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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Well, I did originally plan to do three events this year. But the dogs had other plans. Maybe next year.
  2. I was all set to find out what time my vet was going to come today. He called this morning, the hospital had just sent the results late last night. He thinks it's lymphoma. So we're going to try a round of prednisone to see if she improves. We're going to take it a day at a time and he'll come out anytime I need to send her to the Bridge. Talk about a last minute reprieve.
  3. OK, I think we have enough to at least hold it. But I'll wait until November 1st to see if more want to join.
  4. The day we drove to GIG Emma started with liquid bloody diarrhea. After doctor visits, tests and meds it wasn't improving. We did an ultrasound today. She's loaded. Not sure where they think the primary tumor was. She'll be getting her wings on Wednesday. In the comfort of her home.
  5. Me too. There are no words to describe it.
  6. I so miss both your boys. I'm glad I was able to watch Ernest T a few weeks ago.
  7. I started a thread in EVENTS to see if anyone was interested in Secret Santa this year. So please go and 'yeah' if interested.
  8. Anyone interested in doing Secret Santa this year?
  9. I dog sat him just 2 weeks. Other than a slight limp, he seemed very happy. He broke his leg.
  10. Was he checked for giardia? And other intestinal parasites?
  11. Hi was at GIG this past weekend and saw a HUGE boy with a front leg amp. He was doing great as a tripod. Do you know anyone who could spend the day with him? Maybe vets can recommend someone.
  12. Me! I'm at the Quality Inn. Where are you staying Trish?
  13. I've lost dogs suddenly that were healthy and I've suffered for years with some that had terminal illnesses. The sudden losses are so much worse. Rosie sounded to be such a delight.
  14. Oh, geesh. I still have quite a few tribbles. 71 is still young.
  15. I don't have any suggestions but wanted to give you support. I have a non greyhound right now on prediction during her heartworm treatment. We have already started tapering down.
  16. Oh Don, I was in tears when I saw Petunia's name.
  17. Genie in Fla and Suzie Q in either Del or NJ both made it to 20 years and 2 months. We all wish we'd get one of these.
  18. Have you looked at the tie back surgery? I did that for my 11 year old and she lived comfortably until 15.5 yrs old. My current 12 year old has it and I'll be thinking of surgery in the future.
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