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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. My girls all seemed to handle doxy ok. But when I was put on it, I got SEVERE heartburn. I'm talking loss of appetite, stopped taking the drug, severe.
  2. Wow, miracle do happen. I hope he has a lot more birthdays (measured in YEARS!)
  3. Norvasc can be gotten WAY cheaper as a generic at Costco. If my memory serves me right, the most I paid was $60. It might even be lower than that depending on the dosage. Look for VetMedin online too. I know I got it cheaper that what you're paying. I don't have experience with the others. But check with Costco. Others have also mentioned Walmart as being way cheaper. I'm sure you can cut that in half. Pearl's original monthly bill was over $400. I got it down to under $100.
  4. No advice, just prayers. You could have the xrays sent to OSU. They've looked at a gazillion greyhound bones. Search any thread for Dr. Couto, or OSU. JoeJoesMom has a lot of good info scattered throughout this forum.
  5. We actually just got back from the hospital and Jack is home!!! They did stabilize him yesterday and we had a good conversation with the Cardio who we will see again next week. The outlook is okay not really sure there is a better definition as his x-rays in July showed a 20% bigger heart than he should have and a 2/6 murmur. Now his heart is 27% larger and his murmur is a 4/6 so things have progressed however the Cardio did say it's not a rapid increase and hopefully with the meds it will be controlled somewhat but of course will not prevent it from continuing. So his prognosis is a year is very likely and possibly longer depending on the progression. Of course we have a slew of pills for him and none are cheap so we'll be looking around for ways to get them cheaper if it's possible. What with Charlie's Palladia, all the supplements and herbs for the other pups, our monthly bills just grew! Oh well, we are just very happy he is home and his breathing is back to normal. He is currently sleeping soundly on his bed and so very happy to be home. What are the meds. Maybe I can help. I don't have any left as Pearl has been gone a year and 1/2. But I was able to find the cheapest around. Costco was a big one for anything that is human origin. I saved so much money that the yearly membership paid for itself in one month. (but she was also on BP meds as well.)
  6. Prayers coming your way and we'll all be waiting anxiously for results later today.
  7. I'm curious too. GordonInTo, do you get CG magazine? There are two articles in there. One written by a vet and I wrote the other one. I had the surgery for my 11 yr old who lived to 15.5.
  8. Pearl was diagnosed with heart disease at age 5. Mitral value did not close. It was diagnosed by a cardiologist. We went there because our regular vet heard a heart murmur. So not all murmurs are normal. Her original prognosis was 2-3 yrs, but she sailed past that. When she was 12, her heart started to enlarge and it concerned her cardiologist. She was already on a plethura of pills for her heart and hypertension. (you may also want to get that checked at your cardiologist appt). Dr Couto states that greys get hypertension with no knows cause. Pearl was put on Vetmedin and her heart actually improved. Cancer took her 5 months later. So the good news is that meds can help a lot. I hope Jack gets some good news.
  9. My 7 yr old is doing that too. I took her to the vet and he did a full thyroid checkup and it came back low (even for a grey). So she's on thyroid meds and seems to have perked up a bit.
  10. Oh Lonnie, I'm sorry to have to welcome you to our forum for such a tragedy. I lost a 5 yr old to liver disease. Not anything like what you went thru, but the loss of a young dog is just devastating no matter how you look at it. The only way to maybe get an answer is a necropsy. That may not answer what happened, but it's the best chance. especially if it was a heart defect. I'm glad though that you're considering giving it another try. The little girl (Onyx) I adopted right after I lost my 5 yr old Topaz, lived to be 15 1/2.
  11. Has it been 2 1/2 yrs already? Happy Gotcha Day Handsome!
  12. That's a wonderful video of Faye Oops rooing. I'm so sorry she's reached the end. She has a wonderful personality that reminds me so much of my late Onyx. The old black ladies really are sassy. God speed Faye Oops.
  13. Thank you for the update. I know so many of us wondered what happened to such a young gorgeous girl. What a tragic, tragic accident. Once again, I am so very sorry you had to go thru this again in such a short time. I would probably need to be drugged and in a straight jacket if I've lost as many as you, especially how Dani left.
  14. I'm so sorry you lost your most stunningly beautiful girl. I think the one thing God got wrong was giving our beloved babies too short of a life span.
  15. WHAT?!!! What happened?! I'm so very sorry to hear she left. She was just a baby. And after all you've been through.
  16. CM Bobbie Lou. She is on the greyhound database.
  17. MP_the4pack

    10 Yrs

    Ten years ago today, I was blindsided with the loss of my first greyhound, Brindle. She seemed fine that morning, and was gone that night. Hemangio of the spleen claimed her. She was 8 yrs old. She was my 40th birthday present to myself. I had seen a TV newscast back in the late 70's where there was a rescue of greyhounds from an abandoned farm in Fla. Most were dead, the rest just a living bags of bones. As I watched it, I told my Mom that when I get my own house someday, I'm going to rescue one of those dogs. In 1993, I got my house. In 1995, remembering what I saw decades earlier, I actually went to the White Pages of the phone book to look for greyhound rescue. Believe it or not I found one. I put my application in asking only that it was a dark female. (my thinking was that dark hairs on light colored clothing didn't show up as much as white fur on dark clothing. ) So a day before my 40th BD, I went to pick up my first greyhound. My first dog as my own, not the family dog. Being a red and black brindle and I had planned to call her Cayenne (as in red pepper) but the word "brindle" kept coming out of my mouth. So, instead of confusing her, I named her Brindle. This was before I had anything digital, so all my pix are on film or paper. This is what I have on photobucket: Doing the agility table Doing what greyhounds do best Learning the A frame in agility Taking a jump I couldn't have asked for a better first dog. She was a quiet lady. But loved her Momma very much. I had many dreams of her afer she died. And in all but the last one, I did not remember that she was gone and just treated her as if she'd always been around. It was the last dream that I remembered she died. I gave her a huge hug, cried and told her how much I missed her. I haven't dreamed of her since. -Brindle had the brightest eyes I have ever seen, so expressive, if I left her with someone for a moment, they told me later she followed me with her eyes until I was out of sight. Then stared in that direction until I reappeared. -She would hold conversations with me. She would just have to look at me and I would answer "what?". Her responses would start off almost silent then procede to get louder. -When I would get into the car after each errand, she would wait for her cookie. I could tease her and ask if she wanted it. She would always answer with a silent bark.(mouth moved, nothing came out) -She would almost always sleep with me. On cold nights, she would end up cuddling close. -She always waited for an invite onto the bed. -She loved the doggie pool, was the first to go into it -When she found a good smell, she would sniff it so much that there would be none left for other dogs. -She was a big marker. Worse than the boys. -She would come running to me from the back yard when guests came over to make sure I knew there was someone there. She was always so excited to have company. -She loved to play yoo-hoo with me. (doggie version of hide and seek) -Sometimes while driving (more in the early years) she would stand over my shoulder watching intently where we were going. A classic back seat driver. She understood: sit, down, go lay down, speak, high five, gimme four, belly rub, time for toenails, cookies, treats, biscuits, ice cream (she loved ice cream), couch, bed, out of the kitchen,outside, pool, mouse, boo-boo, ear mush, bye bye, car, ride, walk, canal, toy, bone. She had quite the vocabulary. -When people would come over she would instantly flop over for a belly rug. -People at M&G got quite the kick out of her as she would just lay down and sleep during all the commotion. -She had fantastic gorgeous thick fur, no bald spots except for the scars on her side. -She loved the outdoors. She would sunbath all day in nice weather. -Many times I would wake up in the morning and be facing her. Her head was on the other pillow and she would be facing me. -In the early days I used to call her Snoozy Suzy because she slept so much. Most of her life I called her Demandodog, because she was very demanding in wanting stuff. Of course I usually caved in and gave her what she asked for. -She was so delicate in taking treats that most of the times she dropped it. -She would have spontaneous/unpredictable puppy uppers where she would just get an explosion of energy and act like a puppy. -At M&Gs when people would ask me if greyhounds bark, I would turn to Brindle and say "did you hear that, you don't bark" at which she would promptly speak. I did not teach her to do that, she did it spontaneously on her own. Brindle, baby, you may have been gone for 10 yrs now, but you're still in my heart and I still miss you dearly.
  18. Heather, there is just something very special about white and black girls. And to add that to the loss of your others. I don't know how you can handle it.
  19. Mary Pat, could you post a picture of this bag/sling? My nephew has a shizhu that was born with three legs. Now he has ruptured a disc in his back and can't really use his rear legs at the moment. I'm hoping this bag/sling will help. Sorry for the semi-hijack. I'll make one and take a pix and try to load it (I've been having problems with loading since my computer is so old and photobucket doesn't like my old browser. The computer can't handle the newer ones.) A Shizhu is a small dog. I would take a piece of rope, approx 8 feet in length, tie the ends together to make a loop, then just use vet wrap and wrap the whole thing together just leaving the ends as handles. This would work for a little guy better than a canvas bag.And since it would be 4 feet long, your nephew wouldn't have to bend over to hold him. The length of the rope can be adjust to fit the distance from your nephew to the dog.
  20. I've heard that anxiety in the car can also be caused by car sickness even though they don't actually vomit. You can also try dramamine. It amy also cause her to sleep, which won't be a bad thing. But try melatonin first.
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