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Everything posted by rschultz

  1. Thanks. Wow i didn't know about the nose licking ty for that too
  2. wow ..that seems high but I guess it depends where you live too. dh and i were saying we spend more money on our one greys food than our own food..lol..she eats better too..lol
  3. ((prayers)) I agree with calling the vet. One of our dogs had a seizure and acted strange on tramadol.
  4. Lexie was under a glass coffee table ( she never does that) anyway she heard a noise which startled her and hit the top of her head trying to get up. I checked for bumps. What else should I be watching for? She banged it pretty hard. When she got up she came over to me and looked at me like it was my fault
  5. Hi, It took Lexie over a year to get used to a school bus. She still looks back at every car that drives by..lol. It does take time. I praise her a lot. I will say bus.. bus and praise. It took awhile. I am a firm believer with time, praise and consistency they can improve. We had a trainer who told us "lexie could never be a therapy dog she is too nervous." I worked and worked with her and she has now been a therapy dog almost 2 years. Hang in there. Make a big deal about seeing things with praise and hugs. ps. on garbage day , Lexie still thinks the "monsters" are going to sneak up on her...lol
  6. Hi, I see you are in Ohio. I could reccomend several good trainers but ehy are about an hour from u. Maybe one of them would know someone closer to you. PM if u want. I also am not in favor of the "petsmart" places for greys. They need a teacher or trainer who has experience with greys. We waited about 3 monhts before we started with classes so she could get use to our environment but she was extremely shy. I think it depends on how fast your grey adapts to your environment. GL
  7. Trypzyme-V spray is excellent. you can get it from any vet. neosporin works well too
  8. just decide what is right by your heart. You as a mom know your child and your dog. always a tough decision.
  9. when lexie was training to be a therapy dog we were told to take the food bowl and place down and ' say leave it" for a few seconds then gradually increase time. It did work. Took about 2 weeks. so the food was her reward. then we moved to harder things like hot dogs. Lexie will "leave it for 2 minutes or more now. It does work. Just repetition and gradual time increases. Drop it was harder for us. I had to lightly touch her nose so she knew to release her grasp. I am sure others suggestions are better for that one. gl
  10. i agree with always face in the direction your walking and try to keep walking..then "come and a quick tug. gl..if not..maybe carry her...rofl (j/k)
  11. I agree with maybe having her sit when the bell rings and reward her. If she can't sit maybe something else like a "hug" where they lean in to give you a hug or a "heel" position by your side. That way she can learn a new command
  12. I would just keep up with the repetition like 20 times a day. He will pick it up. For the down command, maybe he has trouble laying down. If u want him out of the kitchen when you are eating maybe try"out of the kitchen" instead of "out" maybe he associates "out" with going outside. I find repetion repeatedly over two weeks should work.
  13. I usually don't give Lexie frontline plus in the winter but she is going to be boarded for a week and will be playing with other dogs. She of course is on her heartworm ,but should i give the frontline? Can she get ticks or fleas in the winter?
  14. if it is not the food what else should i check for or look for?
  15. I don't have a clue but sending prayers. Can greys get sinus infections?
  16. Lexie has been on iams low residue food for 2 years except for the last month we have been mixing it with wellness (also dry) sweet potato and salmon flavor. I noticed she seems to be drinking soo much more water. She use to just drink at night now she drinks 4-5 bowls a day. She of course is peeing more due to the water. She has no problem holding it overnight for 9 hours so I am hoping it is not a urinary problem. Could this new food cause her to be more thirst? We also added a a mix of her daily treats..the same wellness brand. Does anyone's dog who is on wellness brand drink more?
  17. They look good together. stay warm. suburb of cleveland too and we have over a foot of snow so far
  18. In my opinion, I think they are more routined than lazy. Granted, I routinely let mine sleep more..lol
  19. my dog is 58 pounds and my vet told me 1 every 12 hours not more than two days
  20. Hi to everyone who has come to visit my profile..lol

  21. Thanks for all your hard work with this site. I really like the bigger fonts. Am I right in saying that the only way I can go back to see what people have replied to my topics is through "my profile"? Or is there another option? ps. Trudy, I love where it says your location..lol edited again cause i forgot to ask why my "warn status" is showing. Did someone report me? I did nuttin i tell ya, I am innocent..lol
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