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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. He was a handsome boy. I'm sorry he had to leave you.
  2. My friend Jane in Ohio (near OSU) made a sling for me when Dima had her amp. When her Joejoe had his amp I sent it back to her. Then my little old lady loss the use of her back end and once again I needed a sling. I found using a towel clumsy and difficult. If you use the towel frequently I have a makeshift sling for you if you'd like. Find a canvas bag. Actually any soft bag with handles will work. Roll it up from the bottom but have a handle at either end. Wrap vet wrap around it to keep it rolled up. You should now have a sausage shaped roll with handles at either end. Just slip it under Pinky and voila, you have a sling with handles. And since you used vetwrap, it will go back to normal when finished without any sticky tape residue. And tell her Sassyness, keep up the good work!
  3. Oh Valerie, I'm so so sorry to hear the news. Especially since you don't have the amp option.
  4. Wrap her leg in vetwrap before you take her for a walk. That will help move the fluid up. Then remove it when she lays down. And Dima's first poop was 4 days after her surgery. They didn't want her to leave the hospital until she went. But I had to get back to NJ. She was very cooperative, she left a huge pile somewhere in the middle of Pa. We took a break from the 9 hr drive and she let 'er rip. Good girl Dima. So....when she's ready you'll have a memorable poop.
  5. While I only had one tripod, I noticed a huge difference at the 2 week mark. And from what I've read a lot of people seem to find 2 weeks the magical point in their recovery. Dima just seemed to have woken up one day and said "I feel great, all better". But Pinky does seem to be doing well. Keep up the good work, Pinky!
  6. I'm glad she's coming home. The thing I had to be careful of with Diamond was her doing too much, forgetting that she was missing something. I think a lot of people might tell you the same thing. They want to do too much.
  7. I worked from home the first week Diamond was home. I didn't xpen or crate anyone. After all she was 12, as was her sister and one of the other two was 14. So, the old biddies weren't going to be interested in fighting or rough housing. I made sure that Diamond had no trouble with the dog door or doing her ramp. After 2 weeks I was completely comfortable with her getting around and doing the ramp instead of stairs. The other three didn't see to have a problem with her either. Dima's always slept in the corner bed in my bedroom, so that didn't change. And I'm a super light sleeper so everytime someone moved I was awake. We had no incidences. (other than Dima taking a flying leap off the top of the stairs the first night home . That's when she decided the ramp was much easier.
  8. Off of the incontinence topic, did she have a TSH done? along with T4, it will tell you if she truly is hypothyroid. Opal is and at age 7 just went on thyroid meds. She has perked up so much. She wasn't low in her younger years, this is a relatively recent occurance. So once you figure out her incontinence issues, get a thyroid panel done.
  9. Hi from Ringoes! (it's near Lamberville, NJ.....New Hope, Pa. 45 minutes from Jackson) I've got three girls Opal, Tanzanite and Emerald. I fostered once for GFNJ, but I work too far from home to foster right now.
  10. I would rather have an earless dog than take a chance on cancer, even if it "rarely" metasizes. If they got the kind of cancer wrong, the prognosis could drastically change.
  11. Beryl, I don't have a significant other. I can't begin to know what you're going thru. But to lose a loved one so early in life must be devastating beyond description. I can only let you know that I feel for you and think about you.
  12. Oh Lindsay, I'm so sorry. I had thought about her often as she reminded me so much of Onyx. She looked like she had quite a bit of Old Lady Sass.
  13. I'm so sorry Mojo was diagnosed. I wish I could answer your questions but I can't. When my Diamond had OS, we went to OSU from NJ for the surgery, but my local vets did the chemo. The protocol is extremely well written out for anyone to be able to follow. So they felt comfortable doing it for me. That saved me a lot of money. Good luck!!
  14. Princess Emerald did this to the front of her ankle about a month ago. It can't be sutured. And her's was down to the tendons. I put antibiotic cream on it and used a non-stick bandage to cover it. She was put on antibiotics. You can do the cream and bandage now and ask your regular vet about antibiotics. I think he will probably need it since his immune system is compromised. Give that silly goof a kiss for me Jane. I do love that boy. So entertaining. And congrats on the longevity.
  15. I can't give you advice on the xrays, but OSu will definitely get back to you asap. I actually drove from NJ to OSU when Diamond had her OS. I see you're in Trenton......I'm in Ringoes (near Lamberville). Let me know if I can help any since I'm so close. Prayers to your Joe.
  16. A full thyroid here in NJ is over $100. So add that to the rest of the bloodwork and an endocrinologist reading the thyroid and it actually sounds like a good price.
  17. I had been watching his journey as a tripod and celebrated when you said he was at 9 months. Then so soon after that his name appeared her. And within just a few days of losing Dorie. I lost two of mine within 2 months and it shattered my heart. I can't imagine 2 within a week. And it's obvious 00Dude was one very very special boy.
  18. Diamond had the patch which she tolerated ok. She was also put on tramadol. I was glad when we were able to wean her off all pain meds because they did make her anxious. Once off the meds, she calmed right down and acted as if she had always been a tripod. So keep that in mind that the pain meds may actually be causing symptoms that look like they are in pain. It's actually the meds. Also, if you go visit her the day after the surgery be prepared for her to look upset. I was prepared to see Diamond without the leg, but not the expression on her face. I really thought I did the wrong thing. But once we were home and healed, I absolutely know in my mind that for Diamond, I did the right thing. She was a very happy tripod for 6 months. She even chased deer, that little stinker.
  19. I looked at the date and gasped. She was born only 2 days before my Onyx, who left for the Bridge this year. And you're right about the sassiness these old girls give us. I'm so sorry she had to leave. And even though she lived a long life, it is still never easy to lose them.
  20. She's adorable. That's the same area that ended up taking my Diamond. It was the second location of OS.
  21. I went to OSU. Jane (Joejoesmom) was a huge support for me. Spent the entire Thurs and Fri there with me just sitting, waiting. I drove from NJ to OSU specificially to ask Dr. COuto if he thought Diamond was healthy enough to be a tripod. You see, she was going to be 12 yrs old in 2 weeks. So I drove out Wed. She spent Thursday being tested out the wazoo. The team said that while she has some arthritis in the back and back legs, she seems very healthy for a soon-to-be 12 yr old. So Friday she had the surgery. They warned me that she would probably take longer to heal because of her age but she proved them all wrong. She was discharged MOnday and we drove 10hrs back to NJ on Tuesday. I worked from home the next week. As soon as I was comfortable that she would use her ramp instead of the stairs I felt safe going to work (but I did start with 1/2 days on site and 1/2 days working from home. She had a great 6 months before OS invaded another leg.
  22. I can't believe they're celebrating their 2nd Bridge birthday, as they just left me last year. Not a day goes by that I'm not missing my sisters. To the point I think friends and family are tired of hearing about it. I can sit here and tell of all the cute things Pearl did. Her quirks, her medical problems. But there is one picture that sums up everything. The special bond Pearl and I had: My heart and soul. Diamond was quieter than her sister, but so wanted to be Momma's little girl (a position that Pearl refused to reliquish even for a few moments a day) But she was a clown: Notice the food on her head? Her unladylike ETS? Happy Bridge Birthday babies. Momma misses you so very much.
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