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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. what a stunning hound. cant wait to hear more bout how all is going
  2. no advice but tons of prayers and hugs
  3. wanted to add my welcome and say you have a wonderfull fur family
  4. nice looking family both skin and fur
  5. welcome back and thanks for the photos
  6. hello there Buddy. hope you get you forever home soon but till then you got a fab foster one
  7. glad he is out of surgery. prayers for a to be well
  8. blood wk came back fine. They could find on ear issue and no remarkable problem anywhere. She has not been anything but her usual happy go lucky gal so They said to just keep an eye for any abnormality. thanks for all the well wishes
  9. thanks all. I have an appt this week for blood work...and a check up (which she just had 3 months ago with full blood work) Ill keep you posted
  10. they were fixed. I held her face to me so I could see eyes and there was no movement..kind of spaced out look. Will do michelle. she is fine and back to her happy (bit off) self. I am going to call my vet tomorrow and see what they think. no controll like she was hunched down (kind of like when they have to poo) but leaning to the side and was tripping over the leg she was crossing as she circled. thanks all for the replys ment to say few seconds not min later
  11. Psi has to take acidophilus pills due to being lactose intollerent. He was way worse on the yogurt. But if your boy is fine on it keep it up.
  12. She stood up tryed to walk and just kept on going in tight left hand circles . She seemed to have no controll of her back legs but just kept rotating. I tryed to call her name and get her to look at me. she was all glassie eyed. After about 45 seconds she layed down then a few min later she looked at me when I called her name and acknowledged me by giving me kisses. She is fine now. Infact ran out to see my mom who was comming over to check her out. If any one has any ideas let me know.
  13. yep oil (even cooking oil) always works. I usually Use a qtip soaked and just keep working at the edges. keep qtip soaked (not dripping just wet) yep oil (even cooking oil) always works. I usually Use a qtip soaked and just keep working at the edges. keep qtip soaked (not dripping just wet)
  14. hugs to both of you. easy for me to say but relax and start thinking on the positive side. You and your babe will be great!
  15. I am so sorry. I lost my Snowman in feb to this evil invader. I wish you lots of great times and loads of wonderfull life long memories
  16. I never look at the dates of origonal post...and I always get sucked into them. Thanks for the heads up
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