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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. My deepest condolences to you, Tom and Pat. It must be especially hard to lose a cherished grey for an unknown/rare cause. Know that your sweet boy is running like the wind with all his new Bridge angel pals and will never be forgotten.
  2. Excellent news in the update. You can beat this, Miss Flippy Doodle.
  3. OMG. Your precious boy has been through so much already. Life can be so unfair. Holding Phoenix in my prayers, surrounded by loving light for his highest good.
  4. I'm glad you've decided to proceed with the amp. and that all tests look good! Will continue to hold your precious girlie in my prayers and light. Please consider joining the yahoo group Circle of Grey for additional support and advice. Sending hugs to you, too.
  5. Sounds like things are going as well as possible. Continued prayers and light for your sis and sweet Pave.
  6. Are the x-rays in digital form? If so, send to Dr. Couto ASAP for his opinion. Sorry you're having to deal with this possibility. Meanwhile, be sure that her pain is managed well with meds.
  7. I'm so very sorry for your loss. You were lucky to share your heart and home with such a sweet broodie, even though the time was too short. Godspeed, precious Suenos... Send your momma a sign that you're safe at the Bridge.
  8. I'm very sorry for your sudden loss. She was a beautiful girl who brought much joy into your lives. Godspeed, sweet Emily...
  9. Sending light and loving energy your way Patti, as you give Pave Maria every chance at life.
  10. Poor pupper... What you're doing is fine. Sometimes, greys can just be quirky. No particular reason for a change. Maybe try some stinky food? Sardines, jack mac or tuna added as a topper. Keep him separated and give him plenty of time to find his appetite. Sending thoughts to your precious boy.
  11. iluvgreys


    Oh no... Osteo is SUCH a monster. Godspeed, sweet Seamus...
  12. No suggestions but this development is heart wrenching. Holding Miss Polli in my prayers and surrounded with healing light for her highest good.
  13. My deepest condolences to you for your loss. Godspeed, sweet boy...
  14. Very sorry that your precious boy is not feeling better. Sending more prayers, light and good thoughts his way for his highest good.
  15. Oh no... Sending lots more prayers and loving light to Flippy and her momma.
  16. So glad to hear that Lewis is feeling much better. I hope you come to GT anytime you need support. Osteo is such a monster and can suddenly rear it's ugly head and make life miserable for all.
  17. I'm so sorry to hear your news. Just doesn't seem fair. Holding your special girlie in my prayers and sending lots of healing light her way.
  18. Adding my prayers for Luke and sending wishes his way.
  19. iluvgreys


    OMG. What a tragedy. My heart goes out to this poor pupper and his family. Godspeed, precious Karson...
  20. My heart is aching for you. Godspeed, sweet Mouse...
  21. I'm so sorry for your loss. She was such a spunky girl and an inspiration for adopting a senior houndie. Godspeed, beautiful Carrie...
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