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Everything posted by rschultz

  1. I bought a baby pool for lexie and she never used it..lol so all m yneighbors see this pool in my yard and wonder why i have it cause all my kids are grown..lol Lexie digs under an evergreen and likes to lay there..lol
  2. we had a doxie for 18 years. just cut back her food and give her green beans and carrots as snacks that way she won't feel hungry all the time. When she is able again walk her daily at least 20 minutes. Prayers for a speedy recovery. ours never had back issues but did have knee issues with the ball socket that wouldnt stay in place. the vet taught me how to put it back into place so i wouldnt get charged every time it happened. Did they give Ollie something for the pain? My doxie use to take 1/4 baby asprin for pain.
  3. Lexie was afraid of the leash when we first got her. We rewarded her with small treats when we had the leash near her. Lots of praise too.
  4. try a squirt bottle with water..usually after 1-2 times they just see the bottle and stop the behavior
  5. Lexie has been on the powder for several years too. The vet said it was ok for long term. Vet told me to mix 9 tbsp cornstarch with 1tsp powder to get rid of bitter taste. She gets 1/2 tsp of that mixture each meal. I bought a huge container through revival health. It was a lot cheaper than going to the vet every month for 1tsp. We tried going off of it, but it is the only thing that helps her poo. She is also on the low residue mixed with wellness food. I also give her a lil sweet potato in her food which helps. We have been doing this for 2 years and (knock on wood) so far so good. gl
  6. I use biotene on the gums. Cleans germs so it may help. Vet told me it is safe. Just put some on a gauze and wipe gums.
  7. So lexie slid and scraped the big pad on a front paw on sat. I treated and covered. Now I am letting air out at night. It looks red but better. Will the pad eventually turn black again? Will the padding grow back? How long does it take if it does? Is there something I should to help heal it besides the t-y liquid and neosporin? Is it better to keep covered all the time or let air out at night like i am doing? ty all
  8. little marshmallows, applesauce, baby food, liver pate
  9. Thanks all I did put that ty gel stuff on the vet gave me awhile back. It is like neosporin.I wrapped with gauze and vet wrap. I do have a theraboot so when she goes potty. It was pretty red and bloody. Poor thing. She will get a lot of sympathy today cause she is visiting my mom in law at an assisted living place. I will just keep her in the lobby so she doesn't have to walk on it.I guess she is "milking It" all she can. She jumped on the bed which is rare..lol
  10. Lexie was running around in the rain this morning. It was very slick out. she must have slid somehow and tumbled off the grass onto the patio. She got a few cuts that I wrapped on her leg but she has one pad, the big one that is really tore up. I washed and put stuff on it and bandaged. Anything else I should do?
  11. I have never even heard of it. What exactly is it?
  12. try working on the "leave it command" with small reward treats.
  13. I think u handled that quite well. I only have one dog but I carry a small spray bottle filled with water/vinegar and i can hang it from my pocket. This way I have something to try and get the dog away with, without hurting someone elses dog. It is always frightening when u see a dog charging toward your dogs.
  14. what a freakish accident. you keeping a cool head saved her life. sending prayers for a speedy recovery.
  15. cool, i wonder if there is a place that teaches tricks around here? Do you know if the instructor has a book I could get?
  16. (((prayers for nina))))) Accidents happen all the time. Don't blame yourself at all. You are a wonderful, caring momma and person
  17. very good reminder..ty for sharing
  18. dh feeds am feeding and i do the pm feeding. we can't tell who she bonds with more. sometimes on walks she will walk between us, probably not to show favortism
  19. We have had lexie almost three years. Am i suppose to be cleaning her ears with anything? I never see her itching them and they look ok to me. (not that i know what they should look like inside)
  20. dear rocket my lub All I know is uze better be up on all your shots cause i won'ts be in a reelationshoops with a shotless hound . Makes sures the vets give u extra biskies for the pain. your up to date shot girlfriend lexie
  21. FedEx.... # 8 UPS...... # 80 Wal-Mart. # 800 TOTAL.... # 888
  22. if u find he doesn't drink that much water try some ice cubes. mine luvs to munch on those. keep pads of feet cool.
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