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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. Holding your sweet Polli in my prayers. Glad to hear that the meds are working.
  2. Your treatment plan for Carrie sounds very reasonable. Especially the Burpdog biscuits! Sending more prayers, healing light and good thoughts her way.
  3. Sending prayers and light to your sweet Lewis. And many hugs to you, too...
  4. Poor lil' pumpkin. The video is touching. He just doesn't feel right, does he? Keeping the prayers and light flowing to your sweet boy.
  5. Congrats! He's one gorgeous pupper!
  6. My deepest condolences to you and your DH. Godspeed, sweet Clandro...
  7. Oh no... Holding your baby girl in my prayers, surrounded by light.
  8. Yikes. Sending more prayers and good thoughts to you and your girlie.
  9. iluvgreys

    Tisha T

    My deepest condolences to you for your loss. Hope you'll post more pics of your special girl. Godspeed, sweet Tilly...
  10. My deepest condolences to you. Your baby girl is now running pain-free with the angels and will live on forever in your heart.
  11. I'm very sorry for your loss. Godspeed, sweet Wendel...
  12. He was such a handsome boy, and that video of him playing with the rubber chicken is great. Constant waggin' tail...a very happy hound. He'll be very missed. Godspeed, sweet Cairo...
  13. My deepest condolences to you. What a touching tribute to your special boy. He was cherished and a beloved family member. Godspeed, sweet Tanner...
  14. I'm so sorry Hilda. Your sweet boy is now free from pain, playing with his new pals at the Bridge, forever in your heart.
  15. My deepest condolences for your loss. Their time on this earth is just too brief, no matter how many years they are with us. Godspeed, sweet Gidget...
  16. Agree totally. I'm so very sorry you're having to deal with this. Do keep on top of the pain and cherish every moment you have with your sweet boy.
  17. He's looking fabulous! Give that sweet Willie some kisses from us.
  18. Scary. Sending loads of prayers and light to your precious girlie.
  19. I'm so saddened by your loss. Followed Ranger's journey here and on CoG, hoping you'd have many happy tripod years. His work here must have been done. Know that he's running like the wind at the bridge, with all his new pals, and will forever be with you in spirit.
  20. I'm so very sorry for your loss. He was far too young... Godspeed, precious Caesar...
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