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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. Congratulations on Banjo--he's a great-looking guy. Congratulations and good wishes for your ongoing recovery.
  2. Wiki. Lying in the yard is sooooo relaxing, especially after the fruit-sugar hit from watermelon.
  3. My dogs have always been pretty good at getting along. The kitties, though, are a whole 'nother matter. I have a foster boy, 18 1/2, who is a jerk when he feels punk _and_ when another kitty is unwell. As my own kitty got sicker, the foster was a jerk more often. I've learned more about pack dynamics from the kitties than the dogs.
  4. I'm so very sorry. You wrote a beautiful remembrance for a very special boy who was much too young to have to leave. Godspeed Lucas.
  5. Definitely variations in comfort level, with the kitty being on top.
  6. Uh oh. Better get that kibble and stuffing ready ASAP.
  7. In the second pic, Punkin looks like she's cheering for her good films. Glad she's eating. Hope the other end settles soon.
  8. Tally used to come to the office to let me know it was dinnertime. She was always right on time. LaVida
  9. I'm glad Punkin is doing well. Good for AnnIE for providing moral support to both Punkin and all the clinic staff.
  10. Thank you Trudy. I hope this little girl finds a great home through GT.
  11. Happy Birthday Willa and Doolin! The pre- and post-birthday pics are great, even the outtakes. They both have such clear intense eyes.
  12. "How to Give Your Human a (Minor) Heart Attack," the new bestseller by AnnIE. I often have similar minor heart attacks on walks, when a dog is about to step on ... Oh, a pine cone. Whew.
  13. Glad to hear Punkin is feeling better. She looks great!
  14. Happy 11th gorgeous LaVida! The sun and turf suit you.
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