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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I'd make an appt with the vet and time it so it's shortly after he eats. Hopefully he'll do that at the vets. If it was just a one time issue I might have thought gas, but it seems to be too frequent. Did you change his food recently? Has anything changed at the start of this symptom?
  2. Pearl was diagnosed with hypertension a couple years after being diagnosed with heart disease. She was put on heart meds and since her heart was looking good during a checkup,the cardiologist was concerned when I told her she seems blah. They took her in the back and did a BP. The cardiologist said that it was too high even for white coat. Her BP was never under good control for the rest of her life. But she did live to be 12 and died of cancer. She was on a plethura of pills. 21 pills a day (8 different meds). If you need norvasc, Costco has the generic for way cheaper than any drugstore. I'm talking $60 vs up to $400/month. She was also on phenoxybenzamine. Lasix. Enalapril. Vetmedin (that was strictly for her heart I believe). Digoxin. I can't remember the rest right now. Her tummy did get a bit upset, and the only thing she would take her pills in was raw cooked chicken liver. (cooked on the outside, but soggy-soft rare on the inside) I did consult with Dr. COuto and he said that a lot greyhounds do have idiopathic hypertension. (meaning, no known cause) And I believe him. There seem to be a lot of greys that die very suddenly, possibly from a clot or stroke. Hypertension does that. It is very treatable though, so don't worry. Like I said, Pearl had hypertension for about 5 yrs, and succumbed to cancer. Just keep track of it. If it starts to get high, up the meds or add meds. It's very doable. good luck.
  3. I'm so glad he's doing well. My Diamond was 2 weeks shy of her 12th birthday when she was diagnosed with OS. I did the amp of her front leg as well after OSU determined she was a very 'young' 12 yr old. She surprised everyone with how quickly she recovered. I had a good, happy, painfree 6 months with her before OS struck a back leg. I hope your boy has many more birthdays to celebrate.
  4. A single swollen lymph under the jaw could very well be an abscessed tooth.
  5. DON'T GIVE UP HOPE! I just babysat a dog that was in a collision at a lure coursing event. She didn't get up from that. I was there, it was horrible. Here's her story.(I think page 3 or 4 is where Kelly talks about the accident happening.) Luna's Blog She was completely paralyzed after the accident 5-6 weeks ago. She's now running again. PM me with your email addy and I'll pass it onto Luna's Mom. Maybe she'll contact you.
  6. She's trying to scratch an itch, but isn't quite sure where the itch is. By the way I LOVE her spots! Does she do it when her collar is off? Mine are notorious for not liking their collars, even the thin id/breakaway collars. (they've all been broken away and lost out in my yard. sigh.)
  7. I just saw him on GAA. (just parusing mind you.....not looking to adopt another myself ) But he is just SO adorable with those ears. Congrats
  8. Well, from what you wrote, it doesn't sound like his business will be hurting much if you leave. If he's that booked up that it would take a long time to see him.... I'd move over to the new place right away.
  9. They are a lot more work if they have baggage. But then, they would have been more work even as a single dog. I currently have 3, but I had 4 for eight years. It's not that much more work, but it certainly is 3 times the entertainment! Now here is something for you to think about. A while back, there was a thread regarding soft muzzles vs the hard basket muzzles for greys to wear. It was started because of a horrific accident regarding two greys during a LGRA race. My Opal was one of the two involved in the collision. Thankfully she survived unhurt. Luna on the other hand didn't get up. She had a spinal injury. This was one month ago. I volunteered my services to babysit her over the xmas holidays while her mom went to Fla for a family visit. One planned WAY ahead of time, before the accident. When Luna arrived at my house on Thurs evening (before xmas), she could get around only with the use of a harness and sling. She was struggling to barely stand. Anyway, an hour after her Mom left, my three idiots went flying thru their dog door at 45 MPH (something they normally do when they think they hear something outside) creating a vortex that sucked Luna in. Luna had moved from the living room to the dining room before she realized she was up and moving on her own accord. From that moment on, I couldn't keep her still. She walked around my house (one story) the entire 5 days I had her. I actually had to hold onto her when we went outside for fresh air and and potties. By the time her Mom picked her up Tues evening, Luna was running (awkwardly) in my back yard chasing my three holigans! It was nothing short of a Christmas miracle. But both her mom and I agree, it was the presence of my three girls that encouraged Luna to get up and get going. here's the blog if anyone is interested.Luna's Blog So, I firmly believe that another hound can definitely help one that may need it.
  10. I didn't want to post and scare you, but now that you found it. Plastic in a dog's tummy gets very brittle after a while from the acid. That can eventually cause problems. So if anyone's dog does swallow something plastic, it would probably be best to try to get them to vomit it up, because it doesn't always make it thru the system (depending on size of course) The little stopper that's still missing is ok. That should make it all the way thru.
  11. Maybe phanton itchy of her leg. There's nothing to lick, but she feels the need to, so just does the air?
  12. I did that too when I lost Pearl. ANd they do send you a list of what the drugs costs for you to use for tax purposes. (if not, ask for it) Some of the stuff I sent is expensive, so I'm sure some dogs got a good break in costs.
  13. Oh my God, how horrible. That was a terrible terrible shock. As far as being OS, that can't be answered without the autopsy. But both cancer and breaks can cause blood clots. So, it's very feasible. While I haven't had an unexpected loss such as yours, I've lost 5 babies and no matter how or when they go, it still excrutiatingly painful. I'm so very sorry for your loss.
  14. I'm glad she's doing well. Still praying for B9! I agree with you. $6000 - $10,000.......if there's a way I can afford it (even taking out a mortgage on my house) I will do it. They are living creatures, everything else I have is just material stuff.
  15. Having lost two to cancer of the spleen, I am impatiently waiting an update. B9B9B9B9B9B9
  16. Are you sure her name isn't Tanzanite? I've gone thru $50 worth of muzzles, shoes, gloves, hats, xmas lights that I was actually putting up at the time and other items that I thought were out of Tanzi's range. Where can I find a muzzle keeper? (babygates are out because they use a dog door.
  17. Can you get a part time job at UGA? They may give you a break if you become employed. This is why I have insurance. Paying the premium hurts for 3 dogs, but it sure helps in bills of this size. I got insurance after my two girls cost me $15,000 in 6 months. It took every penny I had to pay for the premium on my remaining girl(the other didn't make it).
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