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Everything posted by MerlinsMum

  1. Poor, poor baby. The pictures are shocking. I am so sorry this happened. Thinking of you both and keeping my fingers crossed for a quick recovery... :goodluck
  2. I'm so sorry. Poor Beecher... Keeping you both in my thoughts...
  3. MerlinsMum


    I wasn't on GT a year ago, but still wanted to send you a ... thank you for posting the pictures, he was an amazingly beautiful boy. When I lost Rufus years ago I thought would never have another dog - but here I am with Merlin now, and thinking of adopting another one soon... the truth is, they are such a special part of our lives, not even death can take them away from us. They live in our hearts forever.
  4. I am so sorry for your loss... What a beautiful sweet girl... thank you for sharing your lovely tribute with us. I'm keeping you in my thoughts... :f_white
  5. OMG I only just read this whole thread - all 14 pages of it, how the hell did I miss it?! I was so shocked to see Brody's initial pictures, it's nothing short of heart-breaking, and I kept anxiously reading post after post looking for updates... he is doing so much better - thanks for posting all the updates and pictures! Can't get the lovely picture of his gorgeous smile as he lays on the grass in the sun out of my head.... good luck Brody... beautiful boy :kiss2 Kudos to you Kelly, you're such a good person. Brody's so lucky to have you taking care of him.
  6. Poor Mia! I'm keeping you in my thoughts...
  7. Poor baby - only just read original post... what nasty injury! So glad to hear she's on the mend though... good luck on Dec10th, will be keeping Fran in my thoughts!! :goodluck
  8. Keep it up Carrier! So wonderful to hear you're doing so well, your mum must be so proud. Good boy!
  9. I'm so very sorry for your loss... f_yellow
  10. Carrier is gorgeous - and he looks amazing post-surgery!!! I am SO pleased. He seems to be healing so well and the pictures are adorable. We're all rooting for you boy!!!
  11. MerlinsMum

    Ellie's Gone

    What a beautiful and touching tribute to your lovely Ellie ... I am fighting back the tears right now. I am so, so sorry for your loss.
  12. I wish this horrible disease would just go away. It must be so hard to be strong at this time, but I think you're very brave and doing an amazing job. I will be keeping you and Carrier in my thoughts...
  13. Oh geez. Looks like he may well need stitches. The same happened to our grey Merlin once - except it was our fault. My husband accidentally closed the back window (stupid electric windows! I hate them) on the tip of his tail... he squealed and there was blood EVERYWHERE... just as you described. We were mortified and took him to the emergency animal hospital because we realized it was not going to heal itself anytime soon. He needed several stitches and had to be put under. We have never felt so bad and guilty in our lives, as when we saw him hobbling out of the operating theater, all "drunk" from the anaesthetic, poor baby... we were newbie grey-parents at the time... Now we are always super careful in the car and when opening and closing doors. Good luck! Hope his tail heals soon!
  14. Carolyn - glad you figured it out. My Merlin has been chewing and scratching for two weeks and we can't figure out what it is. We found a flea on him about two weeks ago, and washed everything and did a complete body search and found NOTHING. We put Frontline on him every 4 weeks, just applied some more. I don't think it works that well, I have a friend who suggested Buck Mountain's Herbal Gold powder and we're going to try that too. Has anyone else used this? Not sure what to do about the itching though. Could it be just that the humidity levels have gone down considerably of late? Merlin has dry, itchy & flaky skin to start off with, and an allergy to fleas. Any suggestions would be gratefully received.. kerry
  15. I'm so sorry!... I will be keeping you and your lovely girl Jitters in my thoughts.... : gh_child
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