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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Most of my girls even use their dew claws when doing something like holding a kong or rawhide. It's not every effective, but I can see them constricting. I call them fumbs.
  2. Even though the tick panel is coming back clean, did it test for the rarer tick problems? We've seen a few pop up here.
  3. Sorry you are joining the OS club. But I'm glad she's coming home. My Dima had bruising and a little edema. We did the warm compresses. I also wrapped her with vet wrap when she got up to move around. Helped the fluid to get absorbed. Don't leave it on, just for when she's moving around. I hope you have a fairly uneventful recovery and many years left with her. My Dima was 12 when she had her amp and had a very happy pain free 6 months. OS came back in another leg and we sent her to the Bridge. But don't dispair at the length of time. There are many who are using the word "year" in their post amp survival time.
  4. Yeah, I'd like to see pix because all my girls (except one who had her dew claws removed) had pads. (that would make 8 greys)
  5. No matter how long you had them, whatever age they reach, even if it's a nice ripe old age, they still leave a huge hole in the heart. I'm sorry Tally had to leave you.
  6. Look at that un-gray face in the pix! I remember her. The 'interesting' ones always leave a lasting impression. Happy Gotcha Day Loca!
  7. Oh Beryl, I'm so sorry. Every time you posted about EZ in H&M I noted the time since the previous seizure. I was always saddened when the time was shorter than previous.
  8. MP_the4pack


    Nana, Onyx, my Little Old Lady, even at your age of 14 plus, you were still able to help me get over Pearl's death a year earlier and 2 months after Pearl, her sister's Diamond's crossing over. You helped Da Bwat get over the loss of half of her pack. And still kept your sense of humor. (food on the nose) I miss your smile so much. You were the last of my smiley girls. I miss your quiet sense of humor when your baby sister fluffed your bed for you. You had the best expressive face. Loved your bat ears I miss your sass Sleep sweet My Nana. Momma thinks of you and misses you every day
  9. Thanks, I've never thought of it that way.
  10. Words just cannot express the sorrow I'm feeling for you at the loss of such a young vibrant boy. He totally ate up life (from looking at the pix). I wish I could offer more comfort other than typed words on a page.
  11. Congrats on joining the cult. (yes, us greyhound owners belong to a cult) So, when are you going to chip? to chip: verb. Taken from old Lays potato chip commercial where nobody can have just one. In greyhound language, means to adopt another greyhound or two or three or four or.......
  12. Damn, another one. I'm sorry to hear the news. I went the amp route with a 12 yr old. The biggest reason I chose that over pain management is a big fear of her breaking her leg when I was at work.
  13. I love the picture of her modeling her necklace. She was a very beautiful lady. I'm so very sorry that she had to leave so soon after Hunter. Why can't they at least wait until our hearts can heal just a little bit?
  14. There have been a few greys in my life that weren't mine. And the pain when they left hurt just as much as if they were my own. Run and play with all the Bridge kids Billy. There's a lot of them up there now.
  15. She was absolutely adorable. I'm sorry she had to leave.
  16. MP_the4pack


    What a wonderful tribute. Silver leaves quite a big pawprint to fill.
  17. I'm so sorry you have to join such a depressing club. I too am a member (was) I chose amp for my 12 yr old Diamond. Yes.....3 weeks after her surgery she turned 12. I drove all the way from NJ to OSU specifically so that Dr. Couto and team could tell me if she was physically able to be a tripod because of her age. I always thought she acted way younger than her years and they agreed. Dr Couto was able to give me a break and the cost was appx $3000. I stayed with people who belong to a support group around OSU, so I didn't have a hotel bill. (ask Jane for info on that. JoeJoesmom) They kept her in the hospital for 4 days, she actually surprised them with how fast she bounced back. They were expecting a longer recovery due to her age. I spent Wed driving to Ohio. Thursday Dima spent being poked and prodded. Friday was her surgery. Monday evening she was released and we drove back Tuesday. Thing is, she was ready to do things that she really wasn't ready for. She decided to jump down 6 steps from my deck to the patio before I could rush to stop her. She fell where she thought her front leg was. I thought for sure she would have broken her remaining front leg. So be extra careful to watch that Gia doesn't do too much too soon. Since I have 6 steps to get into and out of the house at all exits, I put in a ramp to the back yard. She had no trouble doing the ramp. I did it myself. in a weekend. I just used thick heavy boards, 4x4s to hold it up. Brackets to clamp it to the house, cloth/rubber surface and skid stops to prevent sliding. It was cheap, relatively easy, and I just used my brains, no plans. She did get an infection (maybe from the fall) so chemo was delayed to a month post op instead of 2 weeks as we cleared it up. The chemo was free and my local vets administered it for about $100 per session. I have a dog door, and she never seemed to have any problems with that. I did have the opportunity to work from home the first two weeks. And that seemed the critical time. She was anxious and up and down a lot. But at the two week point, when I could take her off pain meds, she calmed right down. Sometimes the pain meds make them anxious. At the two week mark, I felt comfortable enough to go back to work and leave her unsupervised (she did have 3 sisters to keep her company). She had a wonderful, pain free 6 months before OS hit another leg. I sent her to the Bridge on the xray table. I wish all the best with you. If OSU is within driving distance, (for me that's 10 hrs) it might be worth going there. Good luck. By the way, I was prepared for seeing Dima without a leg, but the first day after surgery when I visited her in the hospital, I wasn't prepared for the look of panic on her face. And I doubted for two weeks if I made the right decision. I lost 5 lbs in that time from from worry. But now looking at it from today's perspective, I would NOT hesitate to do it again. So be prepared to doubt youself. A lot. And remember, the decision you're making is out of love for Gia. You are trying to do your best for her. Don't beat youself up over anything that happens.
  18. I ditto the ultrasound, but not the emergency vets. Make an appt at VSEC or CARES. Both are in Langhorne, Pa. If it's an appt, it'll be cheaper. I've used VSEC (Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Center) when it was in the old building, but I haven't seen their new and improved fancy facilities. But I was happy with their doctors.
  19. I actually had the amputation done on a 12 yr old. Diamond had cancer in her front leg. She had 6 months of quality life until OS hit a back leg. She lost the battle at 12 1/2 yrs old. I hope you are able to get a few more months, even years with your girl.
  20. That's the one thing I found out about Diamond. She was ready to go back to normal without having really learned to be a tripod. So what Symbra. She just might take off on you or try to do stairs or jump on/off furniture without you there. I'm glad she's home. That's the best place to heal.
  21. I've just caught up. I hope she can make it home soon. I'll keep her in my prayers.
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