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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. sorry im no help but hope you can get to the bottom of it.
  2. life sucks sometimes. Im sorry you didnt get a long life with Dallas but the memories will last forever. I will keep you and your whole family in my prayers and I pray for a peacefull trip to the Bridge for Dallas.
  3. jamngrey


    enjoy the bridge Rib untill you are reunited with you loved ones. Im sorry for the loss of rib
  4. Run fast and free at the bridge Isa and Tom. Take a few moments to give you mom a sign you ok during this hard time. Hugs to you Petra
  5. what a wonderfull tribute. I never knew Trisha but I can tell she was loved. Rest in peace and hugs and prayers for her family
  6. glad to hear she is doing well. and that you and dh survived breakfast or actully no breakie. Psi has his next mon and I will be having same issue cept it will be my foster (non grey) and cassie who must wait till he goes for their breakie
  7. I would get to the vets. Teeth pain is a tought one
  8. I second the epsom salt soak. Hopefully it will be a quick fix
  9. adding my ya for no break or tumors. Hope Frosty is back to herself soon
  10. oh no I hope vet is able to get to the bottom of your babes issue and he will be on his way to recovery
  11. oh my what a up and down ride. Hugs and prayers. Lots for your son as well
  12. sending him tons of prayers for "lots more time" and lots of good thoughts for you guys
  13. sending tons of prayers for you both
  14. jamngrey


    Snow my baby boy I cant believe it has been a month since you earned your wings. Now that you no longer have pain I hope you are playing ball like the mad man you are. I see your balls every day and miss you. One day we will be reunited and I cant wait for one of your mushie kisses.
  15. I check Shanti's thread everyday. I dont usually post but am so glad to hear she is doing well. I hope it keeps up. Hugs and kudos to you for doing all you do for your furbabes.
  16. you could put a sheet on her bedding if it is the type that is warm. But what you are doing so far is great
  17. poor boy I sure hope u are able to figure out what it is
  18. checking in as well. Hope all is ok
  19. keeping you both in my prayers and hope for help
  20. Psi has been blowing his winter coat for the last 2 wks. I have to brush him every day or it would get away from me.
  21. hope it is nothing prayers for you both
  22. great news kudos to you for caring
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