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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. Happy Gotcha Day Doolin! Maybe one day soon you'll be as brave as you are handsome. Miss Jan, you done good. ETA: Toodles and Daisy want to explore a horse pasture.
  2. I believe Sugar Alcohol is a group term for several sugar substitutes, including xylitol. This was the first link when I googled Sugar Alcohol; see "Identifying Them," which is part way down the page: https://www.ynhh.org/services/nutrition/sugar-alcohol
  3. Happy 13th Facebook!!!! I'm glad to hear that you're a happy boy. Toodles (14 in July) welcomes you to the teenager club.
  4. I had much the same thought, except I suspected she was cleaning up after, not preparing.
  5. Yep. That's what I'd pick too. The ancient chain-link here is under 4', and I've never had a problem, in part because of the hill.
  6. That's wonderful! It's so nice for the girls to be able to wander without a humom tagging along, potty wherever, and even do a short romp. They have lots of space. How high is the fence?
  7. Another way in which Toodles resembles Punkin. Yay for good eating!
  8. I sure hope so. Geez Mark, don't scare your humans like that.
  9. Thanks Jan. Tood might just be governing her own intake--there isn't any gurgling and she's been off and on breakfast every since she arrived here over 5 1/2 years ago--but she's almost 14 and cannot afford to be any thinner. I agree 100%.
  10. Thanks Jan. Toodles is on Mirtazapine, but sometimes that's not enough.
  11. Congratulations on Banjo--he's a great-looking guy. Congratulations and good wishes for your ongoing recovery.
  12. Wiki. Lying in the yard is sooooo relaxing, especially after the fruit-sugar hit from watermelon.
  13. My dogs have always been pretty good at getting along. The kitties, though, are a whole 'nother matter. I have a foster boy, 18 1/2, who is a jerk when he feels punk _and_ when another kitty is unwell. As my own kitty got sicker, the foster was a jerk more often. I've learned more about pack dynamics from the kitties than the dogs.
  14. I'm so very sorry. You wrote a beautiful remembrance for a very special boy who was much too young to have to leave. Godspeed Lucas.
  15. Definitely variations in comfort level, with the kitty being on top.
  16. Uh oh. Better get that kibble and stuffing ready ASAP.
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