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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. Gorgeous houndies. Love the sunshine too. We've had two days of freezing rain and very little sun this week. Willa sleeping-->Not so elegant, now, eh Willa?
  2. Wow. Incredibly spare and elegant.
  3. Good of you to supply a car with a suitable chin rest for AnnIE.
  4. I hope she didn't have a whacking headache from all the debauchery. (Response is late as I'm way behind on GT.)
  5. Er. Um. Hmmmm. Maybe she thought the cat would attack her if she smelled of dog. Some of the people who greet my girls have kitties. They usually receive an extra close inspection.
  6. It's really too bad those stripey dogs don't get along.
  7. Yep, sorry girls, but "go out no matter the weather" is in your job description.
  8. I've had a couple of natural sitters. Hildy was the best. She did it several times the day I met her; she was cold. All of the others learned, even big Graham and wobbly Cal. I just love self-appointed experts. ETA: Forgot the most important part of my reply-- Gorgeous girl. Perfect sit.
  9. You're a terrific hunter, Mooney! Great photos, as always. I especially like the first one because he is so intent and so athletic.
  10. I'm so very sorry. Your handsome boy was much too young to have to leave. Godspeed Toffee.
  11. I'm so very sorry. She, like Georgie Girl, was fortunate to have found you for her final years. I can't even imagine how hard it was to lose both in two days. Godspeed Hada.
  12. I'm so very sorry. Your sweet girl was lucky to have found you for her final years. Godspeed Georgie Girl.
  13. I too thought of thyroid. Whenever we decide to test thyroid properly, we do the MSU (Michigan State) panel, which includes an interpretation by an endocrinologist. (Not sure where you're located.)
  14. Glad you dropped by. I too miss the pre-fb days. I tried following some fb Greyhound groups but they were too busy and too ... argumentative. I do love it when Lexie's mom posts LFA (Lexie from above) pics. Sometimes I see Batmom's posts. There are a few other people I "see" on fb. For Greyhound news, I much prefer this group. Very few Greyhounds are making it to Canada. I still have three (12, 13, and 14) and a standard poodle (almost 9). I don't expect to bring home another Grey, but we'll see ...
  15. Happy Half-Gotcha Logan. You look great, even when you're not pleased.
  16. Pretty much. When we have a few inches of fresh powder, Hildy (12 1/4) likes to walk along with her nose just above it, "Sniff, sniff, sniff, SNORT." All of my current girls like snow. Me, not so much.
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