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Everything posted by Saharasmom

  1. She looks like my Sahara. Very pretty! Congratulations!
  2. I hope everything goes well at the vet's office!
  3. The picture of Atticus and Betsy is very cute. She looks pleased with her new brother!
  4. Chloe and Tip look like they will be good friends. Congratulations!
  5. Saharasmom


    I'm so sorry to hear about Natalie. She looks very sweet in her pictures.
  6. I hope everything goes well for Monty. You have been through a lot (medically) with him, so hopefully this will go smoothly.
  7. I am so sorry. He was a beautiful puppy. I always enjoyed reading your stories about your puppies.
  8. I have a female and she is very gentle and sweet. She has been an incredibly easy first dog for us. I think the individual dog's personality is more important than gender. The females do generally seem to be adopted more quickly though.
  9. Saharasmom


    I'm so sorry that you lost Hogan. I always liked coonhounds, and he was beautiful in the pictures you posted.
  10. Sahara does it when she's excited. So basically every time she meets someone her jaw starts quivering. People comment on it and ask if she's scared/cold/whatever. I was worried she was nervous when we first looked at her in the kennel because she was chattering away. She also does it when she stretches, which is not related to excitement. So who knows?
  11. Saharasmom

    Foxy Promise

    I am sorry that you lost Foxy. It was obvious from your tribute how much you loved him. In his first picture, you can see how much he loved you as well. ETA: I just saw your post above. Foxy and Sophie were precious together. Don't feel guilty about wanting another dog. Foxy would want you and Sophie to be happy.
  12. Saharasmom

    Jordans Ride

    I am so sorry you lost your girl. She looked sweet and happy in the pictures you've posted over the past year.
  13. I'm sorry that your girl is so sick.
  14. Yuck! My cat had them two years ago and it was so gross. I put some of the segments (they were all over!) in a plastic bag and just brought that to the vet's office. They gave me the medication without doing a fecal test. One pill and they were all gone!
  15. I am so sorry you lost your boy. I remember your posts about him when you took him in for a week's trial. I definately wasn't surprised when you kept him. Godspeed, Kavana.
  16. I did it a few times shortly after we adopted Sahara. I felt bad, but I think her quicks (and nails) were fairly long when we adopted her. It hasn't happened in about 8 months, so I think I've learned how far to go. One time I didn't notice it (she didn't show any reaction) until we had blood all over the carpet. Luckily, peroxide mixed with water got it all up.
  17. I'm so happy for you! I'd met Wally at the kennel, and he is a good boy. I'd even told my husband about him, so I am glad he's been adopted!
  18. Poor girl. How scary for you! I hope she continues to do better.
  19. I am so sorry. He looked so happy in all of the pictures you showed.
  20. I hope everything goes well for Oliver today!
  21. Sahara was chipped when she went under for her spay. We microchipped our cat at a humane society clinic. She was awake and showed no reaction to the pain. There were many dogs there (we had the only cat there!) and we didn't hear any yelping while we were waiting. It probably hurts them, but as others have said, it is probably less stressful than anesthesia.
  22. I'm sorry you lost your girl. That was a beautiful tribute you wrote.
  23. Poor Alan have been through a lot of health problems. Maybe your vet will be able to explain the report once you talk to him. I'll be keeping him in my thoughts.
  24. Poor Bodie. I am sorry he's going through this.
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