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Everything posted by MerlinsMum

  1. Thank you for including my Sagan, Ducky
  2. Oh no, Janet I am so very sorry. I know how much Grandy means to you If only love could keep them with us forever :weep Rest in peace beautiful girl :grouphug
  3. I don't think so - Merlin did just the same thing today and his webbing split pretty badly and there was blood EVERYWHERE. He left a blood trail all over the first floor before DH noticed :mad
  4. I've only just returned after 10 months away. Just seeing this. I am so very sorry, Robin.
  5. I am so sorry to read this. I went through the same thing with Merlin (10) last year. His stroke was pretty severe, and caused central vestibular disease. He was hospitalized for four days and had to learn to walk again. It took months but he bounced back and is doing great! When I read your post it reminded me of the day we came home and founding flailing about on the floor. We think he'd been there, dizzy and thrashing about, unable to stand, for quite some time, which was absolutely heartbreaking. It was one of the worst days of my life. I am SO relieved that Ace's stroke was moderately mild. As for it happening again - I know exactly what you mean because I always worry that I'll come back from work and find him like that again. However, Merlin's neurologist told us that it is relatively rare to see a second stroke, particularly in greys. So I try to hold on to that and wanted to share it with you. Best of luck, and I hope Ace feels better very soon.
  6. Just seeing this, Robin. I am so terribly sorry. Thinking of you all. Please update us once you know how the surgery went... sending love and strength.
  7. I am so very sorry :grouphug What a beautiful tribute, it made me cry and smile at the same time. Rest in peace, Bailey.
  8. Lots of good thoughts for Violet! :goodluck I love my vet and know that she is very competent, but I still always worry when the pups get dentals.
  9. I used this for Merlin after his stroke, when he couldn't walk. Used it for many weeks, even after he got better, but his back legs were still very weak. I LOVE it. It was a gift from a special fan of Merlin's, and I will always be so, so grateful for it (and for her generosity). Honestly don't know what I would have done without it. It was recommended by Merlin's neurologist.
  10. What a beautiful tribute, Jan. I had to close my office door because it made me all weepy. I'm so, so, so happy that, after such a rough life, she was able to spend her last months with wonderful friends, including a super wonderful human to love her, accept her, and understand her. It took her a long time to find her home, but she sure found the right one in the end. Big hugs to you, Jan.
  11. I'm so very sorry it's time for you to say goodbye, Ellen. Thinking of you and Nutmeg.
  12. Definitely muzzle and definitely supervise. Not everyone is comfortable with the idea, but my boys go out naked in the backyard. No collars, nothing. Where are they going to go? The yard is fenced in. My two have very different energy, and in the past there were occasional disagreements with loud barking or snapping for a second or so. I can't call them fights, it was never that serious. However, I knew they were muzzled so i worried less. I always supervise - anything could happen.... although Merlin has stopped badgering Sagan to play since his stroke.
  13. MerlinsMum


    Robin There are no words. There simply are no words. That is, as far as the unfairness of it all, his cancer, his life cut short, and his strong spirit, which made him resist sedation. It's just so unbelievably sad and unfair. But there is plenty to say about his year and half with you, the love you offered and received back, the beautiful, heart-breakingly beautiful things you did for him. Just like you did on his last day, which you managed to make so special for him, even though you knew how it was going to have to end. I am so happy you happened to Moxie, Robin. He may have had rough luck with his first not-forever-home, but when he finally found and made his home with you, he struck gold. Sending lots of love. :grouphug
  14. I haven't been on the forum for some time, with the exception of a few sporadic posts, and I can't believe I missed this. Words fail me. What a monumental loss. Jan, I am so terribly sorry. I hope I'm not dredging up all the sadness by bringing this post back to the top, but I wanted to pay my respects. Rest well, Seamie. :grouphug
  15. How scary when stuff like this happens while you're away. Ugh! Glad he's going to be okay. A whole sheet of brownies? He doesn't believe in doing things by halves, eh? I hope the nausea subsides soon.
  16. Oh no. What a nightmare, I am so terribly sorry. It's bad enough that we have to lose them, but losing Carly suddenly like that must have been so horribly shocking. :grouphug
  17. It's taken me a few days to comment here. I find my eyes getting moist when I think of posting. I still can't believe that George is gone. Sometimes it hits me at work, or when I'm reading, or when I think of something that happened a year or 5 ago. Susan, you were the best thing that ever happened to George. I think I'll stop there. Rest your beautiful tired head, George. You will never be forgotten.
  18. Oh, poor Toby He's been through an ordeal (as have you, I'm sure). Will be thinking of him and sending a ton of good thoughts on Friday. From what I'm reading in this thread glaucoma seems to be painful, so at least after the surgery he will not have to deal with that anymore. Hope the surgery goes swimmingly and he heals quickly! for you.
  19. MerlinsMum


    I'm so very sorry. Sounds like she was a wonderful person. And incredibly beautiful, too. :grouphug Rest well, Jackie...
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