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Everything posted by Saharasmom

  1. She's beautiful. How exciting!!
  2. Saharasmom


    I;m so sorry that you lost your boy.
  3. I hope you can find what's wrong with him, and that its something easily managed.
  4. That must be a relief for you. Congratulations!
  5. I am so sorry you lost your girl. She was beautiful.
  6. Sahara's skin went from light-pink to greyish-purple this summer, too. I was going to ask on here about it, so I'm glad someone else brought it up.
  7. What a pretty girl! She looks just like Sahara. I saw her when she was at the kennel in Greensboro. Congratulations to Diane!
  8. Thanks for the info! I just want her to be able to run without getting hurt. Thanks for the warning about stains too. I can apply it out on our cement porch!
  9. Sahara has scraped up the pads on three of her four feet over the past few months. Most recently, she skidded while playing with another dog and scraped both stop pads on her front legs. With the warmer weather, she loves to run like crazy. I remember someone posting about a cream that can toughen a dog's pads. Does anyone know the name of it or have any experience with it? Thanks for your help!
  10. Sahara's tummy was bald. She is now growing really fine peach fuzz on it. She also had a small bald spot on her hiney. It is starting to fill in a bit as well.
  11. So glad he came through the surgery okay. It is very hard when you see your babies hurting. Just remember, he will get better and recover.
  12. I'm so sorry that your girl is so sick.
  13. That is a really sad story. All those poor dogs. Hopefully they will not get any more, those they probably will.
  14. I am so sorry that you lost your girl. She had a very cute pink nose. She also looked very happy in the pictures you posted. ETA: I just read above why she had a pink nose. What a funny story!
  15. I keep my A/C at 80 all the time. Sahara doesn't seem to get hot inside at all.
  16. Congratulations! What a sweet boy.
  17. Congratulations!! What a pretty boy. I've told my husband that I think Sahara has a wedge-shaped head.
  18. Welcome! He looks so happy in that picture with your family. Congratulations!
  19. Welcome! Attending meet and greets are a great way to learn about greyhounds and the adoption groups. Greyhounds are great dogs.
  20. Saharasmom


    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  21. I'm so sorry. It is very to have to say goodbye.
  22. So sorry you lost your special girl.
  23. Saharasmom

    Goodbye Tweek

    I am so sorry you lost your girl.
  24. Hi Audrey. Welcome. You'll find lots of information and other people who love greyhounds on here. Do you have any pics of your dogs?
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