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Would Love Your Help And Support! (My Limping Greyhound)

Guest asianpeanut

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Guest asianpeanut

Hello Everyone!


I just found this forum and I would love your input and support! I am very worried about my dog, Baker, he is a 12 year old red fawn grey. About a week ago I heard him crying in the backyard and when I ran out there to see what was going on he was holding his left paw up. When I inspected everything he seemed fine, and since he has a history of dramatics and exaggeration I didn't think much of it. The next day he was perfectly fine. The day after that he was limping significantly on his left leg. It was late on a Friday and I asked the vet if I could wait and see how he was and bring him in on Monday as it was my feeling that he had pulled a muscle. With rest and some homeopathic Arnica he improved significantly, about 80% by Monday and by Wednesday he was barely limping anymore. There had been so signs of warmth in the area or swelling. I took him for a short "morale" walk and it was hot that day so when he came home he laid down on the hardwood floor. He had a hard time getting up on the smooth surface and seemed to reinjure it. He has been limping a lot the whole weekend and I have been keeping his activity to a minimum.


I will be taking him to the vet tomorrow, but I am so very afraid that it is cancer based on everything I have been reading on the net. I have been palpating his arm and there is tenderness to the touch along the whole upper arm from shoulder to elbow, especially below the shoulder joint.


Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? Even support is nice at this point as I am so worried.


Thank you so very much!




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Guest boondog

Welcome to GT, Jennifer. I'm sorry you're here because Baker is hurting. You're doing the right thing by taking him to the vet. Please insist on x-rays and make sure they x-ray his entire shoulder. I'll be thinking of you both. Please keep us updated.

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Welcome! Sorry your hound is hurting. Radiographs are in order. I would with fast him the night before and the day of in case he needs a mild sedative to get the proper imaging-sometimes taking a good film of the shoulder can be tough. Do not give aspirin just in case your vet wants yo start him on an NSAID. Hoping only the best for you and your houndie. Keep us posted.

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No advice....just thoughs and prayers and well wishes!!! Keep us posted.


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Yep, glad you're getting him to the vet. X-rays are definitely in order. Hoping for good news. :hope:)

Jeanne with Remington & Scooter the cat
....and Beloved Bridge Angels Sandee, Shari, Wells, Derby, Phoenix, Jerry Lee and Finnian.....
If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.

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You could add some Traumeel to the arnica if you have it ... or Pan Away Essential oil (I usually apply this one to my hands and gently rub on top of fur rather than applying drops, because it CAN be a bit strong) ... neither should interfere with any testing that may be needed tomorrow.


please keep us informed ... and welcome to Greytalk (looking forward to meeting you & Baker more in the coming months, and on much better circumstances)!

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I'm going through the same thing with 11 year old Phoenix. I took him to the vet yesterday and she thinks it's arthritis. The problem seems to be somewhere around his rear right knee. He is on Metacam for a few days to reduce inflamation and is returning for xrays in two weeks. Please don't panic. It may not be anything serious. It's easy to get scared because we read about bad things here on GT, but try to relax until you know more, OK?

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Guest greyhoundgirl1

I'll keep you in my thoughts. Hopefully it's just part of good ol' aging, which is an equal opportunity employer. Keep us all posted.

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Guest asianpeanut

Thank you all so much! I appreciate all the great advice and support more than you know! It is so comforting to know that you are all here:)


I will keep you posted on what I find out tomorrow...


Thanks again!



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We just went through an unexplained limping with my old boy about 3 weeks ago. As others have stated make sure you get X-rays done. Our X-ray showed an area of inflammation and some serious degenerative arthritis in the wrist, but thankfully no bone cancer. Best of Luck and please let us know your results.

Alicia and Foster Yoshi ( pit bull) 

Always in my heart: WV's Milky Way 6/25/2000- 4/22/2013, Hank ( St Bernard/Boxer) ???? - 10/3/2017 and Sweet Pea (English bulldog)  2004 - 6/19/2019


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Guest asianpeanut

Thanks everyone for the support! I am going to the vet in an hour and a half. I am nervous, but hoping for the best. I will keep you all posted!


Hugs to everyone!



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Guest asianpeanut

Hello Everyone,


So it appears that my worst fears are being realized. The x-ray showed a change in density on that bone by the shoulder, so the vet thinks it is early sign of cancer and referred me to an oncologist. I am beside myself with grief, I don't even know how to process this. I am so worried over all of the decisions that will have to be made. Does anyone know anything about a biopsy? How about amputation and chemo? It seems that this is in the early stage, but I guess this limp won't be getting any better.


I am so devastated by this news and very depressed.


Any information, resources, help and supportive words would be much appreciated:)


Thanks so much for all your help!


Jennifer (and Baker)

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I'm sorry. I urge you to join the Ohio State greyhound health and wellness program website. You will find many of your questions answered there. They also have a free consult available-- nobody but nobody knows more about cancer and greyhounds than Dr Couto. One thing I will mention-- do not let your vet perform a core bone biopsy. An aspirate of the bone can easily be done with a 22 gauge needle. The former may actually cause a fracture.

Sadly, many here have been given the same diagnosis-I'm sure others will chime in shortly. Hugs

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Lots of information in this GT Osteo Thread.


I am sorry that the news wasn't better. Thinking about you and your doggie and wishing you all the best.

Edited by 45MPHK9


Tricia with Kyle, our senior mutt dog 
Always missing Murray MaldivesBee Wiseman, River, Hopper, Kaia, and 
Holly Oaks Holly
“You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.“          -Bob Dylan

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I'm so sorry to hear your news. :cry1 I found the Circle of Grey to be a wealth of information and loving support for whatever your choices will be. Dr. Couto at Ohio State U. is an excellent resource as well. Sending loads of prayers and light to you and your baby boy. :hope

Jeanne with Remington & Scooter the cat
....and Beloved Bridge Angels Sandee, Shari, Wells, Derby, Phoenix, Jerry Lee and Finnian.....
If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.

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So sorry to hear about the x-ray results, Jennifer. Here's a link to the free consultation service with Dr. Couto's greyhound group at Ohio State. Sending good thoughts for both you and Baker.


ETA: I hope your vet went ahead and started your boy on some stronger pain meds. If it's bone cancer, the homeopathic options won't be enough to keep him comfortable.

Edited by jjng

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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Guest FullMetalFrank

I am sorry about the diagnosis. Definately do the consult with Dr. Couto; I am sending my prayers for you and Baker.

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Unfortunately Jen, there are too many of us here on this board that have been in your shoes. We can cry with you, support you and tell you what we've done.


The agonizingly difficult decision however is only yours.


But, I will tell you what I went thru.


My 12 yr old Diamond started limping and I knew almost immediately it was cancer because it was a different kind of pain. It was confirmed and I drove all the way from NJ to OSU so that Dr. Couto would see her. Since he's worked with more greyhounds than any other hospital I wanted his opinion on if my 12 yr old could live as a tripod.


We spent the whole day there and she got prodded and poked and examined from top to bottom. The conclusion was that yes, she could be a tripod, but her recovery might take a little longer.

The next day, we amputated her right front leg (OS of the shoulder). This was Friday. Sat I visited her and while I was prepared to see her without a leg, I wasn't prepared for her reaction, and it bothered me immensely how upset she was. By Sunday, she had accepted what had happened was motoring on 3 legs and the staff said they had a hard time keeping up with her. Everyone was surprised at how fast she was recovering. She was discharge Tuesday morning and we drove back to NJ that day.


She was doing so well that I had to hold her back because I think she forgot that the leg was gone sometimes. The only big change I did for her was build her a ramp to go outside. But, she always had trouble with stairs to begin with.


Dima only had 6 months with me before OS took another leg. But, she was VERY happy and pain free. Even chasing deer. I had a hard time keeping up with her.


It took about 2 weeks before my Dima was herself after the surgery. The pain meds made her anxious. But when I took her off her meds, and saw how happy she was, that was when I realized I made the right decision. I agonized 1 whole month about that decision, to the point I was making myself sick and lost about 5 lbs.


I think all of us go thru the same thing whether they opted for the surgery or not.


But just remember whatever decision you make, you are making it out of love for him. It's not the wrong decision.


Good luck and keep us posted.

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Hello Jennifer,


I'm very sorry to hear about the possiblity that Baker has bone cancer.


We just recently went through the same thing, but our Callie broke her leg. She was just a month shy of 12 at the time. We opted for the amputation (right front leg) and so far **knock on wood** she has done very well!


She just had her 4th chemo treatment this past Friday and we are opting to get an additional two treatments. (she receives it every 4 weeks)


I'm not sure if you know this, but OSU provides the chemo drug free of charge. (they send it overnight to Callie's oncologist) I can't tell you what a Godsend this is!


The support on here is invaluable. I can't thank everyone enough, Jane, Kyle, Cora, etc.. the list goes on and on, that welcomed us and supported us.


I'm not sure if you can get or send private messages yet (since you just signed up), but you are more than welcome to email me at greysunderpressure@sbcglobal.net



:bighug to you and Baker




Kim & Callie

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Kim, (Herman), Pixie (NK Mary Ann), Kitten, Sammie, Darcy and Scout

Callie (Callie Walker), Ava (Lass Dance), July, Peanut, Kodi, Bailey, Kony, PJ, Scampie, Carlo & Casey waiting for us at the bridge

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So sorry for the diagnosis.....Many prayers.


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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