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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Ivy looked so full of health in the video, what took her? My 12 yr old Pearl looked like that in Oct and by Feb, she was gone to fibrosarcoma. I'm so sorry such a beautiful girl had to leave.
  2. There is pain in every word you wrote. And every word brought back memories of the same kind of love and pain I had. Bringing in another companion isn't always the best thing. Sometimes it works, and sometimes the timing isn't right. But, would fostering help you? You don't have to open your broken heart to them, just your house, some food and a place to stay until they find their one very special person. Actually someone in your position makes a terrific foster because no one feels a loss as humans and greys part ways. It's just a suggestion, but sometimes just doing day to day activities will help the time of grief pass a little faster.
  3. I'm so sorry to hear this. It seems a lot of our greys have IBD. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
  4. She still needs to mourn, but see if she'll drink Ensure Plus. My old lady loved it and it kept her weight on (she was 15.5). if nothing else it may keep her weight up. I'm so sorry for the loss of Jimmy James. I lost one last year to OS. One to fibrosarcom and one to the ice of our harsh winter. It's never easy. And it took the one remaining dog almost 6 months to start to bond to her two new sisters.
  5. We'll be waiting impatiently for "it's nothing" results.
  6. You go Joe!!! Congrats on reaching this milestone!
  7. He looked like he was a very very special boy. I love his pix. They always seem to take most of our hearts with them when they leave.
  8. My Topaz had PLE caused by liver disease, not intestinal disease. Her liver was pretty much non-functioning. I'm sorry to hear about Dorie. It's not a good diagnosis. I remember celebrating that Topaz didn't have cancer. But, turned out just as bad. I lost her 4 weeks after diagnosis. She was only 5.
  9. Even if it's not hemangio, it sounds like a sarcoma. I'm sorry. I lost my Brindle to hemangio of the spleen and Pearl to fibro of the spleen. Brindle died on the surgery table and Pearl died within 3 weeks of her splenectomy.
  10. My friend in KY has a beagle/basset mix that ate gorilla glue. He went for emergency surgery and the vets took out a wad of glue the size and shape of a football. It was just about the same size as that little dog. (name Elrod). For some reason that name seems to fit. He survived.
  11. If it weren't for the dam* ice last winter, I firmly believe my Onyx would still be here today. Even being 16. She had too many falls this past winter from the ice and loss the use of her back end. Even the vet said she wasn't ready to go yet. Happy 16th Birthday my little old lady. My Nana. Onyx. This video was taken just months before she passed. She's the little black girl. Pretty spunky for a 15 yr old, huh? http://s39.photobucket.com/albums/e152/mppwith3/?action=view&current=MOV00161.mp4
  12. I'm so sorry Jennifer. I've been thru this 5 times (3 last year) Reading these posts here helped me. Adopting another greyhound helped a little. But I still cry a lot. Even from ones I lost 12 yrs ago.
  13. It's wonderful that you were able to post videos of Twiggy. It will help so many people with their decision. And I love those giggle veggies. My girls do too!
  14. Hello, I am new to GreyTalk and need a shoulder to cry on. My beautiful boy, Noah has gotten the dreaded osteo diagnosis. I am heartbroken. He and his brother Witness are my main focus in life. I have been going back and forth between euthanasia and amputation. After reading the article from greyhoundmama describing her amputation experience, it is scary but a path I think I will persue. Is there anyone out there who can tell me I am doing the right thing? Any encouragement would be greatly appreciated. Whatever choice you make you are doing it out of love for Noah. So there is no wrong decision. I can't make the decision for you, but I can tell you what I did. My 12 yr old Diamond was diagnosed. I took her to OSU from NJ since they've seen more greyhounds than any place else. I wanted to know if my old girl could do well as a tripod. The decision was yes. She had a front leg amp on friday and we were travelling home on Tuesday. She had 6 pain free HAPPY months before OS found another leg to invade. Good luck in whatever you choose. The decision sucks and I doubted and questioned my decision until about 3 weeks after surgery when she was fully recovered. Then I knew it was right.
  15. All my vets have given human aspirin to dogs. I dont' think there is a doggie aspirin. And I hope Elsie is ok. She looks so much like my Pearl.
  16. I sure hope so. I miss all of mine something terrible. I'm so sorry to hear about Harmony. The first grey I lost was also only 5. And although that was 12 yrs ago, I still cry over the loss of my Topaz. What happened that such a young girl went to the Bridge?
  17. Note to self: Don't be eating lunch while reading GT.
  18. I took Pearl's BP at home for 7 yrs. But I did not have the fancy $3000 doppler to listen to her pulse. First, BP is the same in dogs as it is in humans. But they really don't pay attention to the bottom number. Just the top. And they start to worry over 150. Well at least they did with Pearl because she was already diagnosed as hypertensive. I bought a BP kit with an INFANT cuff. Not toddler. Infant. That will fit over the leg or tail. And you will get a more accurate reading from the tail. Now here was the tricky part. I had to watch the dial. When the needle started to bounce that was the BP. And I did verify it against the vet's reading, so I know I was at least in the ballpark. While I was always uncertain, if I thought it was high, I would take her in and the vets would confirm it went up and would adjust her meds. I always thought I would lose her to a stroke, heart attack or CHF because of her hypertention and heart disease. Cancer took her.
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