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Everything posted by MerlinsMum

  1. I have no experience with this, I just wanted to say how very, very sorry I am. I hope you have a lot of quality time left together.
  2. Rachael, I'm sorry for your co-worker. Having been through HGE (and later a diagnosis of IBD) with Merlin for the last two years, and dealing with periodic flare-ups, expensive prescription food and meds, and the stress or hearinghis stomach gurgle and not wanting to eat the only food he is able to take.... it's all exhausting and worrying, so I sympathize. We spent over $2000 when he was first diagnosed between specialists and tests and hospitalization... it builds up quickly. Luckily he is insured so we got some of that back. I was a bit puzzled at the mention of a blood transfusion, but I don't know all the details in that case. Merlin was hospitalized and started on Sucralfate, Metronidazole (Flagyl) and sub-q IV fluids. After 24 hours he came home but we continued the IV fluids. He has been on Pepcid and Metronidazole DAILY for the last two years. It took us several months to figure out what dose was needed for him, in order to avoid frequent flare-ups. He had two bad episodes of HGE but hasn't (fingers crossed) had one since, as we've been managing the condition with the Metro. It sounds to me as though Tyke needs to be on Metronidazole (at a minimum) on a constant basis at this point. Or Tylosan (Tylan powder), if that works better for him. Tylosan didn't work for Merlin, his "magic number" seems to be 500mg of Metronidazole TWICE a day, so 1000mg daily. I also feed him three times a day instead of two, and that has helped as well. I just spread out the same food over three meals. If course actually GETTING him to eat is like trying to get blood out of a stone... but that's a separate issue. He doesn't like his prescription food much (I/D) but I have tried SO many other things and this is the only food that keeps his flare-ups under control with the Metro. He also takes Pepcid in the evening. Good luck... It DID get a lot better and more manageable, the expense has drained our savings and we've had to tighten our belts considerably to accommodate the expense of meds and prescription food, but I'd rather go without other things to pay for the vet bills. On the other hand I also don't have the expense of kids, so I am sure that helps...
  3. I'm so sorry Sleep well beautiful boy...
  4. I think he will adjust easily. I have my hounds pretty much on the same schedule you mentioned as your soon-to-be work schedule: out in the morning for a walk, lunch time break in the yard or on a leash to the end of the road (just to relieve themselves), an afternoon walk and then one last break to relieve themselves before bed. Sagan has never once peed in the house. Merlin peed a couple of times and then figured it out. Sagan is a bit like your boy. He takes FOREVER to pee. At lunchtime when I let them out, Merlin goes out, squats, pees a long pee, and trots back to me for his cookie. Sagan walks round and round and round and round the backyard looking for the right spot, or stands there like a sack of potatoes looking clueless , and I have to snap him out of his reverie several times to "remind" him that he needs to go pee. He is the most indecisive dog on the planet. It used to drive me bonkers, but however many things I tried - positive reinforcement when he goes, blah blah blah - he is still super indecisive. But I noticed that when I took him out on a leash, he would poo and then pee within 5-10 minutes of us setting out. So now if I'm in a real hurry, I just take him out on a leash instead of letting out into the yard. One thing... if he has another accident in the house, please don't yell. Far from helping him understand, it will make him nervous and undermine the trust you're building between each other. Yelling at a dog is never an appropriate response. I am not saying we haven't all been tempted to do it at one time or another -- we all get angry and frustrated, believe me, I live with a dog who is super picky with his food, and incredibly opinionated, and won't come when called -- but yelling isn't going to solve the problem. Putting him on a schedule will, and you have. You're doing it right! Keep at it! PS Yurtie?? OMG. I love that name!!
  5. Hi Niffz! I'm in Maine too! I have two boys, Merlin and Sagan. Merlin came from the Animal Refuge League here in Westbrook, and we adopted Sagan from Massachusetts (Amazing Greyz). We're in Southern Maine.Andre' is so handsome! Of course, I am partial to red and white hounds anyway... Looking forward to seeing more pictures and stories in the coming weeks and months
  6. :grouphug Gabe was one of those dogs you look at, and felt yourself drawing in your breath sharply -- not just the first time but every time -- because he was just so jaw-droppingly beautiful.
  7. Congrats! What a gorgeous boy! And Lily is really beautiful too!
  8. Oh Jey, I have been off GreyTalk for quite some time and I am only just seeing this. I am so sorry Rest well, Joseph.
  9. I'm so sorry to hear that Jabari is sick, Lucy. Sending a TON of good thoughts for him!!
  10. We went canooeing with Merlin back in 2007. He doesn't like the water and doesn't know how to swim. We bought a life jacket for him. He got into the canoe and gnawed on rawhide the whole time, and he was fine. I would love to do it again, but we probably won't. I was nervous the whole time I wouldn't worry with a GSD or a mutt or any dog that loves water and loves to swim. But greys... it would really depend on the dog. If you think your dog would enjoy it, though, and you are certain you can do it safely - I say go for it.
  11. I am so very sorry that Tornado had to leave :cry1 :grouphug Rest in peace, sweetie.
  12. Tried to switch to it when we thought that Merlin was having side effects from chronic use of Metronidazole (we don't think that was it now), but had to switch back to Metro almost immediately because Merlin refused to eat it. It's very bitter, even worse than Metro - which has worked very well for him over the last 2 years, so we stuck with that instead. I've heard from others that they have liked using it, though.
  13. Absolutely. Love Neil DeGrasse Tyson It's ironic that he said that to Bill Maher, who is a rabid anti-vaxxer...
  14. SO very very sorry, Lori. So glad she got her couch with you for the last few years of her life. You and the whole family and pups are in my thoughts. :grouphug
  15. Yes, you should be concerned. Emergency vets everywhere experience first hand the agony of watching a dog fade in pain from mouse poison. I can't believe poison as a form of "pest" control is still legal in this day and age. It makes me SO angry. Death by poisoning is a horrible, horrible way to die (and slow for the animals who ingest it and aren't taken to the vet because they're considered pests instead of companions). I strongly recommend that you and your neighbor go talk with your other neighbor - as diplomatically as possible, at first, of course (after all this is just a suspicion at this stage, and you don't want your other neighbor to get defensive...) and find out if s/he is really using mouse poison. Good luck.
  16. Ah. Terrific post. Thank you!! I don't get it either and yes, it is truly upsetting. Then again, there are people who pay charlatans to "translate" what their animals are psychically telling them So is this surprising? I'm sorry, but ^this is silly. We're talking about dog behavior and training. Faith has absolutely nothing to do with it. There are methods that are based on the plethora of studies we have conducted on animal behavior, and then there's someone's self-concocted "formula" which is based on anecdotal evidence and opinion. I'll stick with science. And anyone who is interested in leaning how to communicate better with dogs should do the same.
  17. Poor Diamond (and poor you, I'm sure you're worried sick!). I'm keeping you both in my thoughts. I hope you get some answers!
  18. Oh no Sending a ton of good thoughts your way! :goodluck :goodluck
  19. She doesn't look starving. Just a couple more pounds, maybe? She is beautiful.
  20. :cry1 :grouphug :grouphug
  21. Tearing up at work. :cry1 We will miss you so much, Gary Linda - there are no words... sending all my love.
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