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Everything posted by Saharasmom

  1. I buy glucosamine from Costco for Coltrane. I just give him one pill in his food in the AM. He did get a bit more active once I started him on it last year.
  2. Congratulations!!! She is just adorable. Does her tongue stick out often?
  3. Thanks for the info! I guess I was just steeling myself for tomorrow in case the vet would say she was in imminent danger of breaking her leg. I'll see if they have digital copies of the x-rays or just film. I've been taking pictures of her front feet every week (morbid, I know), so I can really see externally how the tumor has progressed. It is just depressing. That is awesome that Neyla was happy & not in pain for 5 mos post diagnosis!
  4. I was really hoping I would never need to post on this thread. My girlie Sahara was diagnosed with osteo a month ago, and unfortunately it seems the tumor has grown quite a bit. Her pain seems to be well-controlled with Deramaxx and Tramadol, but I am very worried her leg will break. We have an appointment with the vet in the AM. My question is - with x-rays can the vet tell you how likely the bone is to break? I don't want to have her PTS when she is still happy, chattering, playing with toys, etc, but I also don't want her to experience a leg break. I never expected this kind of dilemma when we adopted her five years ago. Kristin - Sutra's begging face looks a lot like Coltrane's when he wants his dinner.
  5. Bummer, no pic of him on greyhound-data. FWIW, I bought a belly band for Coltane from Heart of Texas Greyhound Adoptons, and I was pleased with I.
  6. Thanks, Bauersmom. I will ask the vet for digital copies of the x-rays tomorrow when we discuss the CBC results. Then I'll fill out the consult form for OSU. What did people do before Greytalk??
  7. Thanks everyone for your responses. Sahara luckily did not require surgery when she broke her wrist and has no other hardware. Her temperature was normal at the exam. We will get the results of her CBC tomorrow, but I think the vet said either an infection or cancer could cause elevated WBC. For a multitude of reasons, I think we would treat osteo with palliative care only. With that being the case, do you guys still think it would be worthwhile to get a consult with OSU and push my vet for the FNA? Honestly, I think I'm just in denial and am hoping she will be back to normal by the end of the week.
  8. Just had the vet appointment that every greyhound owner dreads. Sahara started limping on Thursday, seemed better on Friday, then limped worse over the weekend. DH and I noticed this weekend that the bone abover her wrist is swollen as well. Two years ago, she broke & dislocated her wrist, so the joint has been larger than normal. The x-rays showed increased calcification in her wrist bones, but a degeneration of the bone above her wrist. The vet said it could either be a bone infection or the beginning stages of osteo. He did say that she was very stoic if she has osteo, as she didn't react when he palpated the lump. Other than the limp, she seems fine. She was very excited when I got her leash for the vet trip & chattered away when I went through the Starbucks drive-through. This was all before I got any pain meds from the vet. Anyway, I left the vet with 10 day antibiotic and Deramaxx prescriptions. I'll take her back in 10 days (2 weeks? I should have written it down) for repeat x-rays. Has anyone on the board actually had a greyhound with a bone infection? I don't think she is at risk of Valley Fever, as she raced in FL then lived in NC. I read about swollen wrists on Greytalk this weekend and saw that she looked pretty similar to some other osteo cases. The lump I'm worried about is above her wrist on the left. And a picture of the pretty girl earlier this summer...
  9. What is Marvin's racing name? We could see if he has a picture up on greyhound-data.com.
  10. Coltrane had serious issues with this a few years ago. Proin decreased the output from a puddle to small dribbles. I ended up taking him to a homeopathic vet that recommended some supplements that actually cured it. (We weaned him off the supps after a few weeks.) Good luck...
  11. Me, too. I think the pineapple just added a little extra flavor for Coltrane. ETA: Because of the poop eating, I know I could never have a doggie door to let them have unlimited access to the yard.
  12. Poor Ruby! Hopefully it will continue to drain on its own.
  13. Coltrane has a bad toe which twists over the top of the one next to it. When he walks, the bad toe doesn't come in contact with the ground. It looks terrible, but doesn't seem to bother him. ETA: You can see his toe on his original greyhound-data adoption pic.
  14. How tragic! I am so sorry for your loss. She was beautiful.
  15. Oh, no! I am so sorry to hear this.
  16. Quote from DH (who doesn't go on Greytalk): "All hail to Casper High School NCHS" -NCHS Class of '88 There was more to the song, but I don't type fast enough! Sorry for the thread hijack, Jeremy.
  17. I'm so sorry. You have done the best you could for Rainey. Since she cannot be cured, you are sending her to a more peaceful place.
  18. Welcome! Sofia looks like she's settled right in. My DH is from Casper & went to school in Laramie...
  19. Sahara and Coltrane never have roached. Sahara's tried a few times, but she tips over after a few seconds. I guess her balance isn't too good. Coltrane has never tried as far as I've seen, but we adopted him when he was 7. Atlas on the other hand, is always roaching.
  20. Saharasmom


    I'm so sorry you lost Holly in such a tragic way. It wasn't your fault, but just a tragic accident. I've had dogs all my life and have never heard of a smaller dog getting bloat. I'm sure that Holly wouldn't want you to be unhappy or to feel guilty.
  21. One of Coltrane's nails looks the same. It looked normal until it tore off (on a walk ), then it grew back sideways. He ended up tearing the same nail last week. Based on the blood tracked throughout the house, I think he tore it off on his way up the stairs. Not sure how it happened, but I sure wish it would grow back normally.
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