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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. Holding Misty in my prayers and sending thoughts her way.
  2. Oh crap. This monster robs us of precious time with our babies and steals them away. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. It's good to rule out VF just in case. Wishing you quality time and special moments to cherish with your beloved Isis.
  3. Just seeing this now. Holding your sweet Cora in my prayers for an uneventful recovery and complete healing of her leg.
  4. Sending wishes and prayers for your sweet Solo.
  5. Sending prayers for a quiet night, and a gentle passing tomorrow. My heart aches for you.
  6. Holding Lewis in my prayers...
  7. What a heart warming tribute to your Best Boy. He was much loved and will live on forever in your hearts. Godspeed, sweet Buddy...
  8. How's Clark doing today? Checking in for an update...
  9. Yes, there's some potentially nasty side effects, including elevated blood pressure.
  10. Poor lil' peanut. I hope he's feeling better soon!
  11. I'm so very sorry you lost your handsome boy. Know that you gave him a retirement that was love filled and safe, in which he was a cherished family member. He will live on forever in your hearts. Godspeed, precious Bullet...
  12. Oh no. My heart is breaking for you. Sending prayers for a gentle passing and asking my Bridge kids to be on the lookout for your best boy.
  13. I'm sorry he's not improving. Hopefully you'll get a treatable diagnosis today and be back on the road to recovery. Holding your sweet baby in my prayers, surrounded by light.
  14. OMG. This must be tearing you apart. You know your boy best and can weigh the advice of the vets with your gut feeling and intuitive sense of what to do. You have my support for whatever seems right. Holding Logan in my prayers and sending lots of hugs your way.
  15. My deepest condolences to you and your DH. Your Queen will live on forever in your hearts, never to be forgotten. She reminds me so much of lil' Phoenix. Godspeed, sweet Ectasy...
  16. I'm so very sorry. Was hoping you'd have much more time with your brave girl. I will always be one of her fans, now cheering her on at the Bridge. Godspeed, sweet Polli...
  17. Congrats on chipping! He's a handsome fella...
  18. Sending more prayers and light to Miss Flippy Doo.
  19. Sending prayers for a treatable diagnosis, and loads of light for better days ahead.
  20. Oh no. Your poor baby. If you're not going to amputate, no need to do a biopsy. Fungal diseases can be detected via a blood test, titering for cocci if it's possibly Valley Fever. Has he been tested for TBD's? If he's still uncomfortable with just the Metacam, ask your vet about combining an NSAID with tramadol for more effective pain relief. BTW, if you get a prescription for tramadol, it's pretty inexpensive at Costco, Walmart, etc. Sending lots of prayers and light to you and your sweet boy.
  21. So very sorry. You've done everything possible for your sweet girlie. Hoping she can be comfortable and soak up as much loving as possible before it's time to leave.
  22. Absolutely the best news, Patti! Sending more prayers for a quiet, calm and grace-filled recovery for Miss Pave Maria. Also sending more light to Dee.
  23. Oh dear... Sending prayers and light to your Boogie boy.
  24. I'm so happy for you. You've got yourself a darling lil' roacher. Surely Cindy had a paw in sending her to you.
  25. iluvgreys


    I'm so very sorry. I wish life could have been easier for him, and not heartbreaking for you. Godspeed, precious Phoenix...
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