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Everything posted by rschultz

  1. I know dogs can eat peanut butter. The other day I was eating some unsalted shelled peanuts. I know dogs aren't suppose to have nuts, but can they eat peanuts? (not the shell of course)
  2. Lexie would probably need a doggy psychologist and major meds if we took her crate away. some just always need that for security.
  3. my vet always told me one tablet every 12 hours no more than 2 days
  4. sounds normal to me..took lexie at least 6-8 months before she wandered around the house when we weren't looking
  5. oh great!! I don't save the bags. I pour Lexie's food in a huge bin and she eats the salmon and potato one
  6. lol..i had to really look..i was looking at the floor..lol then i finally saw the green..lol..like looking at those two sided pics..lol
  7. I am sure others will have good suggestions. Try with the other dogs with her and look away from her and just start walking and when you get to the point where it stops u gently tug and firm command? When she finally does it lots of praise and reward treat? when you put the leash on give lots of praise
  8. i agree. my vet taught me how to do the fluids at home..it is easy..so sorry your own vet wasn't in..that figures..continued prayers for Ollie.
  9. hope he gets better soon. one of my neighbors dogs was having sounds of choking and then was lethargic. she found out he had kennel cough even though he had the vaccination for it. please keep us informed (((hugs))))
  10. i prob couldn't wait either just have dh feed him all the meals cause lot of the time the dog clings to the one who feeds him..gl let us know by the way..dh feeds one meal i feed the other..one time we wanted to know who lexie liked more..( i know sooo wrong)) anyway we both stood equally apart and called her...AND waht did she do??? she walked right down the middle of us....she is a smart one our baby girl
  11. try the grain free food from wellness. works great for lexie ..she has a very sensitive tummy. I also add sweet potatoes in her diet which helps. gl lexie use to be on the low residue iams too. she drank so much water while on it. I think it must have had a lot of salt in it.
  12. how about putting the meds in applesauce. Lexie loves it and it doesn't upset her tummy.
  13. I agree with slowly desensitizing her. Lexie was afraid like that of the kids getting on and off the bus..so everyday I would take her near the bus and praise her and say "bus" and even had a few kids give her a treat. The kids loved getting involved..took her almost a year but now when i say "bus" she wants to go over and see the kids, and i don't even give her treats anymore. I would take her near the courts quite often and in time she will get better. gl I also agree with not having her pull or try to get away, u be the pack leader, it does help
  14. we use "heel" and the dog either stands or sits by my side.
  15. if you are a worry wart like me, I would do it for peace of mind
  16. I'll be happy to do that. We're taking the classes at Positively Canine and our instructor will be Laura Ormsby. You can see the class descriptions on the website. I wish you were closer and we could take the class together. Shelly just saw the site..the freestyle(dancing0) would be hysterical. I don't think I could get lexie to do that but who knows..lol enjoy and keep us informed of her progress. I wish I lived closer too
  17. barleans brand makes a fish oil for animals and it is liquid form. I put a tablespoon in lexie's dry dog food twice a day and mix it in there . Lexie was extremely shy when we got her. I am sure in time your dog will go in the kitchen.
  18. sounds cool..lexie is a therapy dog so i would be interested in watching u post what she learns
  19. iv'e thought i seen it all but that is so totally hysterical..got to show all my friends.. chariots of fire then sank lexie tries to swim but rolls over
  20. lexie has a sensitive tummy so we did the liquid form so not sure the mg's i just give a tbsp per meal
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