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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I'm curious. Not to diss your vet, but did you get a second opinion? I hope he does feel better and can live with this a long time.
  2. Have you checked for an abscessed tooth. My Pearl was misdiagnosed with myocitis because that tiny tooth way in the back was abscessed.
  3. Suzanne, Freya is a beautiful beautiful girl. I hope your time with her is much longer than expected.
  4. MP_the4pack

    So Many

    Too many here and too many too young. I don't wear makeup to work anymore because it's gone by mid morning (after I visit Remembrance)
  5. She was way too young. I'm so sorry.
  6. MP_the4pack


    I'm sorry you lost Scout, Heather. It's never easy losing any of our babies, but she was something very special. I know she was, because you were describing my Pearl who left me last year.
  7. No Xan. Not Wabi. She was okay, it was just an epulis. There was nothing wrong.
  8. Oh Nancy, I'm so sorry. You've been hit so hard lately. But it sounds like she had a very happy life with you. She's very sweet looking.
  9. well, since we're not sure of any powers that are, or while light, I'll send you my positive thoughts. I'll be thinking of you and little Wabi tomorrow wishing for a great outcome.
  10. I thought losing my 5 yr old was rough, I can't even comprehend losing a 3 yr old to that.
  11. Heck, you're lucky OSU is in your back yard. I travelled there twice from NJ within a 3 month time frame. Good luck
  12. Lorinda, I'm so sorry to hear the poor prognosis for Lazer. And so young. The first grey I lost was also only 5. it's just so unfair. They're still babies.
  13. Wendy, One thing I had with my Diamond was that when she was discharged (we went to OSU too from NJ), we got home and she was already starting to feel too good and tried to do things she wasn't able to do. Like stairs. So, if you're thinking you're going to have a dog that you have to carry, and lift and whatever, you may be surprised that you need a sling to SLOW her down. I would say by the weekend following her surgery she was not having anything to do with the car ramp (the ramp to the outside back yard she used exclusively) but to get into the SUV, she hopped in by herself. She told me she wasn't an old lady invalid. But I did make her do the ramp coming out. Luckily I never liked my girls jumping constantly from that height so all of them learn to wait until the ramp is in place before they exit the SUV. That's just standard. You have all my prayers and white light coming in your direction for an uneventful surgery and recovery.
  14. I know it's too early for you to have seen the cardiologist yet, but I'll be waiting for an update.
  15. I just wanted to address this point since I work full time, am away from my home 10-12 hrs/day and it's just me. A middle-age old lady. I did go the amp route. Luckily I had vacation planned that long weekend so instead of going to Dewey Beach I went to OSU for the surgery. My Dima was 12 yrs old, and I wanted their professional opinion if she would be able to handle being a tripod. I was able to work from home the first two weeks post-op and after that she was fine. She had already decided she preferred her ramp (which I built) to go outside (I have a dog door). But in essence she rebounded quite quickly and I did feel comfortable leaving her during the day with my other three. But it was a very balanced pack. I had no fear that anyone who bulldoze into her. It is a very personal and hard decision to make whether you go pain management or amp. I don't want to sway your decision, but I did want to clarity this point for you. Good luck to you. And remember......whatever you do, you're doing it because you love her. So no decision will be wrong.
  16. having lost a 5 yr old, I know you pain... I'm so sorry.
  17. My Pearl had fibrosarcoma. Extremely fast growing cancer, 1 cm/day. And it metaticized from spleen to liver. less than a month between diagnosis and Bridge. I hope neurofibrosarcoma is not the same.
  18. Jane I'm so glad that Joey's doing well. You needed that after Twistie. So congrats on the great news. And how are you doing? Is Shelby missing her sister?
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