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Everything posted by MerlinsMum

  1. i agree with the advice on walking. It can build great "togetherness", and she would get to keep her space. I'm so, so sorry about your loss of Angel :cry1 :grouphug
  2. Aaawww, Garwood! He's gorgeous!! Welcome to GT from Maine!
  3. I am so sorry for your loss of Tigerlily. She was so very beautiful, and from your tribute it sounds as though she was a very beautiful and special person too. :grouphug Rest in peace, sweetheart.
  4. Faye Oops was so very beautiful Thanks for letting us share her with you
  5. Oh my goodness I am so sorry! Sending a ton of good thoughts your way. Keeping Bella (and you) in my thoughts :goodluck
  6. I don't really have any advice to give, but I suspect (especially considering he's, er... a lively boy ) that he probably bumped it. I always worry when it comes to the eyes, I don't like to take any chances, so if it's not better in a day or so I would probably call the vet to ask about picking up some eye drops. However, I would definitely give it some time, since it's swollen but not red on the inside. It could be a bite, as other have suggested, or most likelyt a bump. Poor sweetie.
  7. I am so very sorry Anna was a beauty, and it is clear just how much she was loved from your tribute Rest in peace, sweetie.
  8. Thanks for the update, let's hope the meds help!! Keeping your girl Shelby in my thoughts.
  9. Checking in too. Hope to get an update soon.
  10. Hoping it's nothing serious! Poor Shelby Please check in with us later or when you can to let us know how it went... Fingers crossed here! :goodluck
  11. Welcome to the board from Maine! Pete is STUNNING!
  12. Before he developed IBD, Merlin used to eat fruit all the time. He absolutely LOVES it, especially apples, PEARS, bananas and strawberries. I feel terrible for him now because he can't even enjoy a nice juicy piece of pear anymore. Sagan likes fruit too, but mostly just apples and pears. He spits out any piece of banana I give him
  13. Bobbi :heart Sending love your way, Nancy Thank you for sharing her with us.
  14. :cry1 :cry1 :cry1 Oh Jan :grouphug The tears are flowing. Every time you talked about Segugio I could tell you were talking about a very, very special person. I am so sorry he had to leave and so happy that you got to spoil him and love him for nine more days. Your tribute says it all. I know I will be thinking of you tonight as I go to bed and I will be hoping that you can close your eyes and feel his soft fur on your neck, because I know he will be there in some way. A hug to Sorella, too... Rest well, handsome Segugio. How we will miss seeing you here
  15. I have an app on my phone that lists foods and whether they are appropriate/healthy/dangerous for dogs. This is what I found under 'clams': "Clam meat is fine to feed your dog as long as it is plain and fed in small amounts the first time to test for any allergic reactions. Do not feed your dog clam chowder as it has a whole host of ingredients that can make your pup sick."
  16. Oh my goodness, how absolutely heartbreaking, I am so terribly sorry :cry1 :grouphug
  17. Oh my goodness, Judy, it sounds horrible Have you discussed the possibility that it could be IC with your vet? Does s/he think that could be it? Since the treatment is not always effective, and given that the pain it causes can get quite severe, what are the options in terms of pain management for Nadir? Poor boy
  18. Best of luck at the vet's tomorrow, Tom. Scritches to Hero from me please. We'll be thinking of you both, update when you can.
  19. Chase sounds like a wonderful dog. I understand that you won't compromise your daughters' safety (no parent in their right mind would), but Chase didn't do anything wrong. You say you try to enforce the rules about not leaving stuff around and not taking things from Chase's bed - well, to be fair I think you are partly to blame here, as you clearly need to do a better job of enforcing these rules (rules that you yourself set because you know they make sense). In other words, you need to help Chase succeed. He is just acting like a dog in a very new and different environment who does not know the rules yet or what is expected of him. You need to try to see things from his point of view. I think that Chase has already shown that he can be a wonderful family dog, he loves people, he walks nicely, he is friendly, has no sleep or food aggression, et cetera. That's an amazing feat for a dog whose environment was radically different prior to entering your home. We had to work for weeks on Sagan's phobias including stairs, his food guarding (and his growl is very deep and can seem scary to someone who isn't used to it), and we had to work for over a year and a half on Merlin's separation anxiety. Seems like you've got yourself a very well-adjusted dog there. Please give him time. You seem like good, caring people. Although it is natural for your six year old to be intimidated at this point, it would not have happened if the rules had either been stated more clearly or enforced better. If I were you I would call a family meeting so you can discuss this and explain to your little girl that Chase is not mean or grumpy or aggressive, he was just acting out of insecurity because he did not know he wasn't allowed to take the toy. And that she can help him understand by not leaving her toys around again. I would also continue with obedience, and definitely include the girls in daily training games to get them both (and especially your more fearful six-year-old) more comfortable around Chase by sharing fun games with him. It will also increase Chase's confidence and comfort levels. He has only been in your home for a few weeks, this is totally normal behavior under the circumstances. Best of luck and please keep us posted!
  20. :rofl :rofl Loved this Mine get half a tiny treat when I put their muzzles on and leave for work, a bigger cookie at lunchtime to keep them going until dinner (they get it while I eat my lunch), and a bigger cookie just before bed. I also sometimes give them a treat if they are asked to do something and they comply, and I definitely treat them right away if we're trying new games/commands and they "get it". Sagan in particular redefined the expression "food motivated" (read: desperate ), and he is very receptive to new games and picks things up very quickly if food is involved (or if he suspects that food may be involved )
  21. Oh, Tom, nothing is allowed to happen to Hero, nothing! Every single appendage I possess is tightly, tightly crossed for your beautiful boy. :goodluck :goodluck :goodluck Please check in with us after the appointment on Friday.
  22. Oh noooooooooo... :brokenheart How tragic I am so happy that she experienced love and understanding in the last three weeks of her life... she deserved more from life, she knew goodness knows how much anguish and suffering... but at least in the last few days of her all-too-short life, she knew a gentle hand on her fur, a calm reassuring voice, smiling eyes looking into hers, and Love. Rest in peace, Arwen...
  23. I agree with Batmom and strongly believe that the crate is a big no-no for him. Muzzling and babygating should be the go-to solution for confinement purposes. There is definitely some underlying anxiety going on here, I am wodering if he is a bit lonely, so I definitely think that playdates are good way to go. I also think that whoever mentioned the possibility of Neville being cold may have a point. Also, does he sleep next to your bed, or further away? Merlin used to wake me several times per night to have me tuck him in again, and since I have started to put jammies on him before bed he wakes me up only about once per night. Whatever you do, do not put him in another room at night, as it will almost certainly increase his anxiety, and do not give into his whining or it will never stop. It could be that he is hungry, too. Do you give him a big biscuit before bed? Please keep us posted! We're here to help.
  24. I'm sorry Rest in peace, Rocky...
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