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Everything posted by MerlinsMum

  1. I am so terribly sorry, Alicia :cry1 Your tribute to Ava is beautiful. I am in floods of tears after reading it. I am so sorry you had to be physically parted. But it's clear from the love in your post that you will carry your girl in your heart forever.
  2. Another vote for the "ignore button". I know it really, really SUCKS, believe me, I've been there. But Merlin got over it. Responding (even if the response from us was negative) was EXACTLY what he wanted - attention. If you have definitely ruled out a medical issue and you're sure it's behavioral, the only way he is going to give up is if he doesn't get any kind of reaction to his behavior. I'm sorry, Matt. Good luck, and keep us posted.
  3. I wouldn't cut back his food any more than you have. I would increase the exercise he's getting.
  4. Glad I'm not the only one! Me four! I heard 7 too, but I think it's silly. Merlin has health issues, but he doesn't act like a senior. There again I've seen seniors who don't act like seniors I think I will call him a senior when he's 10.
  5. I feel for you I can't stand ticks. I always worry about finding them on me or the dogs. I'd never even SEEN a tick before I moved to the US. Ugh! Fortunately I live in suburbia so we escape the worst of them, but of we go hiking or walking anywhere a bit further from home, we have to check the dogs and ourselves, and be very vigilant about it. We don't really like suburbia at all, but not having too many ticks is one advantage that I'm grateful for. However, this year it's going to be a different ballgame. We had a very warm winter (for Maine), and we're going to pay for it. The ticks and fleas are going to be HORRIBLE this year. It's going to be a looooooooong summer
  6. Sorry to hear that it's not going to work out with Senko, Matt, but at least you were able to reach a decision and realized sooner rather than later that she was not a good fit for you both and the boys. I am sure there is another good home out there for her! And this way you might be able to foster again
  7. MerlinsMum


    Rest in peace, Bert. He was so beautiful.
  8. Lucy :grouphug Happy birthday, sweet Riley. He was one of my absolute favorite GT hounds, I think about him a lot even now. I love your video, I have tears streaming down my face.... I know how much Riley meant and how much he still very much means to you. He is always with you Much love to you, Lucy.
  9. Oh my goodness, I am so terribly sorry. Ben was so young :grouphug :grouphug
  10. Oh no :cry1 :cry1 I am so, so very sorry. :grouphug Rest in peace, beautiful Berkeley...
  11. I am so sorry :cry1 Rest in peace, Booker :grouphug
  12. :cry1 I am so, so sorry Gabe is gone. Holding you in my thoughts :grouphug :grouphug Rest in peace, sweet boy.
  13. I am so very sorry :grouphug Rest in peace, sweet Dawn...
  14. MerlinsMum


    Oh, Hilda, I am so, so sorry. :grophug Rest well, Pipi-Francine...
  15. MerlinsMum


    I'm so sorry, Joanne
  16. Absolutely beautiful pictures I have been thinking of you a lot... I can't even begin to imagine how heart-broken you must be right now - I just hope you can draw comfort from the fact that he clearly lived a wonderful, VERY happy life. If only every dog could run around and play and live life to the full the way he did. :grouphug He will always be with you.
  17. Oh my goodness I have no adequate words to express how sorry I am. My heart is breaking for you. :grouphug
  18. Oh, Judy, he'll be fine (so is Lilly, Chris!), breaaaaaaaathe. I know exactly what you mean, though - I worry, too, when Merlin goes in. Surprisingly I didn't worry at all with Sagan, that dog is a total queen but he is built like an ox. Merlin is my delicate boy Sending lots of good thoughts!! :bighug Please update us when you get the call that everything went swimmingly
  19. Very sad, but true. Dogs are considered property under the law. She's apt to spend more on a lawyer than she recovers, and her heart won't be any less broken. It depends on the state. I don't remember what state your mum is located in (and I am not asking, of course), but laws are changing. Very, very slowly, but they are changing. As they should. To compare the loss of a companion we are emotionally invested in with the loss of a set of golf clubs or any other inanimate object is patently absurd. I wish your mum lots of luck with this case and I do think that it should hit local TV, newspapers, etc. She can do a lot of damage to the clinic's reputation, which will ensure that they think twice before behaving in such an abominably unprofessional and disgraceful manner. However, timing could mean the difference between a successful (or partially successful) outcome of the legal case and a not so successful outcome, so she should discuss the matter with her attorney to make sure that any negative publicity she generates for the clinic in question does not have a deleterious effect on the lawsuit she is preparing to engage in. Good luck. My thoughts are with your mum. I have been thinking of her a lot since I read your original thread. I am absolutely heartbroken for her. I know that if it happened to me I would want justice too, and regardless of the possible outcome I would definitely try to make waves, at least. :grouphug ETA - If your mum's attorney does not have much experience with this sort of case, she should definitely consult an attorney who does. Animal Law is one of the fastest growing legal fields and she should be able to get a free consultation, even if it isn't in her state.
  20. She will get used to the ceiling fans. Give her time. Sagan had the same issue, and it took a few weeks, but eventually he got over it. Try to keep them on as much as possible and ignore her when she keeps looking up at them. Ask her to do something to distract her, and praise her/ give her a treat when she complies. The point is to engage her brain on something else that she considers pleasurable and interesting while the ceiling fan hums along in the background. Have the ceiling fan on when she walks into a room. Sagan used to freak out more when he would be lying down in the living room and the ceiling fan was suddenly turned on. He would run away as fast as he could. He still occasionally looks up at the ceiling with an uncertain expression on his face, even now, and he is terrified of flying insects (if there is one in the room we simply have to release it if we want a peaceful evening) but it happens occasionally and he doesn't fixate on the ceiling fan as such, or run away. Whatever you do, don't comfort her when she's freaking out about the ceiling fan, you will risk reinforcing her behavior. Good luck!
  21. MerlinsMum


    I am so very sorry :cry1 :grouphug
  22. Maybe that was "just" a cramp? I hope so I am sorry about his spine issues I am sending lots of good thoughts and hope that the specialist comes up with some answers.
  23. So very glad to hear that Bumper is doing so well Thanks for the advice, I will bring this up with my vet too. Caroline, what are you doing to my wizard? Whatever it is, please continue HE ATE MOST OF HIS DINNER LAST NIGHT! :yay And this morning he didn't refuse... wait for it... his canned I/D! (I had to mix in a little Purina EN at first) And at lunchtime today... he even ate some I/D kibble!! This was me last night ---> Unfortunately, he still has bad diarrhea, but the color seems a bit more normal. And he slept through the night with no tummy gurgles at all. So I will keep him on Metro and gather all my information and discuss new options, hopefully this week. In the meantime, I will keep him on Sucralfate as well, until his stools firm up.
  24. Oh my goodness - I am so sorry. That must have been very frightening. Something very similar happened to Merlin about ten days ago. I am thinking lots of positive thoughts for Fixer.
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