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Everything posted by Saharasmom

  1. Do you know what caused Lou to gain weight? If he has been exercising less than usual, I would try to increase his activity. If his activity has been constant, I would try decreasing his food by about 1/4-1/3 cup per day to see how that helps. Both of my greyhounds eat the Costco Chicken and Rice, and I was just thinking of switching them to the light formula. Coltrane seems to have gained a few pounds recently. With it being so hot he hasn't been as active as usual. Good luck!
  2. Congratulations! I remember Janus from the GFNC kennel, and he was a lot of fun.
  3. Coltrane was licking his butt constantly about four months ago. He also had an unholy stench coming from it. Since I'd read about anal glands on GreyTalk, I took him to the vet to get them expressed. $15 for the vet tech's services, and he was a good as new. Hopefully the same will help Casey.
  4. I wouldn't give a fiber supplement to a dog. Most fiber supps say to drink at least a cup of water with the pill to prevent the fiber from expanding in the throat, causing choking.
  5. Good luck with the trip to the ER vet - hope it is nothing serious (or expensive)! I also wanted to say congratulations on your new DD!
  6. I agree 100%. My big fear is that an excited dog could nip at a stranger in fun, and then be labeled dangerous by Animal Control. When we first adopted her, Sahara would bite my & DH's fingers when she was excited. A few times it hurt! We started saying "Eh!" and crossing our arms when she did it, and she stopped pretty quick.
  7. They should be fine. I used to feed a few raisins to Sahara as treats before I knew they were harmful. Her kidney values, etc. are perfect.
  8. We have assigned beds in our bedroom, too. Didn't start out that way, but DH and I were woken up by snarling in the night. Sahara had the better bed, and Coltrane was looming over her, trying to squeeze her out. The fact that Brilly's aggression only shows up when Wabi is in the better bed makes me think this is the cause, not a sleep startle. He also has been picked on by Pogo, right? Being closer to Pogo might be adding to his stress, making him more likely to go after Wabi. Good luck with with rearranging your room!
  9. Coltrane (almost 9 y/o) snores in his sleep. I've never asked the vet about it, as he doesn't do it all the time. I was quite surprised when we first brought him home, because I didn't think the long-snouted breeds snored.
  10. Coltrane always does it, too. I don't let him pee or poop in anyone else's yard, so it never damages anything. Sometimes he does it after peeing in the street, which is kind of funny.
  11. Welcome! I just had to post because my cat has the same coloring as Cali. Madison: Also, once on walk, a French Lop bunny hopped up to me and Sahara. She paid no mind to it, so I think she would be rabbit-safe.
  12. I hope the surgery goes well tomorrow! Sahara broke her wrist running in a field. The vet think she may have stepped in a hole, too. I was watching her run, and didn't see her trip or falter.
  13. Sahara broke a bone in and dislocated her front right wrist about 7 weeks ago. I had an x-ray consult with an orthopedic vet, who suggested splinting it for 6 weeks. Both my regular and the specialist vet said her wrist would fuse with or without surgery. We had to remove the splint after ~3.5 weeks, because it was rubbing her elbow too much. Now, she has about half the range of motion as before (not completely fused), but she doesn't seem to be in any pain. Hopefully Tippy have a similarly easy recovery.
  14. Welcome back! I went to Oregon for a week, and GT had completely changed.
  15. Coltrane had a similar problem where he would leave big puddles on the dogs beds. Our vet prescribed Proin, which lessened but didn't stop the leakage. Finally, I took him to an acupuncture vet. The acupuncture did not help, but a homeopathic drug (Sepia) did. After three months on the Sepia, we weaned him off. As far as I know, he hasn't had anymore accidents.
  16. This is what I did for Sahara. The vet did a needle aspirate (I think?) and saw no abnormal cells prior to the removal. Vet said since Sahara was so calm/passive they could do the removal with her awake. They cut a bit of surround skin off too, and I think she had two staples.
  17. Dr. DeVore has contacted me on the weekends, but I'm not sure if she normally works them. If you call the Greensboro Vet Hospital mentioned above, they can give you her direct contact information. She really was a big help in managing Coltrane's incontinence.
  18. Congratulations, Ducky! I saw Nina Friday afternoon, and I thought she would go fast. Didn't realize how quick, though. She was so cute, and she smiled at me when I clapped my hands for her. She also jumped up on me, but she's so little it didn't hurt.
  19. Congratulations! Pony looks a lot like Mary. When we adopted Coltrane, he was ~25 lbs overweight and could barely walk 5 minutes on our street. He got back into shape pretty quickly, but he was seven.
  20. I took Coltrane to one in High Point. I know she does house calls, but I doubt she would go all the way to Salisbury. (Is Salisbury near Lexington?)
  21. She is pretty - congratulations! Are you from Wyoming? My husband is from Casper, WY.
  22. Both of our dogs were in previous homes where they weren't allowed on the furniture, so they've never shown any interest. With Coltrane now having period sleep incontinence, I don't know if I would ever allow it in the future, either.
  23. I just put Coltrane's meds in his food and he scarfs them down. He is really into eating, though. When Sahara was on antibiotics, I put them in a bit of peanut butter or pushed them down her throat.
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