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Everything posted by jamngrey

  1. I am so sorry. Run fast at the bridge
  2. I am so sorry. I know you loved her and she knew it as well
  3. that is soooooo freeeken cool. Im so happy for you and your babe
  4. I would say they dont agree with him or you may have to limit his time and or how much he eats. When the get to 3" in length Psi is no longer able to eat it cause he swallows it whole. ( and puked the whole icky piece up 2 days later) So now I watch and make sure he doesnt get big chunks off and take ti away. Good luck Ps love his roach
  5. best advice i got. just made sure the tail was safe from any dammage and Psi healed up wonderfully and it has been 5 yrs with no issues. (he lost 7") glad to hear you boy came thru well
  6. wow. I know for a fact i wont be purchcing any of those toys. Hope the pup is relearning all he needs to know about life with out a tongue
  7. glad she seems better. I bet it is sore that part of the nail isnt usually exposed(prob why it has a hard nail cover) Ditto the no peroxide. I usually flush all my pups wounds with saline solution. Good luck on finding all the info u need This sight for sure will be able to help you from fun to vets
  8. welcome. I agree it isnt a evet visit. None of my greys ever split a nail but my foster did. I just kept it clean (he would to lickiing it). the edges of the quick is what u are seeing. I never went to a vet but it did take a good month for the nail to cover it. Is the nail still attached or loose? I did have to cut some off. Now mind you it was his dew claw not the last to like on your babe so I think you might want a vet to look at to make sure it doesnt get infected. good luck
  9. your sweet bridge girl sounded like an angel. Hope you new pal can help ease the loss
  10. fingers crossed you got it covered and your boy will be back soon
  11. sorry I hope you get some wonderfull moments to create
  12. Hugs to you. You have had so much loss. I hope your bridge babes are up ther looking down on you.
  13. I am so sorry. thankfully she is now pain free
  14. I am sorry you are having to go thru this. My beloved Snowman was also not a candidate for amp. I got to spend a wonderfull 2 1/2 months post dx. I chose the 3 things that he loved more than anything. 1) playing with his ball 2) getting loves from me...even if it ment he had to get up to get them 3) meal time when he would chatter like a mad man and prance around till I put his food down. These 3 things I did to an abundance and took the time to really enjoy them with him. As long as he could do these things and I could controll his pain I knew he still wanted to be here. We were lucky he did all 3 with his usual gusto and only slowed down (but still enjoyed them) up to the last week. During this last week he slowly took no intrest in any of them. I made the appt for a mobil vet to come to my house 2 days later. The last night I was up with him cause he could not get comfie no matter how much meds he had. I am glad I had my list of 3 things so when it was time I didnt have the "what ifs" I will in the future do the same. I can only give your hugs via the cyber and tell you to enjoy your time and create memories
  15. hugs to you and for your babe. hope you create some wonderfull memories. hugs to you and for your babe. hope you create some wonderfull memories.
  16. Phoenix Hopefully by now you have hooked up with all Jeanies bridge angels and you are all running around talking bout the wonderfull times you had with her. Jeanie Im sorry you are having to say goodbye to one of your beloved pups
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