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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. jamngrey


    Oh Snow I miss you. Sometime the memories just dont do it and I wish i had your sloppie kisses, could hear you chatter like the mad man you were. What I wouldnt give for one more day of your "happy breakie dance". I am glad you are no longer in pain and can run after your ball without any pain. So hope you have found some friends and are able to show them the great boy you are.
  2. jamngrey


    I just saw this. I am sorry you beloved K is no longer with you in body but with all the love you both shared he is here in spirit. I hope he is running like a mad man at the bridge with the other angels.
  3. psi reacts the same way. I would be intrested on the comments
  4. thanks for the update tons more prayers that he continues to climb his uphill battle
  5. thanks again for all the replys. I am still looking into this factor and will most likely do it. Vet said wasnt a top necessary imedatly but will would be usefull for future refrence. I was just wondering if there was anyting elce it could be?
  6. I just got back from picking Psi up from his dental. They did have to extract one premolar. During prosedure they said his gums bled excessivly & when they removed the catheter it took 15 min of pressure on area to get it to slow & then he bleed thru bandage. After 15 more min of pressure the bandage that was applyed stayed dry. They were conserned and thought I should think of doing a blood test for Von Willebrand factorand phlph?. I was wondering what those who know think about the test or if you have any other reason for the bleeding. His pre blood work came back fine by the way. Thanks ahead for any info you can supply
  7. First I want to say I also am sorry for your loss. It must be hard to loose one so quickly and without warning. I have never had it happen to me so cant help with any ideas. Hopefully your vet can
  8. Glad to hear hopefully he and you will be feeling better soon
  9. glad you got her to the evet. Hopefully it will only take a day away from you to help her on her way to recovery
  10. I have no advice to give but wanted to say I am keeping you both in my prayers. Hopefull it is just a odd thing and it is taking an unusual amount of time to clear from her system.
  11. he is stunning cant wait to hear more about him and his life with you all
  12. welcome. Oh boy we get to have puppys via internet. (best way for me the chicken)
  13. hope it turns out to be "just one of those things"
  14. Hugs & prayers is all i can offer
  15. I have no advice just lots of prayers to send
  16. Glad Poppy is safe home. Hope she is back to her sassy self soon
  17. fingers crossed he will improve in a few days
  18. Oh mr Stanley, sending you tons of prayers and
  19. Thanks all for the answers. Good to know were not alone
  20. Psi has done this about 10x in the 6yrs I have had him. He will wake up and I think he is arching his back in a strech but nope he is humping the air and his member is engorged, not in lipstick mode but huge and icky (imho ). His olives are present as well. Ok I get the fact it is basicly "getting off" but WHY? what causes it? It kind of reminds me of a wet dream? Psi cant believe I am talking bout his private moments on line
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