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10 Yr Old Limping, Shoulder Pain?

Guest GoingGrey

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Guest GoingGrey

So, I of course always panic anytime I see a limp. But I thought I'd see if anyone here has any insight or suggestions before I head to the vet...


It started a few nights ago with a few barely audible whines from Elvis when readjusting his position on the couch at night. The following nights, more of the same only worse. Then he woke up with a pronounced limp (right foreleg) and yelped anytime he tried to lift himself up from lying down. Palpated the entire leg. No noticeable lumps, swelling or tenderness. ROM was good. Seemed some vague tenderness in his armpit/shoulder/joint area though. But he could still go up on the couch, bed and use the stairs (tho more slowly and carefully). Appetite and alertness normal. On his walk he decidedly didn't want to turn back early, despite the limping.


Last night, tho, louder and more frequent yelps anytime he tried to adjust position. Today, much more lethargic, tho still eating able to go up/down stairs. I've been gently massaging the neck, shoulder and chest area, looking for knots or muscle tightness and he seems to enjoy it. Been giving half a 75mg Rimadyl here and there but haven't noticed if this is helping...


Will get him to the vet this week but a neighbor has some Tramadol we could use in the meantime, if that's a good idea....not sure what to think at this point. Can osteo start that high up on the leg? Could it just be a muscle strain? How can I tell how much pain he's actually in?


Thanks for any insight!








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Osteo can strike in any bone, it just seems to mostly present in larger ones.


That being said, what you're describing could be many things from a muscle strain to cancer, so you'll want to get into a vet as soon as you reasonably can. If money isn't a question, I would push for xrays of the whole leg (toes to shoulder/neck). And if there's *any* question, send them to Dr Couto. Make sure your vet evaluates him for a neck strain, because that's what it sounds like to me having just gone through nearly the same thing (disclaimer: I am NOT a vet!). I would also give him an nsaid if I had some - on a schedule and not just every once in a while. They work better cumulatively.


Good luck.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

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I have heard Ryder cry out twice because of a tweaked muscle. We went to chiro to get him readjusted since he's had a known limping issue as long as I've had him, his xrays always clear.


It as always could be nothing, or it could be something. We're fortunate it's not O in his case. Get some x-rays for peace of mind and move on from there.

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10 year old "Ryder" CR Redman Gotcha May 2010
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Guest GoingGrey

Ok, thanks you guys!

Unfortch, I'm unemployed at the moment, but if it continues to worsen I can put xrays on the ol' credit card.


As for muscle strains, he's had something similar in the past with his neck. Whining/whimpering when moving it a certain way. It persisted a while and we got xrays that showed nada. I eventually took him to way out to a neurology specialist who couldn't find anything either and recommended an MRI. I did "watchful waiting" for a while as I was contemplating the cost of the MRIs, and lo, it gradually resolved itself on its own. I suspect going after too many squirrels while on the leash tweaked things. We saw a doggie chiropractor after that for a while.


He also has a dropped (gracillus) muscle in back, and a small corn that comes and goes on the favored foreleg, so considering all that, something musculoskeletal might make sense.


Good to know the nsaids work better cumulatively. I just had some leftover Rimadyl that i was rationing for him...what other nsaids can I give him? He gets 1/4 baby aspirin a day to prevent strokes...and it's not like i can give him advil...maybe more baby aspirin?

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He could have tweaked his neck. Often they will limp with neck issues as the pain runs right down the radial nerve. Telltale sign is pain when rising esp from a lateral position. Treatment usually begins with giving an NSAID, robaxin and +/- Tramadol. Restrict exercise and don't use a collar-harness only.

Of course Osteo needs to be a consideration whereas an x-ray would be needed to confirm diagnosis.


Edited to add-sounds like your giving too low a rimadyl dose--give 1mg/lb twice daily. So a 75lb dog would take 75mg twice a day. Your currently giving only enough for a 37lb dog.

Also before you start to use your credit card for the vet bills check out care credit.

Edited by tbhounds
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Sounds like a neck issue. Be sure and RESTRICT activity for at least 2 weeks and NO COLLARS. Robaxin/tramadol combo has worked great for my guys with this but it usually doesn't just go away even if the pain subsides. You always need to be particular about it so he doesn't re-injure himself.

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Guest GoingGrey

Thanks, @racindog & @tbhounds.


Yes, the pain is when rising. He doesn't whimper while limping. And he'll balance on it enough to sniff something on the ground.


I explored beyond the shoulder, along his side below the spine. Seems there's a long, knotty muscle that won't relax there. Massaging it makes it twitch and jump, which doesn't appear to faze him. However, too much pressure on it and he yelps. I've experienced this same muscle/myofascial issue myself after a broken foot--needing therapeutic massage on a trigger point in my hip. The massage was kind of a "hurts so good" thing. When they focused too much pressure on it, I myself would yelp in protest, which makes me lean toward muscle strain...

Of course, that could be either the cause of the limp OR result of the limp. So I'll need to get him in for x-rays this week.


I used up the Rimadyl and now only have the Tramadol and am trying to figure dosage...

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:wave from Twiggy and me!


I'm with most others here - this definitely could be neck pain. Also, I know Elvis was and may still be battling corns. Even if not on the same leg as seems painful, the corns could be causing him to walk off balance and in turn cause other parts to be overused/cramped/you name it.


Of course, none of us can say for sure that it isn't the worst thing we fear, but pain from some other cause does seem likely to me.


On another note, Twiggy still stops and stares at the door at your old place from time to time. She sure does love her Elvis!

Wendy with Twiggy, fosterless while Twiggy's fighting the good fight, and Donnie & Aiden the kitties

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Guest GoingGrey

Aw, Hi Wendy & Twiggy!! @TwiggysMom


Whenever I hear anything new about Twiggy I always get a thrill knowing she continues to thrive and survive. Hope she's recovered from her stroke. Let's have a play date soon--email me: jen_wed@yahoo.com! (don't think I have direct email privileges here yet)


And you're correct, it happens to be the leg with the recurring (relatively minor) corn.


Plus a possibly related concern I keep intending to post about is his forearm licking. Been going on a lot in the last year. Originally assumed it was arthritis. Then something that @NeylasMom posted about somewhere (can't find it) led me to think this habit could be less arthritic and more neurological, as in having pins & needles in his front legs. Since he's always pulled off to the side every 20 feet while on-leash to mark things, I immediately started shopping for harnesses, kicking myself for not being more cognizant of cervical spine issues sooner.

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Zuri does his front leg licking when his LS is bothering him. Since that's a hind end issue we don't know if he's just licking his front legs to soothe, because they're more accessible or because they hurt from trying to overcompensate. All I know is that its happened enough times now that I'm positive it's related and not a separate issue. In fact he's been doing it the last couple of days, which have been accompanied by some other obvious signs that its bothering him right now (dragging on walks, grumbling when he's bumped, his legs kind of giving out momentarily).


I was thinking possibly muscle thing, particularly neck,but if you've located a muscle that spasms that's a good clue. Fwiw, the muscles in Zuri's back along his spine always spasm, again from compensating for his LS. Robaxin, cold laser and acupuncture help. Possible you have more than one thing going on there. A more chronic issue developing may be and then because things are getting out of whack it caused an acute issue. I always want x-rays for peace of mind, but a good ortho consult might be worthwhile. :dunno


Hope you can get it sorted out.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Guest GoingGrey

Help...Elvis is now in the ICU...


I haven't even slept yet, so this post will be gibberish...We had a vet appt today but he got dramatically worse overnight so I took him into the ER first thing this morning. Was there for hours.


Was up all night worrying and reading the osteo posts, preparing myself for the worst. But the ER vet said it's referred neck pain to start, and we need a neuro consult. Cervical spine issues, maybe compromised discs? Tumors? Who knows what other differential Dx?


But he had deteriorated to the point he couldn't walk well and was to uncomfortable to even lie down, poor thing, and needed continuous IV pain management so they had to keep him...will get the neuro consult later today, tho i'm sure that will give me nothing definitive without MRIs, but the intake vet insisted on the consult cuz she said Elvis' daily 1/4 baby aspirin regimen could compromise the efficacy of certain pain meds and the neuro would know best which ones?


He had an IM bolus shot right away and that didn't touch the pain. Even tho he was panting and shaking with his head down and his tongue all the way out and wouldn't lie down when I went back there to say goodbye, his tail starting thumping the cage walls as soon as he saw me. Heart. Break. They were starting the IV fentanyl--THANK DOG--as I left so I'm praying that gives him relief, but she said if it doesn't help we'll have to start talking about quality of life, etc.


**, **, **.


Naturally, I sobbed all the way home and then some. My sensitive Jammer girl is traumatized by my crying and was scared to eat her food or lay by me (just when I need her--ha), so I'll need to keep up a brave face for her sake at least.


Will update when I know more

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Guest GoingGrey

Thank you @ramonaghan & @robinw. It's really great to have the special support system of greytalk when you need it.


And thanks @tbhounds for reminding me about care credit. I got approved while at the ER which was key because the initial estimate was already @ $2,000. And that's minus the MRIs they're already pressuring me to get. Yeah. I can't believe it either.

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I am sorry. Goose had a nerve sheath tumor in his right front shoulder that initially presented as neck pain and rapidly worsened and I couldn't keep ahead of the pain. I am keeping you in my thoughts.


Cindy with Miss Fancypants, Paris Bueller, Zeke, and Angus 
Dante (Dg's Boyd), Zoe (In a While), Brady (Devilish Effect), Goose (BG Shotgun), Maverick (BG ShoMe), Maggie (All Trades Jax), Sherman (LNB Herman Bad) and Indy (BYB whippet) forever in my heart
The flame that burns the brightest, burns the fastest and leaves the biggest shadow

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Any updates? :hope


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Guest AtticusMom

My senior girl Daphne had a terrible problem with her neck (and, lower spine) when she was about 13. We thought we would lose her. She started with a small amount of pain and then ended up completely unable to walk within a couple of days. She spent nearly a week at the e-vet. Long story short, we bought her home, and prepared to say our "goodbyes". She started to regain her mobility the next day! She had another couple of great years after that event. I wish you well.

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Deep Breaths! I know 3 great chiropractors in Chicagoland ... where are you located? If you can't increase your posts in the next few days (understandably you've got other focus right now), I'll post my email address here for you to contact me and I'l get you connected.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest GoingGrey

Elvis is improving! ) :balloonparty


I forgot to post a link here to my update on this thread, but you can see my summary of the detailed drama on the "Urgent! Chicago People Pls Help" thread.


Basically: cervical IVDD incident, followed by full body muscle spasm (rhabomyelosis, sp?), bad reaction to fentanyl, bad reaction to diazepam, then once I got him home last week, a stress-triggered a full-blown intestinal parasite flare up (hookworm) that had me rushing him outside every 1-3 hrs for watery D for 2 days, and a small stroke which I missed, and was MY fault cuz I didn't realize I was supposed to resume his aspirin regimen right away, dammit.


Considering all this, he's doing great right now. Mostly back to his sweet, stubborn, stoic self, minus some bladder control issues now.

All the positive thoughts from everyone on this thread have really helped (if not him, then for sure me ;-) Thank you!


@NeylasMom, thanks for all the good info on Zuri's experience. The stroke has left him with some minor LSS-like issues, not sure how persistent they will be.


@tbhounds, you were right re: IVDD. I hear you're the resident expert on that, so I'd be happy for any of your expertise you'd care to share on any of my future threads about it.


, sounds very much like what I went thru, minus some ensuing complications. Scary stuff.


@juliemac, I'm in Logan Square. Elvis saw a chiropractor in 2009 in Lincoln Park after a more minor issue with his cervical vertebrae...if it's recommended he see one this time, I'll definitely be in touch, thanks!


I'm going to post a new thread to compare note with others who've experienced similar issues and see what advice I can glean and how to best manage his "leakiness" going forward.

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