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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. What a precious little soul. Congrats on adopting! Your life is forever changed.
  2. She's stunning! Love those fuzz-faced houndies. Congrats on adopting Tess.
  3. Oh dear. Maybe it's just an abcessed tooth? Hoping it's nothing serious. Sending lots of prayers...
  4. Adding my prayers for the Flashman.
  5. Sounds like he's adjusting very well. Welcome to GT and congrats on adopting your first!
  6. Congrats on chipping! Nothing like adding a handsome lovey boy...
  7. My heart is breaking for you. It's such a hard decision to make. However, giving her the final release from pain is the greatest gift of all... made from a place of loving kindness. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Ebony this week.
  8. Congrats on chipping! You've got yourself a big puppy. Must share pics of your boy. I'm sure Fly is pleased with your choice.
  9. iluvgreys


    I'm so sorry. Godspeed, sweet Kylie...
  10. Oh Claudia... I'm so sorry it was time for her to leave. Surely she's met my Bridge gang who help to welcome the newcomers. She's in the finest of company, and will always live on in your heart.
  11. Limping can be many things, but hounds can also get osteo at a young age. Check his pads and between the toes carefully. If limping continues past 3 days, would get to a vet and do x-rays. Hoping it's something simple...
  12. My deepest condolences to you for your loss. I'm glad she got to live out her day in your loving care. She'll never be forgotten...
  13. So very sorry you're having to deal with this too. My heart goes out to you and your baby girl.
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss. Godspeed, sweet Vixen...
  15. OS is such a monster. I'm so very sorry that it's taking your baby girl so soon. Holding you both in my prayers and light during this most difficult time.
  16. My deepest condolences to you. Your sweet Willie is at the Bridge among all his new angel pals, running pain-free with the wind on all 4 again. He'll always be remembered...
  17. My heart aches for you, Shannon. I know how much you adored that sweet girl of yours. Godspeed, Sydney Sue...
  18. I'm so sorry to hear your news, Claudia. You've tried everything possible for your precious girlie. Will hold you and Misty in my prayers.
  19. So glad to hear that Miss Kylie is better! FWIW, in my limited experience with e-vets, they manage to charge at least $800 for a night of supportive therapy. If diagnostic tests are done (eg., sonogram, more x-rays, etc.) it's MUCH more expensive and a diagnosis still may not be reached.
  20. How tragic. I'm so very sorry for your sudden loss. Heaven must have been calling your boyo home early. Godspeed, sweet Roo...
  21. Poor lil' pumpkin. He's been such a trooper with the amputation and all. Was so hoping he'd have much more time with you. Sending prayers for courage and strength to do what is necessary. Keeping your sweet boy surrounded by loving light.
  22. Sounds like a good combo of meds. With my hounds, profound swelling gradually occurred at the site of the OS. Then overnight, the whole leg swelled up horribly and they couldn't weight bear at all. My vet thought that it was either a failure of the lymphatic system or microfractures of the bone. At any rate, their eyes told me it was "time." Could your wife use a sling under the tummy of your girl to help her up and down the stairs? That might eliminate the need to carry and worked with mine when I had a two-story home. Even just a bath towel looped under the stomach can be enough support.
  23. Oh crap! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with OS. Have lost 3 to this monster, and they only made it 6 weeks, from the date of the first limp. Are you combining an NSAID with tramadol? That seems to be a more effective approach for pain management. Sending prayers and hugs.
  24. He's one handsome dude! Love the shy ones too...
  25. My deepest condolences, Mary. I can't imagine how your heart must be aching.
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