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Everything posted by MerlinsMum

  1. MerlinsMum


    From the album: Animated Smileys

  2. MerlinsMum

    snowy siggy1c

    From the album: Misc

  3. MerlinsMum

    snowy siggy1b

    From the album: Misc

  4. MerlinsMum

    snowy siggy

    From the album: Misc

  5. MerlinsMum


    From the album: Animated Smileys

  6. MerlinsMum


    From the album: Animated Smileys

  7. MerlinsMum


    From the album: Animated Smileys

  8. MerlinsMum


    From the album: Animated Smileys

  9. MerlinsMum


    From the album: Animated Smileys

  10. There is virtually no solid clinical evidence (other than small, statistically irrelevant trials conducted with dubious methodology) that these "natural remedies" (aka "alternative/integrative veterinary medicine") work. The few studies that do show a benefit beyond placebo are trials funded by companies trying to sell a product, and they very clearly set out to prove something they already believe (or want to believe) works. I understand the wish to choose "natural" (whatever that means) alternatives to surgical or pharmaceutical options that will deliver a cure without side effects... But the promise of no side effects whatsoever, considering the physiological complexity of the body and its organs, should generate skepticism in itself. Most of these alternative "therapies" are based on pre-scientific (and mostly pseudo-scientific) concepts, and are therefore - unsurprisingly - extremely weak on clinical evidence; they are promoted on the basis of a few in vitro studies and a LOT of anecdotal evidence. Homeopathy is not medicine - it's just water. My two cents: save your money for evidence-based veterinary medicine... ETA A new study published in the American Journal of Veterinary Research shows no benefit from Cold Laser Therapy in dogs having surgery for disc problems.
  11. Omg, how awful. I am so terribly sorry You must be out of your mind with shock and grief. :grouphug
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