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Middle Of The Night, Rudy Sick, Don't Know How To Help

Guest k9soul

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At around 7 p.m. Rudy suddenly began acting strangely, frantically licking the floors, walls, running outside (have dog door) and eating dead grass, basically unresponsive to me when I try to call him or distract him. I was deeply alarmed enough to call my vet and bring him in after hours. Oddly enough, before we left he seemed to turn into normal-dog and made me doubt myself, but I've had dogs now since 1987 and I know better than to brush something like this off.


I brought him in and the vet took his temperature, which was normal. Then he asked if I would agree to an x-ray, which I did. During this whole time he was waggy and normal. We did the x-ray, which showed that his digestive tract is in quite a state. Lots of air bubbles, stool, and a large "thing" in his stomach that resembled an eaten dead squirrel or small rabbit. Stomach was a little distended. My vet felt it was quite a mess, but not severe enough for surgery. He gave him ondansetron injection, carpoprofen injection (Rimadyl), prescriptions for famoitidne and carpoprofen and instructions for no food for 24 hours. Rudy seemed calm, happy, and doing well and I hoped we'd come home and he'd crash and go to bed.


He did at first. But around an hour later when I got up, he got up too. Could have kicked myself for causing him to wake, wishing I had just stayed in my chair if it meant he got some sleep and peace. Since then been licking floor, coughing, miserable. I put on his muzzle to try to curb would he could get in his mouth, but later he threw up some in his muzzle and I had to get it off. Rudy has only been with me 2 weeks and he was stressed and confused, so he growled at me when I tried to get his muzzle off, but with some gentle encouragement he settled more and I got it off.


I blocked off the dog door. I'd rather he vomit or have poops inside than be out there scarfing grass. He's been going at it now almost nonstop and it's 12:30 a.m. Beside myself. I've tried gently talking to him and stroking him which has helped him really relax and get sleepy a few times, but the minute he lays down seems to get aggravated again, licking, hacking, burping. He has not vomited again since the muzzle incident.


I feel completely and totally responsible. This boy depends on me and I have been lax and allowed all this to happen to him. I feel horrible. But most of all I just want him to get through this and be okay. I have some prescription pain and gastro meds for him and I am prepared to run him back to the vet first thing in the a.m. if he still seems distressed. I just can't sleep or relax or stop beating myself up. I think I also have moved too fast with various goodies and kibble transitions that could have exacerbated the issue.


I just want him to be okay, to have another chance to do a better job with taking care of his digestive needs.


Please forgive the exhausted and stressed ramblings, I just didn't know where else to turn.

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Thank you so much. Warm wishes help a lot too. I just feel so frazzled.

As of this moment he's finally actually sleeping a bit again. I am NOT budging from this chair again to risk him waking.


I've wondered off and on the past couple weeks: Am I really bonding with him?


Well, I am. The thought of him suffering tonight is agonizing. I love him and want him to be a happy well dog again.

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I'm not a vet, but if he continues to appear in strong discomfort, I'd suggest calling an emergency vet with his symptoms (overnight) to ask for guidance.


Whenever he awakens again, good to check his gums to ensure they are normal pink (not too pale, purple or blue). If you press gently on gums with your finger, gums should lighten then return to normal pink.

Try to get a feeling for his body temperature. He shouldn't be too hot or too cold to the touch.

Normal canine temp range is approx. 101-102 degrees.

If you see bloody nose, bloody urine or bloody stool call vet.

Personally, I'd leave his belly area alone (from petting/rubbing), any dog in pain could try to bite if the painful area is touched.


Excellent that your vet evaluated him earlier. Doesn't hurt to become aware of "bloat" symptoms, and if they appear rush him to the closest emergency hospital immediately.

Stomach becomes more distended, especially near the ribs.

A clear sign is vomiting: Dog appears highly nauseated and is retching but little is coming up.

Unable to settle. (But gas, and many other things can cause him to not settle also.)


Please follow your vet's instructions exactly. If a recheck is advised, go to the appointiment the day vet suggests (don't delay it). Watch your hound closely for the next week+ to ensure the critter he ate isn't harboring something dangerous. Please ask your vet when it would be approprite timing to get a fecal test done. It's common for wild critters to be infested with worms and parasites which can be passed into your boy.


Positive thoughts for your handsome new boy to feel better within the next couple of days. BTW, the bond between the two of you will grow immeasurably within the first year, especially as he grows to trust you more and more! :)

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How do they know it was a half eaten squirrel or critter? Hopefully the meds the dr gave you will help soon. I would have thought they would have kicked in during the first hour...


When he's allowed to have food again you probably want to start with a very meals of a bland diet. Boiled chicken and cooked until mushy rice. Or boiled drained and rinsed off ground beef and rice. I would probably put him on a probiotic too. Not just yogurt but something with a live culture maybe?


If he's not tons better on the meds I would probably take him back him. :-( hope he feels better soon it's so awful when you can't fix them right away.

Edited by JAJ2010




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A Gas-X may give him some relief. I don't think it would interfere with his other meds.


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Checking in on you and Rudy this morning and hope he is feeling better.


In case there are any future incidents (I hope not!), you can give ice cubes to lick in a colander or sieve.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
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How do they know it was a half eaten squirrel or critter?

I'm thinking they probably saw part of an appropriately-sized skeleton.


Poor Rudy, and poor you. I do hope your silence means you're all sleeping peacefully and all will be well.


Mine do the licking carpet/scarfing grass thing when their stomachs are upset, but the important thing is that they continue to have bowel movements (hopefully fairly normal bowel movements) and if they retch, it is productively. When it comes to bloat, white foam is NOT considered 'productive' so be vigilant on that.


I would think, though, that this isn't a bloat scenario, so much as discomfort from having eaten the wrong thing. DO please also be aware that because some people poison vermin, he may also have ingested poison, so any worsening of his symptoms, or change in his symptoms would indicate a visit to the vet ASAP.


Hoping to hear a good update soon. :goodluck


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Sorry all, he finally settled on the couch and I tip-toed out and into my room hoping he'd sleep undisturbed for awhile. I was so exhausted I finally fell into an uneasy sleep myself. At 5 I got up and he was retching, threw up a wad of grass and hair and stuff that he had scarfed down last night. I just gave him his meds this morning. He SEEMS okay but I won't feel a ton of relief until I see him do a poop. I put his coat on and walked him a bit and he peed but it's so cold he started shivering and wanted back in.


Yes the could tell the small animal by seeing the bones in his stomach. He sure seems much more relaxed this morning, but I'm still on edge. Thanks so much for all your good thoughts. Still having him fast for today, but I'm ready to hop into my car and take him in the moment he shows further distress so he can be rechecked.


Sorry for my really dramatic post, I was tired and emotional and out of my wits with anxiety.


ETA: I should mention I have all his vet records as he is a bounced dog. Previous family had him for a year, but over the holidays had a house full of young children. Apparently at some point Rudy growled at one. The lady also found out she was pregnant. So they returned him, saying he's not good with kids. He's been a perfect gentleman with kids he meets on walks however. Anyway one of his vet records showed he was in for surgery for a foreign body, and at that time a gastropexy was done. I feel some relief with that as regards to him bloating.

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Poor guy. At least you both got some sleep. Tell him your supposed to CHEW the roadkill before you swallow! Hopefully this dose of meds will help his tummy... Sending good thoughts....


So he has a habit of eating stuff has not supposed to :-( At least it's not bloat!




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Yes I will be watching him like a hawk! I'm sure it didn't help any that he got 2 full regular meals on top of it and some treats too yesterday (before his symptoms started). He's really wanting his breakfast this morning, so that's a good sign I think even though I have to refuse it to him. He still gives little gulp/coughs every now and then but not constant and he's not doing the floor licking.

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Since he's already had surgery for a foreign object, might be a good idea to muzzle him any time he's outside. I'd get a stool guard to prevent him from eating anything outside. My gang wears muzzles with stool guards and it sure helps keep the upset tummies away from eating stuff in the yard.


Hope he starts feeling better soon.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

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Since he's already had surgery for a foreign object, might be a good idea to muzzle him any time he's outside. I'd get a stool guard to prevent him from eating anything outside. My gang wears muzzles with stool guards and it sure helps keep the upset tummies away from eating stuff in the yard.


Hope he starts feeling better soon.


This sounds like good advice. Do you know of a good place to purchase a stool guard?


Edit: Looks like Greyhounds Only sells these, I should have googled before asking :blush

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Well afternoon update. He did finally poop a bit! Not a huge amount, but not diarrhea and did not seem to have strain. Did not look unusual or too thin etc. What a huge relief. Will keep watching him and give his medications as directed for the next week. He seems tired, but much more himself. :yay

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Hope Rudy is feeling much better by now.........as a survivor of the midnight "freak out" I so understand how scary it is.


Thanks very much. It definitely is scary. Especially since the last midnight scare I had in January 2012 ended in tragedy for my 11-year-old golden retriever. Everything seems so much more ominous and frightening when the rest of the world seems closed up and asleep for the night.


He still shows some signs of discomfort but another paranoid call to my vet confirmed this is to be expected. He says I can call his cell phone later tonight with another update too on how he's doing. He's a top notch vet.

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