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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. The combination of an NSAID and narcotic seems to work better for OS than just an NSAID alone. Thus the recommendation of tramadol + the meloxicam or Deramaxx. Suggest you also join the Circle of Grey for additional support and advice. Sending more prayers and light to your precious Ricky.
  2. Congrats! Your life will soon be changed forever! Very handsome boys, BTW.
  3. I'm so very sorry for this terrible diagnosis. Stay ahead of the pain and use meds generously. I would avoid letting Ricky jump up or down from things like couches and beds, and minimize stairs, too. Hoping you have many more good days with your sweet boy.
  4. It was brave of you to share Jock's story. He was a beloved family member who owned your heart. I appreciate how painful it must feel to live without his physical presence in your home. His loving spirit is just a whisper away...
  5. That's great news! You're becoming a local expert in VF.
  6. Very sorry to hear your news. Hoping you have much more quality time with your precious boy.
  7. That's a nasty bugger. Thanks for sharing this info.
  8. Sending more prayers and healing light to your sweetie. Hope he can come home soon.
  9. iluvgreys

    Abita Romeo

    My deepest condolences to you. You gave your precious boy freedom from suffering/pain, and he's now running like the wind with his new pals at the Bridge. May you find peace with his passing and allow the joyful memories to comfort you.
  10. So very hard to see our hounds in pain, even with massive pain meds. That's the horror of osteo... You'll know when it's time to say goodbye to your precious Romeo. With each of mine, they only lasted 6 weeks from the first limp until swelling set in that couldn't be controlled. His eyes will tell you when it's time. Sending more prayers and hugs to you both.
  11. What a lovely tribute to your fine ol' gal. I'm very sorry it was time for her to go. She enriched your life and will never be forgotten. Godspeed, sweet Bugsy...
  12. Tami, I'm so very sorry for your loss. Your home will seem too quiet without your naughty girl. May her loving spirit live on forever in your heart. Godspeed, precious Angel...
  13. Excellent news! Sending 's for your sweet girlie.
  14. My heart goes out to you. It's so very painful to loose a precious pupper. Know that your sweet Sami is in the best of company at the Bridge...
  15. My deepest condolences to you. Godspeed, sweet Knobby...
  16. Sending prayers and wishes for your sweet Angel.
  17. OMG. Unreal... and incomprehensible. My heart goes out to you and Ken for this sudden loss of a youngster. I hope you find some answers. Godspeed, sweet Bodhi...
  18. Holding you both in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping you have much more quality time with your precious Zoe.
  19. My deepest condolences for your sudden loss. Their time with us is never long enough. May you connect with her loving spirit that lives on in your heart space. Godspeed, sweet Willow...
  20. I'm so very sorry. OS is SUCH a monster. Talk with your vet about using a combination of meds, like the Metacam + tramadol. Pain control is critical. You also might want to consider joining the Circle of Grey for additional support and advice re treatment options. Sending more prayers to your sweet Clark.
  21. What a lovely tribute to your princess. She was a cherished family member and had you wrapped around her little paws. Godspeed, sweet Isis... run like the wind with the angels.
  22. I'm very sorry for your loss of your best boy. You were fortunate to share your heart and home with such a special soul. May you always feel his loving spirit with you in your heart, where love lives on. Godspeed, sweet Caesar...
  23. Excellent! He's a very handsome fella, and it sounds like he'll have plenty of love and company between you and your folks.
  24. The risk of infection in So Cal is low, however the risk increases with time spent outdoors and exposure to coastal area where the infection rate is reportedly higher. See Map for more info. Additional info is available Here. I also think about the number of foreclosures in SoCal with swimming pools that are left filled and can be potential breeding grounds for mosquitos. The risk may be rising faster than research is able to document. For me, it seems like the cost of meds far outweighs the risk of infection and treatment for the nasty buggers.
  25. He was such a beloved companion. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Godspeed, sweet Lewis...
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