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How Can I Get A Terrified Dog Into The Vets Office?

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Grace is having a rough week. On Saturday we went to get the bandage on her neck changed. She refused to get out of the car, so the vet came to us to do it in the parking lot. Now for the hard part. She has to go in tomorrow to check the wound again, and possibly (hopefully) have her drains removed. How the heck am I going to get her inside??? Usually I just grab her collar and march into the vet, like you would trying to get a hound up the stairs for the first time. That won't work tomorrow because of the severity of her neck wound. Any other thoughts? Treats won't work, she's normally food motivated but not all that interested in treats right now, plus she won't take them at the vet's office. I'm going to call tomorrow to see if they have a back door. I'll have to park a few blocks away and walk her over. I guarantee she won't walk in on her own accord, the vet techs will probably have to help me. Any other tricks or tips?

Edited by gracegirl

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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harness or carry her.


Ryan LOVES LOVES LOVES LOVES food. He's not so interested in it at the vets. But when we had to go in for a BP study, I needed a way to keep him relaxed and it was just too cold to be outside (vet suggest that when we set up the apt) to do it.

So the vet set up some blankets for us in the OR and I brought in a big nasty disgusting fresh bone. Dangled it in front of Ryan and he followed me right into the vet and down the hall into the OR. He only stopped when the vet was in the room (can't trust the vet to not poke you with something sharp even if you are enjoying a bone... or maybe the vet was trying to steal it).


But I'd go with a harness or carry her in option.

Can you take a different route to the vet (Ryan also managed to figure out when we were almost there and by the time we hit the vets driveway, he knew what was up)?


Does the vet have a little red wagon or something to move larger heavy things around? If so, go in, get that, see the beating thread in SB, beat her to a pulp, put her on it and drag her in.



If they have something like that with wheels, see if you can figure out a way to strap her to it so she won't injure herself when she figures it out and bring her in that way.

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Oh God bless, first she gets mauled and now I have to beat her and blindfold her to get to the source of even more torture :rofl (only kidding, of course)


A different route to the vets sounds like a good plan. I plan to park a few blocks away can come in on the backside. She will not let me carry her, but she probably would let the vet techs do that. I have a harness on the way, but it won't be here tomorrow. I'm not even sure it would work because her wounds are so sore and she now has lots of bruising on her chest. It might actually be better just to drag her sore butt into the clinic, I think a collar would be better than a harness at this point. A few more days (and once the drains are removed) the harness will be perfect.


I'm also thinking pushing might be the solution.


Anyone with a video camera want to follow me there? I promise it will be a good show. :D


ETA: Maybe wagon plus blindfold would work.

Edited by gracegirl

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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Guest Tenderhearts

The ONLY way we can get Randy into the vet's without him trying to bolt (and he's food motivated too except at the vet's) is to take one of the other dogs with us, usually Toby. Are you going by yourself tomorrow? I was thinking of you taking Fenway too, but that would be difficult if you are just by yourself.


When Skittle got too big to carry, the only way I could get her in was to park off to the side and come in through his big side door that opened into the OB cattle room. I had to walk fast and use a happy sing song voice before she would lock up on me :blink:


I'd be interested to see if anyone has ideas I might use in the future too! :)

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Might be too late now but there are on anxiety holistic meds you can give her. I have used them on my cat and wow....what a difference! It takes the edge off which can come in handy. The back door sounds like a good idea and yes...drive and park in a different way. Hopefully that will be enough. Hope things go smoothly! :goodluck

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Might be too late now but there are on anxiety holistic meds you can give her. I have used them on my cat and wow....what a difference! It takes the edge off which can come in handy. The back door sounds like a good idea and yes...drive and park in a different way. Hopefully that will be enough. Hope things go smoothly! :goodluck

Duh! I'm blond.....why didn't I think of the Rescue Remedy! I just dug it out, I'll use that too.


Devon, I'm probably going alone. Although it might be a good time to call in a favor to those that have asked if there is anything they can do to help. I'll have Fenway (coming from work, they go to work with me) but I thought I'd leave him in the car. I'm not so sure she'd follow him in....but it might be worth a try if I can recruit a partner.

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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I'm sure one of the techs will carry her in.


Getting close to the door might prove to be a challenge in of itself. I'll let you guys know the outcome. :)


Do keep the suggestions coming though.

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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I doubt a blindfold will work for a dog. Their other senses are so acute compared to ours, she'll know where she is and where she's going without her sight, and not being able to see the 'threats' will probably make her MORE scared rather than less.


I'd carry her, and if she won't let you, ask the vet techs to do it.


Another option is to find a lightweight travel crate you can use inside the car and have a couple of people carry that in for you? Of course, this does mean that she will come to associate the crate with Bad Things which isn't such a good idea in the long run. :( But hopefully, as her treatment progresses, you and the vet staff can find ways to reward her so that eventually she may even look forward to going.


I'd suggest maybe working on that aspect of things - can you take a really, really tasty treat in for her and get one of the techs to offer it to her once they're done with her? Maybe Frosty Paws or ... I dunno - canned whipped cream - liverwurst - whatever she's likely to find irresistible. I'd take cooked sausages or liver cake or something they don't get to have very often at all. My vet tries - he keeps a tin of 'human' biscuits (cookies) to offer a piece to the dogs after he's finished with them. The trouble is, for mine, these have never been tempting enough and he's always stunned when they refuse them! :lol


Poor Gracie. It isn't surprising that she's living on her nerves right now, is it? How is she doing?


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Maybe a towel sling under her belly to help steer her in?


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
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Guest wmlcml6

Our vet techs will come out to the car to help. You can leave her in the vehicle (or call them from the cell phone) while you go let them know you have arrived. Poor baby. I hope the Rescue Remedy works. Also try not to be anxious yourself and that will help a little bit. Greyhounds tend to sense our tension and react to it. (you probably already know that.)



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I was going to suggest that you call a few minutes before you get there and have a vet tech help you. Good luck to you, and I hope everything is healing well.

Aero: http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?d=kees+uncatchable; our bridge angel (1/04/02-8/2/07) Snickers; our bridge angel (1/04/02-2/29/08) Cricket; Kanga Roo: oops girl 5/26/07; Doctor Thunder http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?z=P_31Oj&a...&birthland=
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:grouphug good luck my vets has a nice garden area and while most of the animals have no problems going in (Holly almost has my arm out of the socket trying to get in) I have seen him and the nurses go out and treat frightened dogs in the garden.
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I feel for you as my Grey 'Ivy' is totally terrified of vets too..one or even two persons are NOT able to get

him into a vet office. It's pure torture for him...poor hounds. They don't understand what we humans do to them.

I hope you'll find a solution for your poor Gracie...many healing thoughts for her!


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Marion, Ivy & Soldi


Perseverance is not a long race...

it is many short races one after another.

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Maybe a towel sling under her belly to help steer her in?


I too had been going to suggest a towel under her tummy. Lift up and that will pretty much give you control of the rear and you may be able to sort of "frog march" her right on in. Poor thing. Piper too sometimes gets to the point where he's just had enough of vet visit and blood draws.

Lucy with Greyhound Nate and OSH Tinker. With loving memories of MoMo (FTH Chyna Moon), Spirit, Miles the slinky kitty (OSH), Piper "The Perfect" (Oneco Chaplin), Winston, Yoda, Hector, and Claire.

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just be careful, because she may try to bolt, and since you can't have a collar on her, it might be easier for her to get away. I agree with calling them out to carry her in. they could also give you medication to calm her before you bring her...



Michelle...forever missing her girls, Holly 5/22/99-9/13/10 and Bailey 8/1/93-7/11/05

Religion is the smile on a dog...Edie Brickell

Wag more, bark less :-)

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Guest TBSFlame
Grace is having a rough week. On Saturday we went to get the bandage on her neck changed. She refused to get out of the car, so the vet came to us to do it in the parking lot. Now for the hard part. She has to go in tomorrow to check the wound again, and possibly (hopefully) have her drains removed. How the heck am I going to get her inside??? Usually I just grab her collar and march into the vet, like you would trying to get a hound up the stairs for the first time. That won't work tomorrow because of the severity of her neck wound. Any other thoughts? Treats won't work, she's normally food motivated but not all that interested in treats right now, plus she won't take them at the vet's office. I'm going to call tomorrow to see if they have a back door. I'll have to park a few blocks away and walk her over. I guarantee she won't walk in on her own accord, the vet techs will probably have to help me. Any other tricks or tips?

Have someone strong pick her up and carry her inside. That's what DH did yesterday when Beecher refused to go in the exam room.

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Guest savvyprchick

How about trying to use something like a litter (a bedsheet might work) with several people (vet techs). She could try to jump off, but if everyone was watching her, you could set her down before she did that.


Too bad they don't have something like the people movers that are in the airports where you could just get her to step on and you'd be inside the vet's in no time.


Good luck!

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When Zim went through a phase where she was terrified of the car I tried everything under the sun to get her in the car. Finally I just gave up & just starting picking her up & putting her in. She eventually got over this thank goodness. Also I would muzzle for safety since she is hurt & scared. Good luck & I hope her wound is getting better.

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For such a drama queen the other day, she went in just fine today. I parked a few blocks away and walked a different way into the office. Still used the same door, but came from a different direction. Of course, when we got home she wouldn't get out of the car. We'll see how it goes on Thursday, I hope to have her harness by then.

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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