest in peace, Stella...
  16. MerlinsMum


    Marc, your tribute was lovely, and the video tribute speaks for itself. Honey was like a rose that kept blooming over and over. She was lucky to be loved and taken care of by someone like you who knew how to let the rose in her grow. You and the girls have been in my thoughts a lot this week. I'm so sorry that your physical journey together had to end, and end so suddenly - but I will celebrate the journey itself and a life well lived. Hugs. Rest in peace, sweet Honey.
  17. I am so *terribly* sorry this happened to Avril (and to you) :grouphug I am sending a ton of good thoughts for speedy healing and hope the seizures were just a result of the shock. Glad to read your girl is a little better I have been there. I know what it's like to see your beloved dog attacked and be scared of walking him/her in the neighborhood again.I just told myself to breathe, be rational and focus on all the times I walked him and he was fine. After Merlin was attacked in 2008, I started carrying a stick AND citronella spray. I had to use the citronella once or twice, from a distance. The spray goes very far, which is great, and acts as a good deterrent to keep approaching dogs at a distance - unless a dog is hell-bent on attacking, as in your situation and ours - in which case, the stick will have to be used. I don't want to to hurt any sentient being unless absolutely necessary, and this is one of those cases I deem to be absolutely necessary. However, I had to drop the stick after we adopted Sagan - I only have two hands and it's too much to have two leashes, poop bags, and in the winter loves to take on and off AND a flashlight... it would be impossible for me to hold a stick as well. The one thing I have changed is that I never walk in the street where the dog who attacked Merlin lives. He is still there, still out of control (he came from a puppy mill and is messed up in the head), and his humans are clueless. They tried to use a shock collar to stop him from freaking out when he sees other dogs - go figure... So I stay away. I know EXACTLY what you mean about things happening so fast that you have no idea what's going on before it's too late. Sometimes it happens that way. But on many occasions you do have a little time and using a spray CAN help. As for the stick - it can be a bit of a nuisance, but I can guarantee that it will make you feel safer to know that you're prepared. I will admit that my eyes are EVERYWHERE when I walk the dogs, I am always on the alert for off-leash dogs, but really, it's like that wherever you live - because there are ignorant, irresponsible people everywhere. However, I won't let ANYTHING stop me from walking the dogs, because that's what they want and need.
  18. I'm very sorry Rest in peace, Aggadore...
  19. Nancy, I am so sorry. Bandit had a very interesting life with you and clearly was very much loved. You gave her a beautiful life and and allowed her to slip away with dignity. That is truly what love is all about. :grouphug
  20. I'd second Jan's suggestion about her teeth, but I bet you've already thought of it. I am so very sorry you're going through this. It sounds heartbreaking and so dreadfully worrying.
  21. I am so sorry Sending lots of hugs. I hope you can get some help with this :goodluck
  22. MerlinsMum


    Oh no, I'm only just seeing this Your boy was so amazingly handsome and I loved reading about him, although it was heartbreaking to read about his seizures. I remember when you first brought him home. I am so terribly sorry he had to leave
  23. What Caroline said. There could only ever be one 00-Dude. I still haven't stopped crying over Dude's loss. Because it is such a gigantic loss. To you, to this board, to all of us. I am going to miss him so much. I have to tell you that I lost count of the days when I was depressed and a post by Dude in the WFUBCC or a picture of our favorite pirate houndie made me smile, made me laugh, and made me happy again. Dude had the most infectiously positive personality, and his bounciness and happiness were so special and unique. I am still having a hard time believing you're gone, but I will never ever forget you, Dude. Your love and enthusiasm for life will live on, and any day I am feeling blue or down in the dumps, thinking of you will help me find my smile again. We love you Dude! Chris and Dennis
  24. Faye Oops is beautiful. I love her sweet face. I am so very, very sorry to hear of your girl's diagnosis. I hope you have a lot more time left with her. I loathe, hate and despise this disease with every fibre of my being.
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