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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. hugs to you. I agree with your husband as long as you can keep him happy. I made this decision for my bridge angel Snowman. I picked the 3 things that he LOVED...playing ball, eating dinner, getting up to get pets. Even tho he would look at me with loving eyes He just let the ball roll past him, he ate but didnt do a happy dance and only nibbled, and would not get up for loves just pick his head up and lay it back down. I knew it was my turn to make true to my word and help him to the bridge. Good luck
  2. he does look wonderfull. hugs to you both
  3. One year ago today I had to help my beloved Snowman to the bridge. I miss my ball loving, chattering, dance for my meals boy.
  4. glad he is better and fingers crossed his forever home is just the meet away
  5. glad to hear you got him out and bandaged. Just keep an eye on it to make sure it heals with out infection. good luck and congrats on adopting your first grey
  6. Im so sorry your babeis isnt here with you anymore. she is running cancer free at the bridge now
  7. glad she is doing well fingers crossed it wont be too hare of a recovery for you both
  8. tons of prayers for your girl for a quick and successfull proceedure. And for you as well during this hard time
  9. you and your girl are in my prayers and thoughts
  10. not even going to touch the "banding" part... I spent 1 1/2 year with Psi's happy tail. After a weekend in Utah and a hotel room that looked like a murder scene, I chose to have it amputated. They had to take off 7" . I followed Burpdogs instructions on healing it and it healed with no issue and we have never had an issue since.
  11. im so sorry your time with your precious boy is limited. Take what time you have to create wonderfull memories
  12. wishing beau luck and hope u are able to get to the bottom of this
  13. how is she doing? bless you for stepping up and helping
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