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Re: Gagging-Much Worse Diagnosis

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How are we healing??

It is a week today that we took Charlie in for Thurs surgery, what a horrible day. I am happy to report it is as if he never had surgery! He is back to his ole self :-) i will call tomorrow for biopsy results.

Small world, i went to the Town Hall yesterday to pay excise tax, i had fallen behind on so many things since i was preoccupied with Charlie. I told the woman what had happened-she had the same surgery a couple of years ago! She is doing well and they told her that perhaps it was a virus that caused it. Odd but i am glad she is doing well and my Charlie too :-)

Thanks Tracy-hope you are well!

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wish i knew how to do those dancing peppers! Charlies biopsy update! No cancer found!!!! It all remains idiopathic WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Only thing the Doctor said was i should bring him back to the cardiologist in a month because of an irregular heartbeat. Oy! I asked, wasn't this related to the cardiac tamponade?

He said it was separate and Charlie has been a topic of conversation amongst the doctors involved. So, i will do this but not just yet. He needs to heal and go in the car to a fun place first. I hope to take him for a short ride to a park nearby next week. Not too many dogs and they are all leashed, it isn't a dog park.


Thank you everyone for all your support XOXO :beatheart

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Has Charlie ever been Lyme positive? Pericardial effusion.can be a rare but not undocumented repercussion from Lyme disease.

4 years ago when he came to the shelter he was slight Lyme positive. Never showed up again.

At least this horrible situation is resolved with the window in his percardial sac.

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:pepper :pepper :pepperWhat GREYT news! So happy for you and Charlie! :pepper :pepper :pepper


For the peppers, click on the smiley face, and the emoticons will scroll down at the bottom of your reply. Then click on the right hand arrow to scroll through the different choices and pick your peck of peppers. :hehe

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Forever Home on December 20, 2012
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
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Fantastic news!!! :yay:clap


I have to say, I am glad to have followed this story. Most importantly to see how well things are turning out, but also because I wouldn't necessarily think to investigate laproscopic surgeries and Charlie's recovery has been amazing so it will be in my mind to always investigate if such a thing exists. I honeslty can't believe how fast he was back to normal! :thumbs-up


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Fantastic news!!! :yay:clap


I have to say, I am glad to have followed this story. Most importantly to see how well things are turning out, but also because I wouldn't necessarily think to investigate laproscopic surgeries and Charlie's recovery has been amazing so it will be in my mind to always investigate if such a thing exists. I honeslty can't believe how fast he was back to normal! :thumbs-up

Through all this ordeal, if it can ever help another dog it would be extra special.

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That's my boy!!!!! Some of you wanted to see a picture. You should see his eyes.


the bottom pic is when he was still at the kennel. That's me, Charlie and Sharon leaning into me. This is the pic his foster mom saw and hoped i was the one who would adopt him. Although after 3 yrs he looks a little apprehensive to me in this picture but was fond of me by then. Sharon was adopted within two days :-)

Edited by CharlieRhea
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Aw thanks for asking Tracy-2 weeks ago today he came home from surgery he had the day before. Hard to believe! He is doing GREYT! Still have to make an appt with the cardiologist for the irregular heart beat they noticed but I will wait until April to take him. He needs a break fro doctors :-) Although they were all fantastic.

He can do whatever he wants now, run, rough house lol he doesn't rough house but those were restrictions.

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