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Everything posted by rschultz

  1. Ty . It sure sounds like it could be the sneeze. She seems better now. Ty all. This site is such a relief.
  2. It sure sounds like that video... A reverse sneeze. She just never has done that in the 4 years that we have had her.
  3. This never happened before. Lexie all of a sudden was laying down and started gasping for air. (She wasn't sleeping and she just finished drinking some water like 5 minutes before it happened.) It wasn't a cough or gag like sound but actual gasping as if she couldnt breath thru her nose she had to open her mouth to get more air. Does this make sense?? Anyone else ever have this with their dog? It lasted a few minutes. She seems fine at the mometn. It just happened about 10 minutes ago. I am just worried..thanks for any input
  4. Lexie was like that when we first got her. She will always be fixated but when I walk her and she sees a squirrel i say "leave it" and pull her away real fast..after a few months she just knows not to pull or she will get a lil "yank"
  5. I agree it can make them really sick. I have learned to just pick it up every time she goes out.
  6. that is soooo cool what u are doing. Keep it up. Lexie knows how to drop a toy basketball in an orange "hoop" basket...lol. I always wanted to teach her to put her stuffies away but I guess i got lazy. U inspired me to start again.ty
  7. I am in ohio too. What part are u in? I agree with walking her before u go to sleep.Then also play some games in the house. Do u have a basement she can play in? The weather here is suppose to improve. Hopefully no more snow
  8. the poor baby is resting and insisted on having her sock match one of her hats ( rockets grandma made the hat)..lol..
  9. ty all i do have vet wrap. i think i wasnt wrapping far enough up the leg. she does like to pick at the vet wrap so i will only use as necesssary. good idea about the epsom salts..and yes, she does have multi colored vet wraps to match her hats..lol
  10. Lexie cut one of her paw pads right in the middle i think with the hard snow and ice in our backyard. Anyway, I was using neosporin and it helped some then it reopened. Is the trypzme liquid better to use on the paw pad or neosporin? I just tried to kkep a baby sock on with tape. Is there a better way to keep it covered? When she goes outside I put the therma boot on her so that isnt an issue. It is more what to do in the house. She is going to a kennel in a week so i am hoping it will heal soon. Thanks ahead for any suggestions or helpful hints
  11. try the "out of kitchen" and reward him for staying out..maybe a particular spot nearby so he can still see. you will have to keep going over there to give him a treat but each time make him wait a little longer..u can then gradually work up to like 10 minutes..then for 30 minutes..it will work..it will seem very monotonous for awhile but give it a try gl
  12. i use a child's battery operated soft toothbrush...lol..yes Lexie lets me use that..It works well. I use the petz life stuff and sometime gazue with biotene for the gums. My vet said her teeth look really good for 5 yers old. she hasn't had to have a dental yet.
  13. lol she looks worn out from gnawing away at it
  14. If Lexie is mad at us she goes into the bathroom and takes all the bath towels and hand towels off the racks.
  15. lexie hates boots. i use those baby wipes unscented . lexie was also afraid of a leash..we just did lot of praising. our dog doesn't like walks at all but she doesn't cry.
  16. Lexie won't go on the couches which is fine with us. It took her 2 years to jump on the bed...but beware..once they do it you will never have space again for u
  17. lexie is on blue diamond grain free food. There are a lot of brands now grain free. I give Lexie a slice of sweet potato with her food. It seems to firm her up a bit. fortiflora didn't help lexie. We use to add dried beet pulp which helped a lot. a couple of tablespoons each meal. After about 2 years I didn't need ot add that anymore. I just add the sweeet potato
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