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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Congrats!! You'll get lots of great advice here. And you might get some conflicting advice. Oh well, go by your guts if that happens. For the stairs I'd hold off. If he's fine by himself downstairs leave him. Let him grow to trust you implicitly. Then stairs will come a little easier. Don't do too much too soon.
  2. Totally normal. If about a third of the third eyelid shows while they're awake then they could have an irritation.
  3. I was actually thinking of trying it this year. Changed my mind.
  4. Wow is he handsome. I've had 18 months old that were mellow right away. But the one I have now is a wild child. Of the 12 greys I've had over the years, shes the most active. Its just their personality. And since their noses are already at counter height it's kind of natural for them to want to counter surf. But most are easy to train.
  5. Oh no, Mimi! I'm so sorry. Two so close together...💔😢
  6. How long have you had him? Sometimes its taken my girls over a year to finally grow in a nice glossy coat.
  7. I might try Lemonade. I'm seeing good reports. Anyone have it?
  8. Welcome from NJ, USA. There's a ton of good stuff on this site. Helpful, funny and unfortunately sometimes sad. I have Emerald, Bubbles and a soon to be still unnamed girl from China.
  9. I'm glad nothing has shown up. Keeping fingers crossed they find something fixable.
  10. I put a claim for CC's euthanasia to Healthy Paws. 2 pages, the detailed page which states in all caps EUTHANASIA and page 2 with amount paid. They need more info. What more did they need? So I called them up and they need the page that show before I paid it. The other 2 pages contained the amount owed in detail. Which I specifically said to him "house call $60, field call $60, euthanasia $60". So I said fine. The guy said thank you for calling Healthy Paws and take care of that fur baby. I yelled at him "it says euthanasia! There is no fur baby " Another time I had sent in a euthanasia claim. There was enough info for them to cancel the policy but not enough to settle the claim. **!? They used to be so good until Evan Greenpile got hold of it. He ruined Chubb and now has ruined HP.
  11. No. Not at first. I remember crying tears of relief when xrays showed no osteo on the back end of my tripod. She left me 1 month later. It did finally show up. But that doesn't mean your girl has it. So keep up hope.
  12. I'm always worried that I'm going to forget things about my Bridge kids. So within a week of a loss I start writing down in an email and saved as a draft everything they did. As I write, more stuff pops in my mind. Years later I can read these memories and smile. Often thinking "ah yes, I forgot about that ". I just did this last week.
  13. I don't like the sound of your vets answer. I would try for a second opinion. Maybe with an orthopedist if you can afford it.
  14. Limps are scary. And yes it could be really bad news. If xrays do show cancer you know what you're dealing with. You don't necessarily have to send him to the Bridge from the vets office. There are some strong meds out there that can give him relief. Even if for a few days of being spoiled and to be able to go to the Bridge from home. Also Dr. Couto said age is just a number. After an extensive day at OSU, the vets there determined my 12 year old was healthy enough for amputation. Which we did. She lived a great 6 months longer only to have developed cancer in another leg. So I think xrays can help determine course of action. Good luck.
  15. Welcome! You may not have realized it but you've just joined a religious cult. We worship greyhounds. (Well that's what they think) I'm on #12 and looking at maybe #13 since I just lost one. I always have at least 2 at a time, and up to as many as 4. I think others on this board have had many more. But as a single person 4's my limit. But it is fun to watch people's faces as one after another greyhound hops out of my SUV. (Especially when I sat or fostered 1-2 more.)
  16. Good luck. A word of warning. The first 2 weeks are very difficult and you will question if you made the right decision. Hang in there. Much of the anxiety is more related to the meds than pain or becoming a tripod.
  17. Here in NJ we're having a snow storm. CC would have loved it.
  18. Dr. Couto told me age is only a number. I took my very healthy 12 year old to him when he practiced at OSU. Specifically to find out if my 12 year old could be a tripod. She spent the day there getting prodded and poked. The answer was she was physically able to handle it. She was a happy energetic, deer chasing 12 year old for 6 months. Osteo came back to her rear legs and we had to let her go. My 9 year old tripod lasted 14 months before osteo hit her hips. The decision you make is hard. But remember whatever the decision it is correct. Because you do it out of love.
  19. Such a handsome man. I'm sorry.
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