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Everything posted by rschultz

  1. We have had lexie almost three years. Am i suppose to be cleaning her ears with anything? I never see her itching them and they look ok to me. (not that i know what they should look like inside)
  2. dear rocket my lub All I know is uze better be up on all your shots cause i won'ts be in a reelationshoops with a shotless hound . Makes sures the vets give u extra biskies for the pain. your up to date shot girlfriend lexie
  3. FedEx.... # 8 UPS...... # 80 Wal-Mart. # 800 TOTAL.... # 888
  4. if u find he doesn't drink that much water try some ice cubes. mine luvs to munch on those. keep pads of feet cool.
  5. I play dodgem and walk in the street till i pass those lawns. I too, wipe her paws down. I am no expert but we had a dachshund and they are low to the ground. She had parathyroid disease which I was told from exposure to pesticides. I walked her a lot too, and years ago i wouldnt have thought of wiping down the paws. I think the smaller dogs are probably more at risk. Just do the best u can by wiping the paws down, and avoiding those lawns for 24 hours. we only fertilize our front lawn, not the fenced in backyard where lexie roams and digs and lays..and plays..lol
  6. revival health is a lot cheaper than the pet stores. I always use the gel. I also use biotene on a piece of gauze to rub on the gums. I think it has helped a lot.
  7. For him or me? ( Just kidding!!) probably for u..u will need it after trying to get that sap out..believe me i know..been htere
  8. ughh this happened to us too. I remembered I asked in gt and the suggestion that worked for me was vegetable oil. I rubbed some on and just took paper towels and get it out that way. Some still stayed in the fur but the oil loosens it up and comes out eventually. gl
  9. Only helpful hint I have is that give her some ice to chomp on to make sure she is hydrated. I know Lexie doesn't drink a lot in the heat but she does love the ice cubes.
  10. lol enjoy the extra space on your bed without your dog. They really do take up a lot of room..lol
  11. you are doing all the right things. It just takes time. Took lexie 3 months to come up to us. We didn't see her tail wag for more than that. 2 years later...she won't leave our side. Just keep up the consistency, treats, lots of praise and love .ect..it will happen
  12. it was harder on me than the dog..lol.. lexie just slept for two days after..lol..
  13. I think you are doing all the right things. sometimes they go thru stages. it took lexie 4 months to wag her tail for us..lol. It isn't u. I know its hard not to take it personally.
  14. I would just make sure he is comfortable and enjoys doing the things he loves. sorry for your diagnoses.
  15. very normal..lexie was by herself for practically a whole year in the other room and stuff. now she only wants to be with us.. give it time. sounds like the couch is very comfy. Maybe make a comfy spot where u guys are
  16. Maybe he bumped and hurt himself and remembers that. I agree with batmom too. Also make sure his back or legs get checked out. Maybe he is hurt somewhere, gl keep us posted.
  17. I don't have any advice but wanted to tell you i started lol when i saw your topic because we have just the opposite problem here. We say "walk", lexie runs to her cage or tries to lay real low as if we can't see her so she won't have to go for a walk. Never knew a dog who when u say "want to go for a walk or go to the park?" and they run away as if you were taking them for dental surgery..lol gl
  18. Thank you soooo much! I was so afraid of that!!!!! I was afraid the poor thing wouldn't die and I'd have to kill it to make sure it didn't suffer and I didn't know how I was going to do that. My first reaction is "dang it! why don't we have a gun" but then, who shoots a squirrel in their backyard??? I'd probably end up in jail and have to explain that one to my son's christian school". Thank you lol now that made me lol..no guns for u..lol use a big heavy shovel..but make sure the neighbors don't see..lol.. good thing some of us have high fences..lol
  19. so sorry for the trauma. I am dreading one day too Lexie will catch a squirrel. She caught a mole and it was still alive. I panicked too. You want to help but you know you won't be able to. I had to take a shovel and put the poor thing out of his misery. It was one of the hardest things I had to do and I still get sick thinking about it. Someone told me if you have to do that to cover the animal first so u don't see the aftermath. I just wanted to say we understand and feel for you.
  20. i only have one and i think she likes it that way. i make sure she socializes with other dogs once in awhile. I would be moe concerned about your bunny. Greys and bunnies don't mix
  21. low dose asprin (baby asprin) 1 every 12 hours is what my vet always tells me
  22. i got a waterprrof matress cover at dilliards. I think most of the major dept stores have them. They maybe cheaper there. gl
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